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New Nightmare Mode


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I like that idea. In some areas during infested missions, you actually come to these hallways or stairways, where its almost COMPLETE darkness, so you cant see a damn thing. Having this everywhere or ALMOST everywhere during a nightmare infested mission, would be pretty cool.

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I like this idea a lot, flickering lights, darkness, and infested noises.  Perhaps even a stalker for good measure.


The current nightmare mode dealing 2 damage every second gets an abort mission from me, I'd rather do that then waste all my revives running around looking for health orbs and trying to complete the mission as quick as possible.

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Thanks for that "many" Replies didnt though i get that many on my first post i would be happy if this gets recognized by council or DE!
So pls took the 2 secs adn press up XD

I like that idea. In some areas during infested missions, you actually come to these hallways or stairways, where its almost COMPLETE darkness, so you cant see a damn thing. Having this everywhere or ALMOST everywhere during a nightmare infested mission, would be pretty cool.

Yup ur right i just though about the same in somke infested missionss asolute darknesss with chargers woul dbe pritty horrifying.

PS Sorry for bad English im from austria (no kangoroos) Edited by SykoIgg
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