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!!!! DISCONTINUE !!!!! Riven mod Price Check ( but price check bot is still working in Discord )



Sorry everyone, I can't keep up the price of riven mod, because I didn't have much time to play this game, so I decide to stop giving advice about price checking.




If you have any riven mod, but don't know how much it worth just ask me

Q : How do I estimate the price?
A : number of good stats * stats combo * weapon's popularity * freshness (new weapon get higher price around 1-2 week)


  • new weapon riven (first week) always get high price 300 - 1000 ,except if the weapon is bad (like cycron) or very hard to get ( zenith, sigma) 
  • always set a price higher than what you want ( for negotiation ), but not too much.

Price check Bot

PS. price base on my experience, sometime it might be wrong
PS2. *** please don't put a tons of riven on me, I'm human not a bot I can tired too, pick only 1-5 riven for price check if possible" ***
PS3. *** If you put a tons of riven on me, I'll not reply" ***
PS4. ****Pricecheck are on every Monday****

list of the stats for some god riven


God tier definition
2 or 3 positive with good negative, such as -zoom, -ammo max (for high ammo effiency weapon), - finisher for melee (not for dagger), etc.
:sun:---Rifle riven--- 
[normal weapon] :vazarin:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon] :unairu:

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon] :naramon:

- case 1: can use Heavy Caliber

- case 1.1: doesn't need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam

- case 1.2: need fire rate ( or other utility mod)

  • CC+CD
  • CC+CD+Ms
  • CC+CD+Dam
  • CC+CD+Fire rate  ( or other utility mod)
  • CC+CD+Element

- case 2: can't use Heavy Caliber

  • Ms + CC or CD
  • Dam+CC or CD 
  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CC
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )

---Pistol riven---
[normal weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical weapon]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD ( if CC near 70% )
  • Dam+Ms+CC

---Shotgun riven---
[normal Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+Element

[Status Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Ms+Status Chance
  • Dam+Ms+Element
  • Dam+Ms+Status Chance

[Critical Shotgun]

  • Dam+Ms
  • Dam+Ms+CD
  • Dam+Ms+CC





Edited by korndolorous
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On 6/3/2561 at 9:58 PM, DanoValo said:

Amprex, 18 naramon, MR 10, 0 rerolls

+115.9% Critical Chance

+30.9% Damage to Infested

+108.7% Damage

Again, would you recommend rolling or selling? Thanks!

400 - 900, sell it

On 6/3/2561 at 10:15 PM, Redfeather75 said:

I been using a zaw and got this riven and rolled it a bunch. Wondered if this roll is worth keeping or selling!

I appreciate any help you can offer! :laugh:



200 - 400

On 6/3/2561 at 11:16 PM, RainMarvel said:

I got a Synapse today again
-63.6% Zoom


300 - 800

On 7/3/2561 at 1:18 AM, martin999888 said:
  • Pandero
  • +95% Ms
  • +120.9% CC
  • + 31% dmg to Corpus
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  • Jaw Sword
  • +112.2% Heat
  • + 176.1% Slash
  • + 127% SC
  • - 47.1% Dmg to Grineer
  Reveal hidden contents


  • Grinlok
  • +108.5% CD
  • +87.3% Ms
  • +83.4% SC
  Reveal hidden contents


  • Tiberon
  • +63.3% Dmg to Grineer
  • +230.3% Dmg
  • +168.7% CD
  • +93.1% Weapon Recoil
  Reveal hidden contents


What about that ? :)

pandero 300 - 700

jaw sword 50 - 100 / low demand

grinlok 300 - 900 / low demand

tiberon 150 - 450

On 7/3/2561 at 1:32 AM, kacper2041 said:

sobek riven mod    5 roll   rank max

CC 119.8%

Fire damage 115.1%


80 - 150

On 7/3/2561 at 1:33 AM, nahtanojmil said:

Gorgon Max:

  • +74.3 MS
  • +140.6 CC
  • +2.2 Punch Through

Boar R0:

  • +16.4 CC
  • +16.8 Cold
  • -3.6 grineer

Nukor R0:

