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Warframe concept, Biohazard the master of plagues


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I have had this concept for a while but I have never tried to revive it from years ago, until now.

Biohazard is a master of crowd control that brings 3 deadly plagues to the battlefield to manipulate, raise and outright slaughter enemies.(disclaimer: I am taking names from plague ink but they can be changed to fit in with warframe lore)

stats (30):

health: 300

sheild: 300

energy: 275

(leaving rest as I have no idea for the norm stats in the categories)



biohazard is a walking biosuit (with the classic yellow colour) that has a syndana permeatly equipped, which is a chemical "plant" that allows his plagues to spread and be made.


passive, biosuit:

biohazard has to protect its user from all plagues, this rendering it immune to toxin and gas damage.


abillity 1, load, 0 energy:

loads one of the 3 plagues into the chemical plant (tap to cycle, hold to choose) and starts to spread it in an area around him (you start off with one and unlock the rest as you level up). This ability will stay active and will effect the other 3 abilities. The 3 plagues are (from first unlock to last) is neurax worm, necroa virus and bioweapon. Each plague will do an effect once an enemy is effected. It will take (base level 30) 5 seconds to infect someone.

(I will now list the given plague and the 3 abilities it has and it's infected effect)

neurax worm:

effect, mind hack:

enimies find it impossible to detect you, and all gunfire is silenced to them.

Ability 1, takeover, 25 energy:

you can take over the mind of an infected enemy, leaving your frame slumped and n a corner, but while in this form you don't set off alarms, can attack and can instantly hack terminals of the same faction.

ability 2, trogon horse, 50 energy:

select a group of enemies to start to seek out uninflected people, if they find one they will explode, killing themselves and infecting the person.

ability 3, as you wish, 150 energy:

you are the master of them now. Turn a max of 20 infected on your side for a limited time, they will explode if killed or the time runs out.


necroa virus:

Effect, hostility:

enemies are slightly hostile to each other, sometimes attacking their own team for no reason.

ability 1, cannibal, 25 energy:

turns one infected crazy, they drop their weapon and take on the graneer manic animations (bar telaport) and start to attack others, once time runs out they turn normal again;

ability 2, decay, 50 energy:

infected's start to decay, causing damage over time and them to panic.

ability 3, horde, 150 energy:

death is no escape. Any infected that die during the time will rise back, gaining by the prior 2 abilities (bar panic via decay) and go crazy, once the timer runs out they will continue until killed.



effect, chemical warfare:

this plague evolves, all infected slowly take damage over time starting at 1 dps, but the damage increases the longer they are infected (no cap to damage ammount)

ability 1, self destruct, 50 energy:

one infected suddenly explodes, creating a cloud of the bioweapon that infects all those nearby, or increases the dot effect.

ability 2, less, 75 energy:

resets the counter on the effect, making it 1 dps.

ability 3, Armageddon, your max energy:

sacrifice it all to gain so much, crank up the leathality to max for one tick, instantly killing all those infected, gain a buff that increases energy regeneration per person killed.


and there you go, biohazard. I would really love it if you leave your thoughts down bellow as I would like to hear your views on it and how it can change where needed.

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Passive : immunity from damage types are frowned upon. If you  noticed, even Frost doesn't have resistance to cold and that is one of the rarest damage type for enemies to use. As far as I know only Lech Krill uses it. 

Each ability has 4 ranks BTW (unranked, 1, 2, and 3).

toxin a :

1) this one is fun but it may be something that they add to the focus system though.

2) this is an instant kill that spreads infinitely.

3) basically Chaos.

toxin b : 

1) So. nyx mind control plus change animation? 

2) Miasma

3) Shadow of the damned. 

Toxin c :

1) another instakill ability. Nope.

2) why do you want to reset the DPS?

3) kill everyone for basically no cost at all. 


Additional pointers on making new warframes.

1) Make sure that there is at least a little balance to the concept. For example rather than instantly killing units, have the effect apply upon the units death. 

2) Make sure abilities don't resemble the ones we already have now. For example in horde you could just have it so that it spawns a new unit type(specific to the warframe) rather than resurrecting the target unit. 

3) @AgasKahn is correct. Try to move away from common tropes, specially if we already have a similar theme in warframe. 

4) Complexity doesn't equal a good concept. I mean, look at excalibur, he's just a guy with a sword. Focus on one set of abilities. Like Mind hack and Cannibal most of the abilities are pretty similar to each other. 


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