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[Warframe Concept] Heracles - Grappling Warframe


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I'm a bit miffed that I can't post this on the council, but I decided to go ahead and post it here anyway.


I've wanted a frame that's focused on massive single-target melee damage and lockdown, and a weapon or power that encorporates grappling; I opted to design one around both. After a couple weeks of brainstorming, I devised the parameters, powers, and concept for Heracles--the Grappling Warframe.

Shields: 100
Health: 125
Armor: 50
Base Energy: 100
Speed: 0.95
Polarities: D and V
Concussion - 25 Energy
Must be within 2m range. If a humanoid or moa, grapples a single target (German Suplex) for 150 / 300 / 450 / 600 armor-piercing damage (affected by Focus), and stuns all targets within 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 meters (not affected by Stretch). If a non-humanoid or stable (unable to be knocked down) boss, delivers a dropkick that deals 180 /  360 / 540 / 720 armor-piercing damage (affected by Focus).
Reckoning - 50 Energy
Throws all knockable targets within 5m in a 120 degree cone upwards before delivering a headbutt for 150 / 300 / 450 / 600 armor-piercing damage (affected by Focus), knocking all targets back with force equivalent to twice that of a Kestrel. Only affects targets that can be knocked back.
Unbreakable - 75 Energy
1s cast time. Grants 20% / 30% / 40% / 50% damage resistance (affected by Focus) and immunity to stun and knockdown for 6 / 8 / 8 / 10 seconds (affected by Continuity). Additionally, increases damage with melee weapons and powers by 10% / 20% / 30% / 40% for the duration (unaffected by any mod).
Skyfall - 100 Energy
25m range. Leaps towards the player's crosshair target, delivering an elbow drop that deals 600 / 750 / 900 / 1050 armor-piercing damage (affected by Focus) and knocking down all possible targets within 8 / 10 / 10 / 12 meters (affected by Stretch).



I don't know if he's too overpowered or too underpowered, but I was tweaking all the elements for a couple days before settling on this.


As far as appearance goes... I imagine him being built bulkier than Excalibur and more top-heavy, with reinforcements along the upper chest, arms, and thighs; a default helmet with a pair of bull-like horns; armor on the right shoulder;  and thick "boots" with kneecap plating. None of that is final apart from the body type, since I'm not exactly familiar with designing organic suits.


I heard that grappling was mentioned on the stream Wednesday, and that pushed me a bit more to post this. I'm not holding out, but I personally want a new frame themed around something other than an element or animal, and I designed Heracles as a frame I'd want to main for life.

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Grappling, as a freaking grappling hook for climbing, not these wrestling moves or whatever crap this is about. ._. We just need an item than is permanent, non consumable, that goes in our gear that is a grappling hook. ._.

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This seems far to overpowered. 3 of his abilities are offensive, all with armour piercing and knockdown and insanly high damage. The last one, fully upgraded doing 1050 damage BASE, plus armour piercing AND knockdown! Not even Frost's avalanche does that, and almost everyone agrees he is the OP frame (yet I still don't understand why people don't consider him a Godframe and Vauban is... i mean what?)

The damage levels would need fixed, and only ONE ability should have armour piercing and/or knockdown.

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This seems far to overpowered. 3 of his abilities are offensive, all with armour piercing and knockdown and insanly high damage. The last one, fully upgraded doing 1050 damage BASE, plus armour piercing AND knockdown! Not even Frost's avalanche does that, and almost everyone agrees he is the OP frame (yet I still don't understand why people don't consider him a Godframe and Vauban is... i mean what?)

The damage levels would need fixed, and only ONE ability should have armour piercing and/or knockdown.

The AP damage was to make him more specific to Grineer like Ember is to Infested, and in addition to that, all but the ult are melee only. 1050 is lower than many of the other frames' ults.


Perhaps armor ignore would be preferable for his powers, but then, what about Ember? Her powers have range and do significant damage plus double to Infested. Heracles's protection buff also has much lower resistance than Ember's.

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The AP damage was to make him more specific to Grineer like Ember is to Infested, and in addition to that, all but the ult are melee only. 1050 is lower than many of the other frames' ults.


Perhaps armor ignore would be preferable for his powers, but then, what about Ember? Her powers have range and do significant damage plus double to Infested. Heracles's protection buff also has much lower resistance than Ember's.

Actually, Frost is the most overpowered frame there currently is, and his ultimate only does 1000 with no armour piercing or knockback.

Frost is the best frame against Grineer as they are weak against Ice. Volt and Vauban to Corpus and Ember to Infested. Its not that the frames are designed to fight that specific enemy type, its that their powers do a certain type of damage, so they just end up doing more to that enemy.

Embers powers may have range, but they lack time. They don't stay for long enough, and their casting time is just as bad (especially considering she isn't invulnerable when casting). Embers resistance buff isn't that good at all. It's not strong enough to reduce damage enough to keep you alive, even against infested (which you would think it would work better against).

Having is Ultimate melee only is basicly Ash's blade storm.

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