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Warframe Concept - Scout And Support


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Hand-drawn with some free-time and creativity. This is a take of a scout/support 'frame in my eyes. She has a fancy Orokin viewfinder, or for the people who like aesthetics, a monocle. :P

Health: 110
Shields: 90
Armor: 10
Speed: 1.15
Power: 100


Her name is Kyn (pronounced kin). She is a scout warframe, being a bit agile and slightly tanky in regards to health. She won't last very long in firefights that won't work in her favor.




1. Sabotage - 25 energy

A field of electricity temporarily inhibits weapon use, and backfires on the enemy, staggering them. Weapons affected have a thirty percent slower fire rate. (Damage increases with modding)


Gameplay details - The power is a target power, meaning you have to "lock-on" to use it. Sabotage has a small AoE radius, and can affect multiple targets, given they are next to the main source, or relatively near. The stagger effect is applied for all tagets, as well as the de-buff.


2. Sunder - 50 Energy

Launch a portable orb in mid-air, allowing it to rain down shards of armor-piercing projectiles, corroding armor as well doing damage. (Damage increases with modding, de-buff effects increase slightly)


Gameplay details - The orb is thrown in the air, and kind of meanders until it finds it's prey. It emits AP projectiles, in a shotgun-like fashion, then the orb ceases to be. The base damage is comparable to a charged Dread arrow, provided that all shots connect. If the afflicted target(s) is/are not dead then they take twenty-five percent less damage, for thirty seconds (meaning kill-times for the target(s) become a bit shorter)


3. Caltrops - 75 energy

Throw a large pile of sharp, energized caltrops on the floor, effectively slowing down opposition, while dealing slight damage. (Damage slightly increases with modding, slow de-buff increases)


Gameplay details - Kyn throws a large sum of sharp pieces of energy that will slow your enemy to a crawl, much like the void frost plates. While stepping on said caltrops, they will deal minimal damage. They disappear after fifteen seconds. The caltrops will slow their movement, but not their gunfire, so be careful!


4. Shadow - 100 Energy (Placeholder power. I'll need to think of something creative to swap this out with)

Makes Kyn invisible. While in this effect, movement speed and armor is increased marginally, Melee weapons seek greater benefit, with duel melee weapons seeking the greatest benefit. (Movement speed and armor increases slightly, Melee damage increases, invisibility duration increases)


Gameplay details - This is much like Loki's and Ash's Smokescreen/invisibility, however it adds a more layer of protection with agility, and armor. The cake is the melee damage. Yes cloaking for Ash, or Loki grants increased melee proficiency, but this cloak is more catered towards the rogue aspect with the typical dual blades, however all melee weapons get the benefit.


The powers support the team is de-buff assist, and deals quite a bit of direct damage. She's like a mix of rogue, diversionary, and support. My last written ability, Shadow seems more like a place holder, so I can think of something interesting, or let your ideas come forth. Also I might change her name, so, community bring forth your creative prowess!


Thanks for reading, and let me know what you think.

Edited by Zeus154
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Oooh, your artistry is impressive. I like the looks of this one. Lemme read all of the other stuff you wrote, one sec.

Alright, I definitely like the concept. It's funny, I proposed the caltrops thing replace Ash's bladestorm yesterday, and I think that would be a great ability. Not sure about sunder, I think there might be a skill that better fits the theme, perhaps something like:

Target - 50 energy

Marks a single target, weakening it's shields and armor, and causing bonus damage to be dealt to it. This effect lasts 5 - 7 - 9 - 12 seconds and deals 25% - 35% - 50% - 75% extra damage to target.

Also, a massive increase in sprint speed would serve this frame well, and now that I think about it, Sabotage looks like

It needs some work as well. Overall a great idea!

Edited by Hiraldo
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Oooh, your artistry is impressive. I like the looks of this one. Lemme read all of the other stuff you wrote, one sec.

