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[Request] Let clan admins send inbox messages


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Simple but highly desirable addition: Give clan members (Who have been given the permission via their rank) send an inbox message to all the Tenno in their clan in one simple window.

The Inbox system is a super useful tool that has been overlooked, It would be super useful and many clan leaders would appreciate it. Not to mention how simple of an addition it is, if 3 or 4 people work on it, the could be done in 2 days, tops, several hours realistically, but i overestimate because i'm not familiar with Warframe's code.

Pretty please? It would be a small amount of work for a large amount of QoL for clan leaders and admins, It would just require a new dialog box and a new clan permission checkbox

[To DE]: While i am not directly familiar with C++, i am very familiar with coding logic, I could list all of the logic patterns if you would like, then you would just have to translate them to raw C++.

God how i would love to learn C++, (wouldn't be that hard as i'm already familiar with C) And get a job at DE doing these simple but big deal things, i'm going to start a QoL list. Smaller picture things that need to be changed.

I'll get back to you guys on that one.

Edited by TennoHack
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Definitely a great idea. However, since it can also be very easily abused, a counter to that would be locking it to "once per two weeks" or something of the sort, just a quick notice to send to clan members since the MOTD, well, sucks. 

It would be very useful for communication purposes, such as telling clan members to get their butts working in Operations and alliances about any changes, especially when it involves dark sectors when those are a thing again.

Going to also drop my two cents here about changes that clans and alliances desperately need: 


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2 hours ago, -DM-Doomie said:

Definitely a great idea. However, since it can also be very easily abused, a counter to that would be locking it to "once per two weeks" or something of the sort, just a quick notice to send to clan members since the MOTD, well, sucks. 

It would be very useful for communication purposes, such as telling clan members to get their butts working in Operations and alliances about any changes, especially when it involves dark sectors when those are a thing again.

Going to also drop my two cents here about changes that clans and alliances desperately need: 


out of curiosity, what sort of abuse do you anticipate? As a warlord, especially during events, I might need to send out more than one message. I might also want to advertise for a clan event. I might also want to update the clan on new research that needs to be completed. As a warlord, I could have any number of legitimate reasons to notify the whole clan about something. "once per two weeks" is far too long. Might as well not have it at all.

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15 hours ago, -DM-Doomie said:

since it can also be very easily abused,

I was expecting exactly this comment, and what i have to say to that is get a new warlord. Join a new clan, because if someone is spamming or abusing this system, that's not DE's problem, that's yours. Sorry if that sounds rude but it's the flat out truth, if someone is spamming the inbox, the Warlord can do 3 things:

1. They can demote the person to a rank than can not use this feature

2. They can remove the permission to send clan inbox messages from that rank

3. They can kick the person from the clan.

Just because this is something that can be spamemed, doesn't mean that, in a good clan, it will. As long as you have higher ups who are mature and know what they're doing, its not a concern, if you don't you should probably switch clans anyway.

Like Faulcun said, this is something that, in some cases, will need to be used often, and punishing people who can and do use it properly by making it only usable once ever other week, is not fair. Not to mention, once every other week, you might as well not have the system to begin with, it's basically useless, ESPECIALLY if you have a bad member in the higher ups who decides to troll everyone by waiting until the moment it unlocks, after 2 weeks of waiting, and sends a garbage message, locking it for the people who would need to use it for 2 weeks. That restriction makes it useless. The most of a restriction i would ever consider putting on it would be once every 6 hours. But even that is stupid and i do not agree with it.

Maybe it could be like Trades in the sense that, you can send [Clan Rank] number of messages a day starting at the daily reset. That i can agree with.

Edited by TennoHack
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nah you already said it yourself. A responsible leadership wont have any problems with the system. Anybody can be a warlord, but not everybody can be a leader. So if one finds themselves in a clan with poor leadership, well then that makes things easy doesnt it.

The only problem I see is database issues that DE is always complaining about. The simple solution to that is to limit the number of inbox messages that people can have before it auto deletes messages.

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2 hours ago, TennoHack said:

-Insert your post here-

Except I am the warlord of my clan, and I do think it can be easily abused by other warlords. That being said, you present a valid argument.

I would allow it so that only myself can send out inbox messages to clan members, and only send them when they're important. I can agree with the fact that if a warlord is sending too many messages or nonsense, simply leave the clan. 

I'm more so worried that too many people will abuse the system, and the people who do will outnumber the people who don't. If you implement a system that's in theory a good idea, but most people use it to send trolling nonsense, what's the point? If it's something that a fair majority of warlords will take seriously, I have no issue with it being implemented without a time restriction, as long as it was only locked to warlords and wasn't a permission you could turn on and off for others. I can't see the point nor benefit in it being a permission you can turn on for people who aren't warlords, and it can go very, very wrong if someone of that rank sends out information that is false or spam.

