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[Concept Artwork] - Feral Wf - Cat Wf


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I actually love this concept. I would love to see something like this implemented into the game - sounds far better than what pops into my head when I heard them mention the 'cat frame.'

As an aside, I agree, the head on the right does fit better with the Warframe aesthetic. Outside of the game, however, as freestanding art, I actually prefer the other.

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i think calling it a "cat" frame is unfair, it atuomatically implies cute-kitty type impressions. it's more of an animalistic, feral, warframe regarding its style and moves. Very fierce, not kitty-cute :P

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My brother drew these but he wasn't sure how to get them on the forums.


Rebecca said they check out the Fan art pages each day, so I figured this would be the best place to drop this off at.  Hopefully it's good timing since there was mention of a cat/feral WF in our near future.


Feral WF

* Runs on all fours.

* Generally hunched over 90% of the time.


(Edit: Bubble added, comments from the artist)


Artwork displays a possible dagger holding stance, as well as dagger holsters on the calf muscles.


Both my brother and I greatly prefer the head on the right.







WoW dude ! Thats pretty awesome i must say :o 

I would enjoy that Warframe alot ! xD

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nice !

Just a tot (not a recommendation/suggestion though. just for discussion)

If running on all four, the longer legs may be unnatural for animation (may make it look less efficient than on running on two legs... e.g. like a velociraptor).
Maybe if there can be some exo-armor extension that can extend out to make the hands longer when running on four? e.g. instead of running on palms, have some stuff on the hands to make it feasible to run on the tips of the fingers, which will make the front "limbs" longer and may make a more "balanced" running on four animation?

Another tot: instead of a "real tail" how about something like a long pig-tail like thing extending from the back of head, that is long enough to whip and flail around to give the impression of a tail, when running on four, but becomes a (female?) hair style when standing/posing?

Edited by smithf
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Another tot: instead of a "real tail" how about something like a long pig-tail like thing extending from the back of head, that is long enough to whip and flail around to give the impression of a tail, when running on four, but becomes a (female?) hair style when standing/posing?

she has one, it comes out the base of the neck, with a blade at the end


i've seen some run sequences of ppl running more animalistic. some jump/hurdling in some parkour seem very "feral" to me in some aspects.


kinda like how sabertooth runs in wolverine: origins.

Edited by SUMA
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No, no no. You guys got it all wrong. Everyone's saying "oh a cat frame is stupid" Think of it as a stereotypical demon, feral and cruel. Very nonchalant about decency, and enjoys covering itself the blood of its enemies. Either way this thing looks awesome and I'd love to see it completely unaltered from your design. Maybe next us Council members can decide whether or not to have it made. I'd vote for it.

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This is my idea for the frame's name, stats and its powers.



Name: Canis 


Health: 75 (225 at rank 30)


Power: 150 (225 at rank 30)


Armor: 150 


Shield Capacity: 75 (225 at rank 30)


Sprint speed: 2.0


Polarities: Power/Scratch 4x

Attack/V 2x

Aura: Attack/V


Power 1: Lacerate: Canis dashes forward (similar in animation to slash dash) extending claws, located in the finger tips, and cuts target in a downward diagonal motion. Then dashes to another nearby target cutting them in a upward diagonal motion. Repeats for up to eight enemies fully maxed out, and deals 1000 damage as well.

Rank 1: 2 enemies, deals 700 damage  

Rank 2: 4 enemies, deals 800 damage   

Rank 3: 6 enemies, deals 900 damage 

Rank 4: 8 enemies, deals 1000 damage

Affected by Focus


Power 2: Hyper Mobility: Canis' agility increases to the point where she is untouchable, partly due to her moving on all fours. Base sprint speed gains up to an additional 0.5 points. Stamina mods (quick rest, marathon) are doubled in power, regardless of rank (Rush is NOT affected as speed would be to great to handle) All enemies seem slowed in comparison and move at up to 1/5 their normal speed. Damage done to Canis is decreased to as little as 1/5 standard damage. Damage dealt is increased up to 5% When player jumps and aims, Canis remains in air for an extended period of time (five times the normal length regardless of rank) Dual secondary damage is buffed up to 10% and player can hit enemies on all sides. Player vaults over obstacles that are waist height and leaps over anything above waist height, including enemies.

