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!!!! DISCONTINUE !!!!! Riven mod Price Check ( but price check bot is still working in Discord )



Sorry everyone, I can't keep up the price of riven mod, because I didn't have much time to play this game, so I decide to stop giving advice about price checking.




If you have any riven mod, but don't know how much it worth just ask me

Q : How do I estimate the price?
A : number of good stats * stats combo * weapon's popularity * freshness (new weapon get higher price around 1-2 week)


  • new weapon riven (first week) always get high price 300 - 1000 ,except if the weapon is bad (like cycron) or very hard to get ( zenith, sigma) 
  • always set a price higher than what you want ( for negotiation ), but not too much.

Price check Bot

PS. price base on my experience, sometime it might be wrong
PS2. *** please don't put a tons of riven on me, I'm human not a bot I can tired too, pick only 1-5 riven for price check if possible" ***
PS3. *** If you put a tons of riven on me, I'll not reply" ***
PS4. ****Pricecheck are on every Monday****

list of the stats for some god riven


God tier definition
2 or 3 positive with good negative, such as -zoom, -ammo max (for high ammo effiency weapon), - finisher for melee (not for dagger), etc.
:sun:---Rifle riven--- 
[normal weapon] :vazarin:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon] :unairu:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon] :naramon:

- case 1: can use Heavy Caliber

- case 1.1: doesn't need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam

- case 1.2: need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam
  • CC+CD+Fire rate  ( or other utility mod)
  • CC+CD+Element

- case 2: can't use Heavy Caliber

  • Ms + CC or CD
  • Dam+CC or CD 
  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CC
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )

---Pistol riven---
[normal weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )
  • Dam+Ms+CC

---Shotgun riven---
[normal Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Ms+Status Chance
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD
  • Dam+Ms+CC





Edited by korndolorous
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8 hours ago, Kio-reki said:
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Thanks in advance, much respect for what you're doing here

buzlok 80 - 150

harpak insi 100 - 250

harpak visi 80 - 200

tiberon 80 - 150

stug 300 - 500

7 hours ago, ExiiIed said:

How about this?

Sheev (Unrolled)

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sheev 200 - 400

latron 150 - 350

spectra 50 - 100 

6 hours ago, -VG-Obit said:

I guess this is good...

but is the number of rerolls taken into account for the price... spend so much kuva on it already..i just want the 3rd stat to get negative... :/

700 - 1600 , I don't think ppl will care about how many roll you use to get it. 

5 hours ago, BetterNerfMe said:

Hi there! 

Hope you can help


400 - 800

5 hours ago, LuLu_HoHo said:

I got a riven for the Ignis with the stats:

CC +150%

CD +120%

Zoom -25%


How much is it worth? 

700 - 1400

4 hours ago, Dreypa said:

Any idea what the value on these gems are? Thanks in advance.


aklex 250 - 600

astilla 200 - 1400 , * if you want high price you need to explain buyer that -impact is good because it remove stagger.  

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On 12/5/2017 at 11:53 PM, HellFox said:

STRUN: https://imgur.com/a/a1kVI

After price checking in chat for one and a half hours I got some claims that I can sell this one for  1k - 1,2k on the right seller. I can be REALLY patient , can you confirm this is reasonable , can i raise the price even further? A single person told me they can get me buyers really quick for a low point of 800p to 1k when i told them I've set my mind on waiting even a long time before i sell it.

Argonak: https://imgur.com/a/aZFRI

Stinger: https://imgur.com/a/g0NZO

Would really love to get a price-check estimation on these , multiple thoughts welcome!

I would be patient for a buyer and try to get at least 2.5k. You got pretty much dmg, ms, tox +recoil. Perfect Strun riven, 3k wouldn't be silly to ask either. Ppl telling you 1k are trying to scalp you. Dmg, Ms +recoil don't sell for less then 2k and your is actually better.

Edited by .Re-light.
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hey korndolorous i have a new project for you

instead of valuating individual rivens make a list of all the weapons and the best riven stats one could hope for for that weapon 


if you cant make this project for all weapons in game at least you could start with the top most popular wepaons 




and in each section the top 10 weapons or something like that for a start 


then next to each weapon the best riven stats you could potentially roll 


for example the zenistar 




what would be the best combination i could hope for 

is it 2 buffs and a negative or 3 buffs and a negative with lower effect on each 

and what are the best stats relevant to the zenistar 


for example you could make a "harmless" category for every weapon with all the stats that means nothing if they roll up as a negative on that weapon 

for zenistar i would guess #1 stat you would want is range and then i am not sure about the other stat order

maybe just elemental like toxin or electricity to create radiation and corrosive builds 

i think for zenistar i would rather have 2 buffs -1 and not 3 buffs 

with 2 buffs you can reach 80% range and 3 buffs only 60%

so some weapons benefit more with 2 buffs it seems 


but yeah if you would create some tier list to the top weapons in game that would be a very popular thread 

i already asked for this idea on reddit but people told me it cant be done 

but i disagree every weapon has the best set of stats you could hope for and then other stats that mean nothing for that weapon


Edited by ETzvi
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13 hours ago, Hexero said:

How about this?

Thanks in advance!


300 - 700

12 hours ago, (Xbox One)Fluxxy XGN said:

What about this one? Vulkar Purado

Vulkar Purado (MR 15) - Unrolled

+7.5% Damage To Infested

+14% Cold



60 - 150

8 hours ago, (Xbox One)ka5hm1r said:

Any idea for a price on this riven:

Ignis Igni-Toxicron

+5.5% Toxin

+5.7% Heat

+8.9% Critical Chance

MR9 Unrolled and level 0


200 - 400

6 hours ago, Endyx220 said:

What might this be worth?

Kronen Lociata
+222.2% Range
+269.99% Melee Damage
-62.4% Status Chance

400 - 1000  ( if buyer use zaw polearms with crit build )

34 minutes ago, Arminfootout said:

Hi im looking for an appraisal on this riven


500 - 1300

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8 hours ago, ETzvi said:

hey korndolorous i have a new project for you

instead of valuating individual rivens make a list of all the weapons and the best riven stats one could hope for for that weapon 


if you cant make this project for all weapons in game at least you could start with the top most popular wepaons 




and in each section the top 10 weapons or something like that for a start 


then next to each weapon the best riven stats you could potentially roll 


for example the zenistar 




what would be the best combination i could hope for 

is it 2 buffs and a negative or 3 buffs and a negative with lower effect on each 

and what are the best stats relevant to the zenistar 


for example you could make a "harmless" category for every weapon with all the stats that means nothing if they roll up as a negative on that weapon 

for zenistar i would guess #1 stat you would want is range and then i am not sure about the other stat order

maybe just elemental like toxin or electricity to create radiation and corrosive builds 

i think for zenistar i would rather have 2 buffs -1 and not 3 buffs 

with 2 buffs you can reach 80% range and 3 buffs only 60%

so some weapons benefit more with 2 buffs it seems 


but yeah if you would create some tier list to the top weapons in game that would be a very popular thread 

i already asked for this idea on reddit but people told me it cant be done 

but i disagree every weapon has the best set of stats you could hope for and then other stats that mean nothing for that weapon


I plan to do it later in the next year, but right now i'm too busy to do that. 

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