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Something I Want Doesn't Drop Often Enough, Omg Just Give It To Me!


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That is what I always hear when I see people complaining about resource, part, or BP drops. Stop complaining about something determined by RNG. Most people blow this way out of proportion, HUR HUR IT'S 20 RUN PER CONTROL MODULE, NOW LOOK AT MY MATH, 2000 RUNS FOR WHAT I NEED!


I'm almost Mastery Rank 8 now, I know that isn't saying much, but my point is getting there has required me to farm and build a lot of equipment, and never have I once sat there and thought "damnit this isn't dropping fast enough, they should give it to me on a silver platter". I was recently trying to farm Nyx and had the worst RNG I've had ever. 20+ runs not even one BP, then a helmet drops, then another long dry spell, then another helmet BP dropped. Repeat this for days until I'm pretty sure Phorid doesn't even want to look me in the face anymore.


Maybe if you all had spent more time actually farming than complaining you'd have less of a problem. Stop trying to DEMAND the game tailor everything to your every whim, core game mechanics included.

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Maybe it's because farming is unrewarding and boring?


Unfortunately, that's what farming is, and that's what Warframe currently revolves around, like many other online games. If they gave you everything easily you'd be done with the game in one or two days. Also, what do you mean unrewarding? The reward is exactly why you are farming.

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Unfortunately, that's what farming is, and that's what Warframe currently revolves around, like many other online games. If they gave you everything easily you'd be done with the game in one or two days. Also, what do you mean unrewarding? The reward is exactly why you are farming.

There's a limit.

Not everyone can farm all day. Not everyone wants to farm. Most of the games that are farm-centric are, at it's core, boring. WoW, Final Fantasy...

Relatively boring to play games, if you strip away the frills and glitter.

Warframe is not that. At it's core, it's an extremely fun game. But instead of frills and glitter, it has ankle weights and mud.

People who complain about the complainers are worse than the complainers themselves, and it doesn't help that he's exaggerating.

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I'm fine with stuff being rare. But when you need a lot of a certain something and its drop rate is low that doesn't make sense and only serves to make the game a boring grind.


Then play the game at your own pace. It's not DE's fault that people are so eager to get everything instantly. For instance, I'm currently trying to build a Glaive and I'm totally out of Ferrites. I split the farming process so it doesn't burn me out. I'll farm 1,500 Ferrite today, then another 1,500 tomorrow. Maybe go for that final 2,000 the next day. After today's Ferrite runs I'll maybe go see if I can snag an Orokin Cell or two (even though I don't need any right now) from Sargas Ruk, bringing the Thief's Wit mod with me so I can do a little Plastid farming in the process. Then I'll take out my big guns and go have some fun in the Void and high level Xini runs, later helping some people out with missions.


The problem I see with a lot of people is that the moment they want to build something, they expect to immediately farm all the parts in a single seating. That is just insane, and not for everyone. Worst still, some people look at EVERYTHING they want to build in the future and calculate the total materials they would need, getting discouraged at how long it would take to farm all of them.

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There's a limit.

Not everyone can farm all day. Not everyone wants to farm. Most of the games that are farm-centric are, at it's core, boring. WoW, Final Fantasy...

Relatively boring to play games, if you strip away the frills and glitter.

Warframe is not that. At it's core, it's an extremely fun game. But instead of frills and glitter, it has ankle weights and mud.

People who complain about the complainers are worse than the complainers themselves, and it doesn't help that he's exaggerating.


Hyperbole =\= exaggeration


Of all the games you could've named for being farm-centric you choose WoW and Final Fantasy? What? Both are polished and offers a plethora of ways for people to enjoy the game. Especially WoW, you can get to your choice of end-game without actually trying to farm anything even once.


Warframe is a very fun game that as it stands right now, farming is the optimal method for gear acquisition. Until the system receives a huge overhaul it's something we'll have to learn to cope with.

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Not everyone can farm all day. Not everyone wants to farm. Most of the games that are farm-centric are, at it's core, boring. WoW, Final Fantasy...



I'm sorry did you just call WoW and Final Fantasy farm-centric? Oh my lord this new generation of kids is spoiled. Back in my day the highest drop chances in the game were 60% and the lowest were 0.01% on a boss mob that only respawned once every 4-6 hours.  And that was at release! Eventually some enemies were given 100% drop chances and then we were eventually introduced to bosses with 0.01% drop chances that had 144 hour respawn times(that's 6 days if your math isn't strong). Oh yea, and we didn't complain.


