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Sword Staff - [Melee Weapon]


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Hello people, i am here to suggest one of my favorite weapons from all time.


The almighty Sword staff. It is quite similar with a normal Spear or even a Halberd but i does have a few slight changes that completely change how you manage this kind of weapon.


I'll be using an image from another game, therefore i will have in on spoiler and without the game name or weapon name for obvious reasons.


This is what i am proposing:


Image 1



Image 2



Image 3



As you can see (on the images above) the blade part is quite larger/longer than usual Spear and Halberd have. This enables you to use this weapon in both "spear-like" weapon and a 2 handed Sword, therefore the name, Sword Staff.


In case of Warframe, this weapon would have an animation similar to Orthos and/or Bo, for the simple reason that, this is not a purely "slashing" weapon, but also a blunt (one edge blade, the other blunt).


I won't be talking about stats, that's none of my busyness, i'm just suggesting a new melee skin/weapon aspect.


Hope you like this weapon as much as i do. I would really like to see this here.






PS: For those who recognize the weapon and game, you're awesome!

Edited by Endrance
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Swordstaff... Are you talking about Naginata? 'Cause I think this is how you call those weapons at the pictures.

Naginata are glaive type weapon (not our Glaive, the real "glaive"), they have a bigger blade but not for the same purpose as Sword Staff.


While Naginata were made to be heavy melee weapons, using the weight of the blade to chop enemies to pieces without the need of agile movements, since it was more based on normal horizontal slash and vertical slash (most used when mounted on a horse back), Sword Staff is used for a more "agile" approach, just like a combat staff, but with a bigger bladed edge and used only (most of the time) when on foot, since on horse back it's a regular spear.


Although the base concept between Naginata and Sword Staff is very similar. In simple "Warframe" words, Naginata would be a Heavy Weapon while Sword Staff would be a Light Weapon.


Edit: Extra: Forgot to mention that, there were some Chinese Warriors (Guan Yu for example) that got really famous at the point of being called legends for their usage of Naginatas, they were so incredible strong and agile with them that it made Naginata look like regular spears because of their ease to use them in both close combat and horse combat..


PS: For further information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swordstaff

Sword Staff is the middle point between sword and spear, half of each, decent blade (sword) and decent range (spear)

Edited by Endrance
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