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59 minutes ago, -DM-Doomie said:

Except I am the warlord of my clan, and I do think it can be easily abused by other warlords. That being said, you present a valid argument.

I would allow it so that only myself can send out inbox messages to clan members, and only send them when they're important. I can agree with the fact that if a warlord is sending too many messages or nonsense, simply leave the clan. 

I'm more so worried that too many people will abuse the system, and the people who do will outnumber the people who don't. If you implement a system that's in theory a good idea, but most people use it to send trolling nonsense, what's the point? If it's something that a fair majority of warlords will take seriously, I have no issue with it being implemented without a time restriction, as long as it was only locked to warlords and wasn't a permission you could turn on and off for others. I can't see the point nor benefit in it being a permission you can turn on for people who aren't warlords, and it can go very, very wrong if someone of that rank sends out information that is false or spam.

But what you are describing is literally a leadership issue across all levels. I agree that it shouldnt be a default permission for low ranks, but if you have proper leadership structure, it shouldnt be an issue for a couple different ranks to have the ability. In the end, it can always be adjusted per the permissions anyways.

Ultimately you are worried about what other people do with their clans.... clans that we have no say on how are run, or the people who run them, and therefore is not our problem. If leadership is doing dumb things.... well then people will leave and eventually find their way into a good clan like ours.

What DE should do is give us the tools we need to succeed. Should we dig our own graves in the process, well then thats our own fault, and we have to take responsibility for that. The good clans will thrive, and the ones run by children will continue to be solo clans.

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I agree. Clan's need to be given more management tools that their leadership can utilize. As a former co-warlord, tools like this would of been very helpful in reaching out to players who didn't get on ts much or played at odd hours of the day. The MOTD just doesn't cut it. And as Faulcun suggested an inbox limit could help the possible database issues. I personally have all my inbox messages all they back to the oxium event where aviator was first rewarded. So yeah.

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5 hours ago, Faulcun said:

But what you are describing is literally a leadership issue across all levels. I agree that it shouldnt be a default permission for low ranks, but if you have proper leadership structure, it shouldnt be an issue for a couple different ranks to have the ability. In the end, it can always be adjusted per the permissions anyways.

Ultimately you are worried about what other people do with their clans.... clans that we have no say on how are run, or the people who run them, and therefore is not our problem. If leadership is doing dumb things.... well then people will leave and eventually find their way into a good clan like ours.

What DE should do is give us the tools we need to succeed. Should we dig our own graves in the process, well then thats our own fault, and we have to take responsibility for that. The good clans will thrive, and the ones run by children will continue to be solo clans.

I'm more so stating that I can't see any benefit in it being a permission turned on and off, mainly because the in game permissions suck. You can't give the permissions per person, only per rank, so what happens if you want one General to have it but not the other? At that point, may as well not have the permissions able to be given out.

I can't help but worry about other clans because if too many people abuse it, then the people actually getting good use out of it may lose the benefit of having to begin with. 

Sounds good though. It'll definitely help for keeping clans updated, especially the larger ones, and if someone has any issues with inbox messages, there's a nice big "leave clan" button. Besides, if someone doesn't want to get notices for important clan things, they're probably not someone wanted in the clan.

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11 hours ago, -DM-Doomie said:

so what happens if you want one General to have it but not the other? At that point, may as well not have the permissions able to be given out.

No, if you have a General that cant handle that responsibility, then they shouldnt be a General in the first place. You have two choices at that point. Either train them, and get them on the same page as you, or demote them until they have proven they can handle that responsibility of that rank. Again, what you are describing is a simple leadership issue. 

Besides, its hardly a feature that will break clans. Its also insane that a clan with any number of people up to 1000 has no internal system to make announcements to all 1000 people aside from the MOTD and spamming messages in clan chat.

In our clan, we dont just hand out promotions. Ranks are only given when somebody has already proven worthy of the responsibility in the first place. Perhaps thats why we've survived for 16 years.

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5 hours ago, Faulcun said:

No, if you have a General that cant handle that responsibility, then they shouldnt be a General in the first place. You have two choices at that point. Either train them, and get them on the same page as you, or demote them until they have proven they can handle that responsibility of that rank. Again, what you are describing is a simple leadership issue. 

Besides, its hardly a feature that will break clans. Its also insane that a clan with any number of people up to 1000 has no internal system to make announcements to all 1000 people aside from the MOTD and spamming messages in clan chat.

In our clan, we dont just hand out promotions. Ranks are only given when somebody has already proven worthy of the responsibility in the first place. Perhaps thats why we've survived for 16 years.

