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Grinders... grrrrr


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Being locked out of any control of your character through knockdown, stagger, stun is a stunlock. Just because you aren't just standing there going "derp" doesnt make it less so. Currently this game has so many stagger mechanics that people are getting locked out of character control due to the character being trapped in a non stop recovery animation cycle.

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So you say I'm wrong then just repeat my point...

Stagger and knockdown are effectively stuns in this game. They deny control of character because there is no accepted input or control while the recovery animation is going.

Stagger and knockdown are extremely widespread as almost every enemy in the game has a method to do 1 or the other or both.

Although not really a threat Paralyzing Crawlers can do a more traditional "stun" if you get close to them and they spew their spray at you.

Stunlock does exist because futher instances of stagger and knockdown can interrupt or stack during recovery animation causing chained long term animation loops preventing all character control equating to no possible escape before death.

Again just because you don't just stand there making stupid face while a swirling effect goes off over your head as you wait for a defuff timer to expire does not mean stunlocking in Warframe does not exist.

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I'd never seen a grinder apparently when I first commented here, now that I did see a couple.... Dear god why did they ever decide to add such enemies?! It's effective, it's very staggering players as it goes, it does its job well but for gods sake it's bloody annoying!

We should be able to disable these things with electric modded weapons. ;_;

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when u see them u will S#&$ bricks! ok ignore tht lol. Anyways when u see one charging at u, depends on ur weap, time a slash or shoot at it.

You missed the first time, great...so now what? U get staggered and watch it turn around. Again its travelling straight at you.

Repeat the timed slash (needs practice) or shoot it.

If ur using latron,burston,snipetron,lex,bolto(oh god),furax,fragor,scindo...good luck bro...js ignore them n run past it lol

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when u see them u will S#&$ bricks! ok ignore tht lol. Anyways when u see one charging at u, depends on ur weap, time a slash or shoot at it.

You missed the first time, great...so now what? U get staggered and watch it turn around. Again its travelling straight at you.

Repeat the timed slash (needs practice) or shoot it.

If ur using latron,burston,snipetron,lex,bolto(oh god),furax,fragor,scindo...good luck bro...js ignore them n run past it lol

Actually any contact at all it makes with you seems to stagger you. I've had them cause repetitive staggering at times without charging at me. They were simply circling very tightly and just barely grazing my character which pretty much did no noticable damage but still caused me to stagger like I'd be rammed by it at full speed.

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I agree. Hate the grinders so much. Continuous stuns and staggering. Hit you then roll around in another direction only to circle back again. They move fast, and are really hard to hit. What I really hate is when I jump over one, and it's NOT jumping up to hit me, but instead is rolling underneath, and I STILL GET HIT. What is with that? There's no evading these guys?

So many annoying changes in this game. I was in love when I first started playing it. Not loving it so much with all the changes.

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Actually any contact at all it makes with you seems to stagger you. I've had them cause repetitive staggering at times without charging at me. They were simply circling very tightly and just barely grazing my character which pretty much did no noticable damage but still caused me to stagger like I'd be rammed by it at full speed.

were u d host n went solo? i notice some ping n latency issues causes enemies and also grinders to behave weird...like stuck rolling to a wall...but yea...gt 1 time it gt stuck staggering me it perma staggered me...til an ally of mine had to smack it.

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My guess is that grinders were added to improve the kit of the grineer. (At least I hope that's the case) If it was removed, what would you like to see take its place?

Personally, I'm fine with Grinders... Just not 3-8 of them at a time (yes, I've encountered 8 at once, while Solo) and being able to stagger you if they so much as touch you.

It'd also be nice if you could take them out reliably with melee.

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i like them too, but i think the issue with these things is they turn to tight and to soon. so when your in a tunnel they should actualy be weaker because they cant trun around properly. instead its just the oposit they seem to be able to turn on a dime and repeatedly hit you at a very fast rate.

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Maybe split their abilities? Give grinders a slightly bigger hit box, make the standard "roll in to you" not stagger, but give them a slight ramp up skill (kinda like ancient charge?) that has the stagger attached to it?

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My guess is that grinders were added to improve the kit of the grineer. (At least I hope that's the case) If it was removed, what would you like to see take its place?

How about big heavy rusty Grineer mechs with lots of armour that have both the napalm grineer's weapon and the gorgon >:]

instead of... balls.

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agreed that grinders need work

but largely their problems are just other bigger problems with the rest of the inter-connected systems in the game

A - electric dmg should stun grinders, and for that matter, it should stun moas too (it doesnt, it only stuns crewmen)

B - stuns/stagger/recovery/standing up animations in this game need tweaks


i get it, when we get hit, there SHOULD be consequences, but let us have SOME say in how that pans out

stamina should have a MUCH more integral part of the game

ie, with full and/or more stamina you will recover faster, this would require stamina in general to regen slower

this would also mean that people who are constantly running around would be MORE vulnerable to being knocked down, while someone with full stamina could recover from stuns/knockdown much faster

they could even give us a fip-up jump recovery animation that uses stamina (just like other jump/melee moves do)

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Notwithstanding that their tiny hitbox and (for what they are) unreasonably high HP are both problems, I don't see the need for this kind of enemy in Grineer forces. An aggressive, close-range disruption unit like this fills a role way too close for my liking to Corpus Moa rushes and &*$$genizes the gameplay. There was definitely some need to expand Grineer options to advance on players in cover or flush them out but their reliance on heavily armored point units (heavies, shield lancers), grenades (and napalm) and flanking tactics were all valid approaches that kept them distinct from the Corpus' "rush with swarms and swarms of hyper-aggressive mechanized units" approach. Grineer do not need a hyperaggressive mechanized unit.

And all of -that- notwithstanding, their unreasonably tiny hitboxes and armor are terrible, stunlock units are terrible, being forced into a slapfight with a grinder while you were trying to pin down advancing Grineer is terrible, and absolutely everything about this idea from the ground up was terrible. Get rid of them.

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I get what they tried to do with the Grinders, in giving Grineer another option for flushing out players from cover like some sort of mechanical attack dog rather than having the AI resorting to grenade spam. The problem as others have said is their speed, size, and health. If they were bigger and had abit less health, maybe even a little slower then it wouldn't be nearly as annoying. To that end, if Grinders had some kind of set up time giving players an opportunity to kill them or the Grineer deploying them before they become an active threat might further help mitigate the hatred for them since it's in the players hands then as to if it becomes a problem or not if outright removing the Grinders isn't on the table at this point for the devs.

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