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I'm Rushing? You're Just Slow.


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I roll with the team. They rush, I rush. They explore, I explore. Simple as that.

Now if only every random player I got paired with thought like you, I wouldn't be seen as a "rushing A******". They'd just keep up.

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did it occur to you that they were farming? maybe you're the one doing it wrong. most missions arent rushed except for boss levels etc. Why? because most people have already completed the mission,those that go back are probably farming.


sounds like pansy rhino is at fault

One of the most recent examples of my concern was during a blueprint alert. No one is farming for mats on a blueprint alert. If they are, they're doing it wrong.

I also find it very hard to believe that people do level 50+ missions to farm for mats, seeing as there are definitely much easier and much faster avenues of getting what you need to build that weapon or frame. I've never farmed those missions for mats, that'd be borderline masochism.

I like how you added "pansy" to that. It was cute.

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Well, take the initiative, then.

Take the initiative how? I can't give them any more if an invitation to keep up, other than typing it out in chat and being portrayed as the &#!.

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Alure, on 24 Jul 2013 - 12:01 PM, said:

One of the most recent examples of my concern was during a blueprint alert. No one is farming for mats on a blueprint alert. If they are, they're doing it wrong.

I also find it very hard to believe that people do level 50+ missions to farm for mats, seeing as there are definitely much easier and much faster avenues of getting what you need to build that weapon or frame. I've never farmed those missions for mats, that'd be borderline masochism.

I like how you added "pansy" to that. It was cute.

Sorry but most of the people just can't take bare rushing and grinding, this is not why people play games for. (It looks like you do) Running high leveled missions is more intense and fun, and getting few additional mats for your blueprints is never bad (even in the alert) and in the end that particular planet that you rush might have multiple resources at the same spot that other people need. Edited by Aure7
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One of the most recent examples of my concern was during a blueprint alert. No one is farming for mats on a blueprint alert. If they are, they're doing it wrong.

I also find it very hard to believe that people do level 50+ missions to farm for mats, seeing as there are definitely much easier and much faster avenues of getting what you need to build that weapon or frame. I've never farmed those missions for mats, that'd be borderline masochism.

I like how you added "pansy" to that. It was cute.

Many things are masochism in this game...

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Take the initiative how? I can't give them any more if an invitation to keep up, other than typing it out in chat and being portrayed as the &#!.

Just be patient and follow them! You can also make good friends along the way... No need to rush and be so hectic, gaming is casual, it is a luxury. Just relax and enjoy playing with them :)

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I go with the flow. If the group is farming then I farm too. If they rush then I rush. I like doing both. The only issue that I have is if doing a Nightmare mission where there is health drain, there is one person taking his time while we're at the extraction point dying.

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Well, needs of the many outweigh needs of the few, I'm afraid. With the entire map unlocked, my only goal in levels is ranking up items and collecting resources, so I take the time to earn Affinity or loot containers/Master Thief lockers.


HOWEVER, if one's goal IS to rank up items, there is no excuse not to follow the group. You get additional affinity from your team's kills, boosting the overall gain for everyone involved. Win-win, try to keep up the pace.

Edited by BeerDone
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There's a happy medium you know, I kill everything in front of me, pop boxes and lockers, and I still get people trailing way far behind. I've even had them tell me to stop rushing... If I was rushing, the objective would be complete and I'd be standing at extraction already, thank you very much. If you want to crawl through the missions, maybe you should go solo too?

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I see all of these threads bashing on people who speed through the missions. Why is that?

Is it really all that bad if I don't want to spend 45 minutes on a 10-minute mission just because you wanna kill everything that moves, open every locker, and break every box? What's wrong with spending your time efficiently? Did you really need those extra 200 credits from all of those lockers so bad that it was worth wasting enough time to run an entire other mission?

I'm not rushing. I'm a Rhino with the Thrak helmet. You're just wasting time.

Oh, shlT I wasted my time collecting the last 10 Morphics to complete my weapon!

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is this game even fun for you?

It is, with alcohol... and even without it. The only missions where team should stay in affinity range is MDs.


You wanna level your weapons on raid or spy? well good luck. i rather go to MD and in 14-17 mins will have 10 times more exp rather than if i was crawling through level in perfect coherence.

You want what? Mods? You kill ~ 800 mobs in kappa now. So mods drop is well random, but still better than on regular missions.


Problem is that even if i can rush any mission in couple of minutes there is always 3 more guys fighting through it. So if i am about to rush it, i do it private. Cause it's annoying to wait at the door with two lockes waiting for somebody.

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