Except it's not a matter of them "not being able to handle it," it's a matter of me not wanting them to have it. If I have one General who needs the permission because they handle keeping members updated with Operations and designing custom made events, but another General handles inactive kicking, why would both of them need the permission to send out the MOTD? I don't exactly need my inactive kicking General to send out a detailed message on every member kicked for idling.

I see no reason in giving people more permissions than they need to properly do their duties in running a clan. If I have a General who simply doesn't need that permission, I see no reason to give it to them, even though I trust them to not abuse anything. You seem to be making the assumption that I "give out promotions," which isn't the case either. I may not have been running game guilds for 16 years, but I've had various leadership tasks in real life as well as with running my mountain clan for a while now. 

I never thought it was a "clan breaking feature" either. I fully support the motion, actually, and I've talked in the past about the uselessness that is MOTD- it absolutely sucks that clans have no real features to them. The only thing keeping clans together in this game is the effort put into it by warlords such as you and I.

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5 hours ago, -DM-Doomie said:

Except it's not a matter of them "not being able to handle it," it's a matter of me not wanting them to have it. If I have one General who needs the permission because they handle keeping members updated with Operations and designing custom made events, but another General handles inactive kicking, why would both of them need the permission to send out the MOTD? I don't exactly need my inactive kicking General to send out a detailed message on every member kicked for idling.

I see no reason in giving people more permissions than they need to properly do their duties in running a clan. If I have a General who simply doesn't need that permission, I see no reason to give it to them, even though I trust them to not abuse anything. You seem to be making the assumption that I "give out promotions," which isn't the case either.

Bro, you are contradicting yourself here. If you trust them, and you say they are responsible enough to hold their ranks and the powers given to them, then it shouldnt even be an issue.

If your one general is in charge of kicking inactive members, and the other general is in charge of events..... your kicking general isnt making events and your events general isnt kicking people are they? But they both have the same admin abilities dont they? If they are doing their jobs, and they arent already abusing admin permissions, then adding one more means nothing to them.

I dont know how to help you here. Your concerns and examples dont make sense to me.

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9 hours ago, -DM-Doomie said:

Except it's not a matter of them "not being able to handle it," it's a matter of me not wanting them to have it.

Then you don't want them to have the permissions of a General, then you don't make them a general.

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17 hours ago, Faulcun said:

If your one general is in charge of kicking inactive members, and the other general is in charge of events..... your kicking general isnt making events and your events general isnt kicking people are they? But they both have the same admin abilities dont they? If they are doing their jobs, and they arent already abusing admin permissions, then adding one more means nothing to them.

The ranking system is based through Discord rather than the in game permissions, so each person has the specific permissions that pertains to them. There's simply no benefit to giving someone extra permissions that they don't need, and that isn't something based on trust or distrust. 

Like I said, I don't see the purpose in people who aren't warlords having it, and you don't see my point. We'll just have to see what DE decides to do, if they even implement something like this to begin with.

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3 hours ago, -DM-Doomie said:

The ranking system is based through Discord rather than the in game permissions, so each person has the specific permissions that pertains to them. There's simply no benefit to giving someone extra permissions that they don't need, and that isn't something based on trust or distrust. 

Like I said, I don't see the purpose in people who aren't warlords having it, and you don't see my point. We'll just have to see what DE decides to do, if they even implement something like this to begin with.

I understand exactly your point. Its just illogical to me. I dont know how the permission system works in discord, but ive tailored the in game ranks to our own community's ranks which there are many many more of. So we simply consolidated them into warframe. I assign people special tasks and areas to look over as well, but i dont limit people of a specific rank to not being able to help each other when needed. Nobody in our clan abuses the permissions given to them.

Like i said, i understand your point. I just think in your case, you are limiting yourself and your clan in the way you may be doing things. For the solid majority of people and clans, this shouldnt even be a flutter of a concern. I dont know how you run your clan, and im not trying to tell you how, but it might be beneficial to sit down with your leadership and talk about a restructure that makes more sense or more efficient. The only piece of advice i can give is dont limit the responsible people from being able to help you.

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2 hours ago, Faulcun said:

I understand exactly your point. Its just illogical to me. I dont know how the permission system works in discord, but ive tailored the in game ranks to our own community's ranks which there are many many more of. So we simply consolidated them into warframe. I assign people special tasks and areas to look over as well, but i dont limit people of a specific rank to not being able to help each other when needed. Nobody in our clan abuses the permissions given to them.

Like i said, i understand your point. I just think in your case, you are limiting yourself and your clan in the way you may be doing things. For the solid majority of people and clans, this shouldnt even be a flutter of a concern. I dont know how you run your clan, and im not trying to tell you how, but it might be beneficial to sit down with your leadership and talk about a restructure that makes more sense or more efficient. The only piece of advice i can give is dont limit the responsible people from being able to help you.