Alright, I definitely like the concept. It's funny, I proposed the caltrops thing replace Ash's bladestorm yesterday, and I think that would be a great ability. Not sure about sunder, I think there might be a skill that better fits the theme, perhaps something like:

Target - 50 energy

Marks a single target, weakening it's shields and armor, and causing bonus damage to be dealt to it. This effect lasts 5 - 7 - 9 - 12 seconds and deals 25% - 35% - 50% - 75% extra damage to target.

Also, a massive increase in sprint speed would serve this frame well, and now that I think about it, Sabotage looks like

It needs some work as well. Overall a great idea!


I like your ideas.


However, some people don't like some frames to be too similar to other frames. Not saying that I'm like that, but some topics like to throw that out there sometimes. :P


As for the skills, Sunder I tried thinking of something creative in mind. Target seems interesting; I'll keep it in check. And I agree Sabotage needs a bit more room for improvement.


As for the overall speed boost... 1.15 is higher than Banshee's base movement speed (1.1), on par with Ash, but lower than Nova, or Loki. But that's what the Wiki states, and it could be wrong. I'll keep it under consideration, but I'll need more community input before making rational changes.


Other then that, thanks for the input. :)

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I like this idea with the whole debuff rather than pure dps output, as it would lend itself quite well to teamplay, as well as being useful for solo.


With the caltrops power, i think quite a few people have been thinking of it. I've seen quite a few frame ideas that incoporate it in some form or other. I think its a good idea, as there aren't actually that many pure CC powers.


In regards to the shadow being a placeholder, i think it is actually quite a good idea. It would probably be a pain to code in, but if they can do it, i think it would work quite well :D


Btw, good job with the art work.

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All i'm seeing is a Quarian from Mass Effect


She is a little Mass Effect inspired. Mostly the N7 Fury design made me spark up an idea for a hooded Tenno. Besides, It'd be nice to have hoods, scarves and other aesthetics in the game! (ie. the arm ribbon she has... :P)


I like this idea with the whole debuff rather than pure dps output, as it would lend itself quite well to teamplay, as well as being useful for solo.


With the caltrops power, i think quite a few people have been thinking of it. I've seen quite a few frame ideas that incoporate it in some form or other. I think its a good idea, as there aren't actually that many pure CC powers.


In regards to the shadow being a placeholder, i think it is actually quite a good idea. It would probably be a pain to code in, but if they can do it, i think it would work quite well :D


Btw, good job with the art work.


I'd like some more supporting play. The only problem is people would say "Oh this warframe stinks because of lack of damage output!" It's like Saryn's venom; you kind of have to work a little bit to get into the swing of things. That being said, de-buffs will lend itself in the long run, and make tedious things easier.


Shadow is another thing I'd like to talk about. I say that it's a placeholder because the other Tenno, namely Loki, and Ash, have melee damage, or general damage incorporated with their invisibility design. That being said, I thought maybe adding some other internal buffs would be nice, like movement speed, and armor. Movement speed I would like to keep, but armor would kind of be frivolous. You're invisible, and as it is, they enemies will ignore you.


Tweaks will come soon.


Thanks for further cooperation, insight, and other things. :)

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Currently the best ability set I've seen here. Good that you made concept art, it adds sImple view of how your character looks like.


Or at least a jumping off point for the character.


But I did do a decent job throwing in aesthetics. DE might gather some inspiration for possible accessories! :o

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If you could do some more concept art, I MIGHT be able to model it in a CAD program and run a render for you... No promises as this is really time consuming. I'd also need you to colorize it, otherwise it would likely end up with my own color scheme :P

Also, if I do find time to model it, chances are I'm going to change some stuff, so be warned lol

Edited by Hiraldo
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If you could do some more concept art, I MIGHT be able to model it in a CAD program and run a render for you... No promises as this is really time consuming. I'd also need you to colorize it, otherwise it would likely end up with my own color scheme :P

Also, if I do find time to model it, chances are I'm going to change some stuff, so be warned lol




We'll see... :P

Edited by Zeus154
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