Rank 1: Base speed increases to 2.2. Damage is increased 2% Dual wield damage increases 4% Enemies move at 4/5 normal speed and deal 4/5 damage

Rank 2: Base speed increases 2.3. Damages increased 3% Dual wield damage increases 6% Enemies move at 3/5 normal speed and deal 3/5 normal damage

Rank 3: Base speed increases 2.4. Damage increases 4% Dual wield damage increases 8% Enemies move at 2/5 normal speed and deal 2/5 normal damage

Rank 4: Base speed increases 2.5. Damage increases 5% Dual wield damage increases 10% Enemies move at 1/5 normal speed and deal 1/5 normal damage 

Affected by Continuity


Power 3: Cyclone: Canis spreads her arms and extends her claws, opening both hands and turning her left palm backwards and her right palm forwards. She spins rapidly on one leg bringing her right hand in across her front and left hand around her back as she brings herself down on her leg. Dealing massive damage to enemies in a small radius. Any enemy not killed by the attack is knocked down. Can be activated in rapid succession where Canis reverses the animation each time by descending and ascending. Spins once per second, each claw deals 500 damage at max rank.

Rank 1: Spins for 2 seconds. Deals 275 damage per claw, 550x2 damage total 

Rank 2: Spins for 4 seconds. Deals 350 damage per claw, 700x4 damage total

Rank 3: Spins for 6 seconds. Deals 425 damage per claw, 850x6 damage total

Rank 4: Spins for 8 seconds. Deals 500 damage per claw, 1000x8 damage total

Affected by Focus, Continuity, and Stretch


Power 4: Flurry: Canis duplicates herself 8 times, the duplicates move so quickly, only a blur with minor detail can be seen. This prevents her from taking any damage as enemies are confused by the erratic display. Canis herself can move around freely after the animation is finished and tend to other tasks (completing objectives, reviving teammates, etc) Similar to Ash's Blade Storm, the Canis duplicates slash enemies with their claws, but rather than teleporting they burst towards them. A radius is set out and any enemy in the radius is targeted. If any obstacle is in the Canis duplicates way, they will either vault or leap over it depending on its height in comparison to theirs. Boosting the power increases the radius and damage dealt.

Rank 1: Radius is 10 in-game meters, deals 700 damage per strike

Rank 2: Radius is 15 in-game meters, deals 800 damage per strike

Rank 3: Radius is 20 in-game meters, deals 900 damage per strike

Rank 4: Radius is 25 in-game meters, deals 1000 damage per strike

Affected by Stretch and Focus 


Overall the design I've come up with provides a Frame that isn't difficult to kill but makes up for her flimsy-ness with speed and her ability to deal massive amounts of damage in a matter of seconds.

Edited by Vaaliion
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 Either way this thing looks awesome and I'd love to see it completely unaltered from your design. Maybe next us Council members can decide whether or not to have it made. I'd vote for it.

i would vote for it as well, just because it would be a really fun warframe...and i drew it :P  thank you for the compliment, it would be sweet unaltered but i think Mynki would have to put some icing on the cake so to speak. there are lots of fine details on the warframes that should be added to this one to make it more "real" instead of "cartoon". i just like the cartoonie look in my art, especially when doing the art in adobe illustrator.

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i think something like flurry for a 4th skill is sorta like 9 lives

-instead of dashing around and attacking all the baddies, the wf performs the skill, and 8 copies of her are summoned quickly and they dash around killing the enemies for a duration. right after summoning the copies, her part is done and you can go back to shootin fools while the 8 copies are still dashing around killin.

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i think something like flurry for a 4th skill is sorta like 9 lives

-instead of dashing around and attacking all the baddies, the wf performs the skill, and 8 copies of her are summoned quickly and they dash around killing the enemies for a duration. right after summoning the copies, her part is done and you can go back to shootin fools while the 8 copies are still dashing around killin.

Okay that's actually a lot cooler than what I came up with, let's go with that. I changed it.

Edited by Vaaliion
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