  • +13.6 Toxin 
  • +15.4 Heat
  • TY in advance

gorgon 300 - 800

boar 80 - 200

nukor 50 - 150

On 7/3/2561 at 1:49 AM, TheBunn said:

Supra Zeti-concilis (0 rolls, rank 0)

  • 11.1 projectile flight speed
  • -11.4 weapon recoil
  • +7.3 zoom
  • -4.3 Magazine Capacity

Hate Pleci-igninem (0 rolls)

  • +10.7 slide attack crit
  • +10.5 Heat
  • + 0.9s Combo Duration

Harpak Arma-hexaata (0 rolls)

  • +10.7% Status Chance (95.9 when maxed)
  • +19.3% Damage (174 when maxed)
  • + 6.3% Mag Capacity

Akjagara Ignisus (3 rolls)

  • +19.9 Slash
  • +15.2 Heat

Stradavar Lexicon

  • +6.7 Damage to Grineer
  • + 0.4 Punchthrough
  • + 5.9 Weapon Recoil

Vulklok Hexatis

  • +18.8 Crit Chance
  • +15.5 Status Chance
  • -4.4 Zoom

Should I reroll the Supra?

Thanks in advance!

supra 50 - 150 / yes reroll it

hate 50 -130

harpak 60 - 150

akjagara 50 - 100 / low demand

stradavar 50 - 100

vulklok 50 - 150 / low demand 

On 7/3/2561 at 5:16 AM, Dyathus said:

PC please


javlok 60 -120

ooltha 100 - 300

M cernos 60 - 150

kama 50 - 100 

On 7/3/2561 at 6:03 AM, Fuyuukki said:

Price Check pls?

  Hide contents





stradavar 50 - 100

redeemer crita 80 - 200

kulstar 60 - 150

redeemer igni 100 - 350

On 7/3/2561 at 9:28 AM, Alystria said:

PC Please.

  Hide contents


atterax 200 - 400

cycron 100 - 200

On 7/3/2561 at 10:38 AM, lazersaber said:

Dread Acrican

+67.3% multishot

+101.4% crit dmg

MR 12, 9 rolls

300 - 600

On 7/3/2561 at 11:34 AM, fyrros said:

Can I get an estimate for this please?



200 - 350

On 7/3/2561 at 11:56 AM, ElizabethIV said:

how much would this go for 


+149.6range +159.5 slash

thanks in advance

200 - 500

On 7/3/2561 at 12:38 PM, CrazieGuy said:

Is this worth any platinum or should i re roll or is the weapon straight up trash?


150 - 300

20 hours ago, Sanchun said:


Is this Twin Grakatas Riven Mod good?

I want to sell it, but i don't know the worth of it.

I rerolled it 3 times.

60 - 150

19 hours ago, Nightey3s said:

PC ty


50 - 100 / - slide is bad

12 hours ago, Rhoaix said:

Hi need your help again, thanks

kxL13bV.jpg 5n6GPzU.jpg

akbronco 50 - 100

cernos 250 - 450

12 hours ago, HeroHunter666 said:

How is this Rubico Riven?
Rubico Puradex

  • +7.3% Damage to invested
  • +12.9% Status chance
  • -2.7%damage to grineer

MR 14
lvl 0
thx in advance

50 - 150

12 hours ago, VictorCT said:

Just maxed both of these, thanks for your help!


kripath 100 - 300

akbolto 200 - 450

5 hours ago, jbdarkblue said:

7th re rolled my Grakata MR 16 riven

+124.6% damage

+104.7% critical damage

+106.6% Slash damage 


300 - 600

1 hour ago, AustriaGamer1 said:

Euphona Prime Ignican (my second Euphona Prime Riven in like 2 months)

MR 11, unrolled, Varazin Polarity

+105.8% Multishot

+ 81.9% Heat

-35.2% Status Duration

150 - 350

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So, I got this riven from a sortie just today, and I wanted to know if I should keep and roll it or just trash it and forget it since I never encountered the zaw part mentioned.





Also this.




Thank you in advance.

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