Kids these days whine if the drop chance is below 10%. Think I'm exaggerating? Check out this thread made earlier today. Specifically, check posts 1 and 4.


Whinerbabies man. That's all this new generation is. /shakestick

Edited by Ghobe
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I like the gameplay but I'd be embarrassed to recommend this game to anyone after the update material prices and purchasable resources. I'm glad I finished mastery leveling before then so I don't need to farm materials. The monetization model, which largely ignores aesthetic customization in favor of grind skipping (requiring significant grind) and power purchasing, leaves a lot to be desired, in terms of priorities.

And yes, I did say I finished material farming. To spell that out, that means my opinion is not based on a personal need to farm cmods but on what I see as poor game design / monetization.

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Worst still, some people look at EVERYTHING they want to build in the future and calculate the total materials they would need, getting discouraged at how long it would take to farm all of them.

How can you not? You have to know how long a game is before you can decide whether it's worth your time. I'm starting to think Warframe isn't worth mine.

Edited by JollierThanThou
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I second you, OP.


Incredibly difficult to handle the whiners and complainers. They want all for free, instantly, no sweat and please, it has to be OP and fun.


Why even start at a game you know beforehand that it's about farming and resources, just to complain as soon as you want the endgame dojo weapon built after 10hours of gameplay? It's not limited to the virtual world, to be honest. Recent surveys also show this tendency about professional job-wishes (high $$$, no sweat, many booby-booty-girls and again, no sress). Sure, it's nice we get a potato alert once in a while, but it's not a must. I thank the DE silently every time, should make a thread once to say thx in general. 


Plus, some guys think that "oh ma gaaaawwwd I played 20 hours on Vor I didnt get XY", well, how efficient was that play? I suit to my "goal", may it be BPs or mats or NM speedruns to get the mods, time is only one component of many.

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I actually think that for a farm centric game, the farming is very boring and not as rewarding as it could be, while the game-play of hectic space-ninja combat is fun but un-polished.

I like that there is real time involved (Dojo and foundry building stuff) but some of the materials are found most commonly on just bulletspongey mobs AKA bosses in this game. That isn't fun to play and people should be able to say "Hey, I dislike farming for farmings sake" without anyone interfering, because that is exactly what we are doing, exactly why are we farming, to kill the same mooks and random "bosses" so we can get more stuff to farm. The game needs to be fun, if they are aiming for a farm centric game, I don't really think a Free running, TPS is the best way to go but well, well.

Let people complain about farming, it is a real problem to the playerbase, just because some people have hours on hours to spend into a game, everyone doesn't and it can be really frustrating to be stuck behind your friends or clanmates due to limitation. Especially now that weapons are turning more and more into upgrades then sidegrades.

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I think what people fail to realize in their farming-induced rage is that farming is what Warframe is all about. That's why I mentioned core gameplay mechanics. You farm to get Warframe A, so you can farm more easily for Weapon X, which allows you to farm Weapon Y, which in turn helps farm Warframe B, and it goes on. A new shiny weapon? Farming is the journey, the weapon itself is the reward, you may or may not need this weapon to progress at all. It's a trophy.


If you ask for everything to readily drop it's like taking a shortcut to the ending, except there's nothing for you in this ending. This is why farming is a neccesary evil for the game right now. For me I don't really care what's on the horizon, I'm in it for the space ninja/viking/G.I.Joe combat experience. If I have to farm another goddamn 10 Orokin Cells so be it, at least I'm not another half naked Elf picking berries from shrubs and skinning squirrels.


EDIT: Grammar.

Edited by Pekku
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I second you, OP.


Incredibly difficult to handle the whiners and complainers. They want all for free, instantly, no sweat and please, it has to be OP and fun.


Why even start at a game you know beforehand that it's about farming and resources, just to complain as soon as you want the endgame dojo weapon built after 10hours of gameplay? It's not limited to the virtual world, to be honest. Recent surveys also show this tendency about professional job-wishes (high $$$, no sweat, many booby-booty-girls and again, no sress). Sure, it's nice we get a potato alert once in a while, but it's not a must. I thank the DE silently every time, should make a thread once to say thx in general. 


Plus, some guys think that "oh ma gaaaawwwd I played 20 hours on Vor I didnt get XY", well, how efficient was that play? I suit to my "goal", may it be BPs or mats or NM speedruns to get the mods, time is only one component of many.

