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[Warframe Concept] Lumen


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Lumen (Photon) , Male-Frame focusing light to deal damage or manipulate reflexions


Health 100 (300)
Shield 150 (450)
Armor  50
Power 100 (150)
Speed  1.0

1. Ability Laser/Vaporize 25Power

Focusing light in to one spot do deal 100/200/300/500 dmg on enemies behind each other


Focusing light in to one spot dealing 50/100/150/200 dmg once every sec for 3 secs

2. Ability Flash 10-25Power

Teleports Lumen 2/3/5/7 meters in front of him, not dealing dmg and cant move vertical only horizontal

(should be able to teleport through Enemies but not through objects like crates)
(if the terrain moves up Lumen should be moved as well)
(this skill is meant as him moving really quick not as teleporting him to some location)

3. Ability Reflexion 75Power

Turns every enemies in 3/4/6/9 meters skin into a mirror reflecting 20%/40%/60%/100% they receive to the next 1/1/2/3 Enemies around them in 5 meters(cant be increased) for 5/7/9/13 sec

(the damage can only bounce once)

4. Ability Kaleidoscope 100Power

Lumen copies him self 1/1/1/2 times the copies will attack with the equiped range weapon (meaning primary or secondary which ever was equipped) dealing 50%/75%/100%/75% damage of that weapon last for 5/10/15/20 sec.


so lets hear what are your opinions

Greetings from Germany

Edited by Numoth
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sounds nice but i'd call it photon ^^


 thats a nice idea


i put it in like a suggestion^^


However is first ability shouldnt be to good i thought about what a first ability could be,

i think its a pretty fair skill compared to over frames first ability although i am open to

other ideas for his first skill

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Damn, you beat me to this idea. :(


For the most part I was thinking the same things the OP listed.


What I was thinking was...


Name: Luminus/ Lumina, Male/Female-frame (gender doesn't matter for me as long as it looks badass! >:D)




(same as OP)




1.Laser/Vaporize (names...)

Energy Cost: 25

-Fires a laser that deals 100/200/300/400 damage to 3/4/5/6 enemies in a line. Does not go through objects except Grineer shields. Range of laser is similar to the Flux Rifle's range. Not sure if auto-tracking or self-aiming is best for this ability. (animation should look similar to Dethcube's Vaporize not Dera/Supra. Those ain't lasers!)


2.Flash Bang (again bad with names. Probably a better one out there.)

Energy Cost: 50

-Releases a bright flash in a 10m radius while bending light around itself and fellow Tennos giving all cell members invisibility for 6/7/8/10 secs. Melee attacks deal 25% extra damage and charged attacks deal 50% extra damage (does not affect critical rate). Staggers enemies for 1 sec in 10m radius(the invisibility animation should be transparent but have a warped feel. Like a fish tank. ( o{| ) its a fish tank...with a fish... orz)



Energy Cost: 75

- Creates a shield around the player with a radius of 5m that absorbs all incoming enemy ranged damage and fires a laser at the player's reticule dealing 150/200/250/300 damage a second. The shield lasts for 15 secs. In addition, 50/65/80/100% of absorbed damage is also applied to the laser. The player will be unable to fire any weapon or use melee and restricted to a walking pace. There is no invulnerability to knockdowns, staggers, or melee attacks but will deal 150/200/250/300 damage to enemies caught within the shield radius.


4.Kaleidoscope (thanks for the name OP!) 

Energy Cost: 100

-Produces 1/1/2/3 holograms of the frame and last for 5/10/15/20 secs. These holograms attack using an ability identical to the frame's first ability with identical scaling and will be able to fire indefinitely ,with a short break between bursts, so long as there are enemies with in range. They will attack the closest target and walk around of their own accord (they will stand still while firing). They do not take damage but are able to take aggro from enemies.(can not force aggro like Loki's Decoy or Sayrn's molt. closer to aggro mechanics involved with players)




Not sure what would look cool, but I feel like parts of the frame being transparent like glass would be cool. And that those parts would have a tint the same color as the energy. 


Well there's my two cents. Hope you liked it! 

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