That's valid, and something I can sit behind. It never hurts to talk with the leadership about things that could be better or worse, and if a majority agrees with the case you've brought up, I can discuss changes. I definitely try to be open minded. :) 

At the very least, I'd love to see some sort of sending out inbox messages features, disregarding who does and doesn't get it. Are you thinking of also having the MOTD automatically sent out as an inbox message, or just having it be entirely controlled by those who can send inbox messages?

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35 minutes ago, -DM-Doomie said:

That's valid, and something I can sit behind. It never hurts to talk with the leadership about things that could be better or worse, and if a majority agrees with the case you've brought up, I can discuss changes. I definitely try to be open minded. :) 

At the very least, I'd love to see some sort of sending out inbox messages features, disregarding who does and doesn't get it. Are you thinking of also having the MOTD automatically sent out as an inbox message, or just having it be entirely controlled by those who can send inbox messages?

Personally I try to have meetings with my leadership at least once a month. That way we all keep in communication and stay on the same page and can address concerns if needed.

I dont remember if the MOTD has its own permissions, but if not, then id like it to have its own permission.

I would like a special welcome message that gets sent out one time to any new member to the clan that can have default information like links to our website and forums, teamspeak information, leadership they can contact if they have any trouble, regularly scheduled clan events, clan rules, etc etc.

Then in addition, the ability to send out alerts/inbox messages of anything we want at any given time. For example, this would be useful during events so our members know what to expect for goals, or if we have a clan wide meeting, I can send out a message to everybody the date and time, or I can announce new leadership and even promotions to members, and if i need help with something like website design then i can send out a message for people to contact leadership if they can help, etc. Theres a million things it would be useful for

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3 minutes ago, Faulcun said:

Personally I try to have meetings with my leadership at least once a month. That way we all keep in communication and stay on the same page and can address concerns if needed.

I dont remember if the MOTD has its own permissions, but if not, then id like it to have its own permission.

I would like a special welcome message that gets sent out one time to any new member to the clan that can have default information like links to our website and forums, teamspeak information, leadership they can contact if they have any trouble, regularly scheduled clan events, clan rules, etc etc.

Then in addition, the ability to send out alerts/inbox messages of anything we want at any given time. For example, this would be useful during events so our members know what to expect for goals, or if we have a clan wide meeting, I can send out a message to everybody the date and time, or I can announce new leadership and even promotions to members, and if i need help with something like website design then i can send out a message for people to contact leadership if they can help, etc. Theres a million things it would be useful for

You brought up some uses I hadn't even thought of. it would definitely help in telling clan members about Operations and the minimum score expected from them, but also notifying a whole clan when we're planning an event rather than hoping they see the Discord announcement or MOTD. I'd like it if the MOTD were sent out as a message each time it was updated too, so everyone was entirely up to date on any changes to things such as inactive kick time.

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11 hours ago, -DM-Doomie said:

You brought up some uses I hadn't even thought of. it would definitely help in telling clan members about Operations and the minimum score expected from them, but also notifying a whole clan when we're planning an event rather than hoping they see the Discord announcement or MOTD. I'd like it if the MOTD were sent out as a message each time it was updated too, so everyone was entirely up to date on any changes to things such as inactive kick time.

Yeah see thats one of the current problems with the MOTD, because when you update it, anybody who logs on after the fact might miss something from before. With an inbox message, its guaranteed to be delivered to every person in the clan. Now whether or not everybody reads it is another story.... but anybody could log in 3 days after the fact, and still have all the information you needed to get out to them. The MOTD could have changed 4 or 5 times in those 3 days and they would never have known.

We use teamspeak, and we have our own forums as well. The problem I have is not everybody uses teamspeak, and even worse trying to get anybody to look at the damn forums either. At least with the inbox system, I know the information is available to everybody regardless.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I too would like some form of in-game mailing for my clan-mates. Being able to send long term inactive clan members a letter saying they've been kicked due to long term inactivity and informing them that they're welcome to rejoin should they start playing again would be appreciated.


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2 hours ago, Dalis918 said:

I too would like some form of in-game mailing for my clan-mates. Being able to send long term inactive clan members a letter saying they've been kicked due to long term inactivity and informing them that they're welcome to rejoin should they start playing again would be appreciated.


Thats a great idea too. A simple "reason for kick" option at the time of the action would be even better rather than having to manually send a message. Or better yet, 3 or 4 default sets of messages that can be chosen from as well so we can quickly select for common occurrences like inactivity. They should be editable so we can tailor them with our own specific information.

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