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Chat Suspensions: A rehashed topic that should be figured out by now.


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There are few human moderators on PS4, and that's a problem. DE'S solution to keeping cancer out of Region chat is to write a bot that kicks without warning, and without any kind of appeal process. There is no list of words that will trigger a kick.

I think George Carlin put it best in his HBO special. Nobody gives you a list! Nobody That's the problem! Wouldn't it be normal if they didn't want you to say those words, they'd give you a list?! You never know what's going to be on the list.


I'll be honest. I'm a potty mouth, but the game is rated M. We slice people open to get the goodies inside, tear their souls from their bodies, and consume their bodies to spread an infection.

We can't say the word Satan? We can't even discuss the state of trade chat and use acronyms used commonly in it? What's the point of Region chat anymore? To share Clem Memes? To talk about raping children? Ask about which frame we'd like to F***? I'd say not, but that's what it's turned into on PS4.


Look, I'm sorry if I offend someone's sensibilities with "bad words". But I think people need to grow a thicker skin. This is the internet. People swear. @(*()$ deal with it.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)Dracosphinx2 said:

Look, I'm sorry if I offend someone's sensibilities with "bad words". But I think people need to grow a thicker skin. This is the internet. People swear. @(*()$ deal with it.

It's not about "bad" words.  It's about denigrating words.  I don't get why people don't or won't understand that.  The reason that most words are put in Kickbot's list is because they denigrate others, not because they are swear words.  Changing your filter settings or having the game be Rated M doesn't have anything to do with whether DE wants to allow people to denigrate others.

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11 hours ago, (Xbox One)R3d P01nt said:

It's not about "bad" words.  It's about denigrating words.  I don't get why people don't or won't understand that.  The reason that most words are put in Kickbot's list is because they denigrate others, not because they are swear words.  Changing your filter settings or having the game be Rated M doesn't have anything to do with whether DE wants to allow people to denigrate others

You're focusing on the easy part of my post. How about we try to answer the hard part. What's the point of Region chat, and how are DE moderating it to keep that vision? I'd say poorly. Any other chat room has human oversight from moderators, and warnings are standard practice. You may be right, it's not about "bad words". But how about a list of "denigrating" words that are not allowed, and a temporary kick with a timer and a warning message?

I said hail Satan in chat, tongue in cheek, to a player proselytizing us. Kicked, no warning, no notification other than a dead feed. It's arbitrary and bullS#&$, and I know that any larger company would be lambasted to no end over a similar policy.

Look, I love the game. I have a lot of respect for what DE is doing with the game. I just think the fundamental issue is the lack of human oversight and lack of contextual understanding of words and how they affect others.

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There are human moderators, but they can't be on the chats 24/7.  They are players too, so they don't just police the chats - they also do missions, trade, etc.  So, DE instituted Kickbot, an algorithm that can only look for keywords.  It doesn't understand context, so it can only look for words.  Could it be better?  Perhaps.  But, it's not arbitrary - it's simply unlisted.  That said, I, and many others, have never run afoul of Kickbot and gotten banned for what wording we use.

11 hours ago, (PS4)Dracosphinx2 said:

I said hail Satan in chat, tongue in cheek, to a player proselytizing us.

Instead of feeding what seems an unwelcome use of Region chat, you can do quite a few other things:

  • Whisper the player and ask them not to proselytize, as it's neither the time nor the place for it
  • Ignore the player so that you don't see their messages
  • Take screenshots and report the player to support

I do agree that when a ban occurs, there should be more communication to the player to understand why it happened and for how long it will be in effect.

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Guides of the lotus recruitment frequency is just too low. Whenever a guide is in region alongside the bot, the chat isn't perfect but it's less cancerous.  More guides would mean more monitoring in difeerent timezones and hours of the day.  A guide is also used to get feedback live from users in region chat, the more they had the more opinions they could synthesize together too.

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