This game wasn't always about farming and resources. When I started playing, it was all about the fast-paced action and the cool movement mechanics. There were only a handful of weapons and frames, but they all played differently. I'm not sure what happened.


Where does this attitude even come from, this conflating of blind repetition with actual difficulty? And the idea that, if you don't have 20 hours a week to dump into gaming, you're an entitled millennial brat who wants everything now now now?

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This game wasn't always about farming and resources. When I started playing, it was all about the fast-paced action and the cool movement mechanics. There were only a handful of weapons and frames, but they all played differently. I'm not sure what happened.


Where does this attitude even come from, this conflating of blind repetition with actual difficulty? And the idea that, if you don't have 20 hours a week to dump into gaming, you're an entitled millennial brat who wants everything now now now?


My bad I wasn't in this game as long as you were, Sir. When I began around June, it was already farming. Fact.


I couldn't care less, honestly, about some guys dumping 1 or 300 hours a week into this game, I play when a) there is spare time and b) I don't play other games. A value for you to compare: nearly 2 months in, only mastery rank 7 and 200ish hours of play. 


Yet I can plan what I want before and go play where the things I need have a chance to drop.


If you're not, and I quote you, "an entitled millennial brat[,,,]" then just go ahead and buy ressources in the market. What's holding you? Time is not the only component, you know. And only killing bosses is not how you get the materials the fastest way, really not. Every sane second dude here can tell you about the +2 or +3 orokin cells he claimed from a helpless, weaponless container (Edit: not while the insane U9 weekend, to clarify).


Where does your attitude come from, exactly, if I may ask? Want something, do something. Either play (and use the brains) or pay :)

Edited by Chronodroid
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I'm sorry did you just call WoW and Final Fantasy farm-centric? Oh my lord this new generation of kids is spoiled. Back in my day the highest drop chances in the game were 60% and the lowest were 0.01% on a boss mob that only respawned once every 4-6 hours.  And that was at release! Eventually some enemies were given 100% drop chances and then we were eventually introduced to bosses with 0.01% drop chances that had 144 hour respawn times(that's 6 days if your math isn't strong). Oh yea, and we didn't complain.


Kids these days whine if the drop chance is below 10%. Think I'm exaggerating? Check out this thread made earlier today. Specifically, check posts 1 and 4.


Whinerbabies man. That's all this new generation is. /shakestick

You do realize that complaining like that just makes you worse than anyone who complains? It makes your argument irrelevant because it proves that you don't care about anyone who has a barely different opinion than your's. You, sir, are the "whinerbaby".



Where does your attitude come from, exactly, if I may ask? Want something, do something. Either play (and use the brains) or pay :)

And you?

You're acting far more "entitled" and, frankly, elitist than any "whinnerbaby" that anyone here is outright complaining about.

I don't normally call people out, but you're the "whinerbabies" in this conversation, acting immature and defending an ancient and boring video game concept that doesn't need to be in this game, at least not in the long run.

That final comment proves that you're out with a chip on your shoulder, with no better thing to do than poke at people's anger because you think you're superior.

It's not a matter of entitlement, it's not a matter of laziness, it's a matter of fun and engagement. Farming is not fun. It is a repetitive way to pad out hours, which is not something everyone has, and it does nothing to improve Warframe, a vibrant game with massive content and potential for even greater and engaging content.

Even if farming is the avenue to experiencing more content, that's ok. But farming should not lead to more farming. It's a vicious circle that is used to perpetuate gameplay without adding anything new. But we have constant new things, constant updates, and we're still in beta.

The levels of farming presented for a small clan when clans were first released was all wrong. THe way they are now are excellent. That's the kind of direction we need.

Drop rates are relatively alright, most issues that are had with them are from either glitches (Darn pits gettin' mah drops), or from the sheer number needed for one small thing.

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The problem I see with a lot of people is that the moment they want to build something, they expect to immediately farm all the parts in a single seating. That is just insane, and not for everyone. Worst still, some people look at EVERYTHING they want to build in the future and calculate the total materials they would need, getting discouraged at how long it would take to farm all of them.


I have 100k Nano Spores, 8k Polymer Bundle, and 5k Circuits. And 17 Gallium. Meanwhile, I'm perpetually out of Neurodes, low on Ferrite and Salvage (neither of which are hard to farm or anything), and I'm getting 15-25 Plastids a drop when some weapons require over 1000 of them. There are problems with the drop rates.

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ROFL 20 runs.... dude it took me 93 runs on raptor boss to get his BPs... less QQ more Pew Pew,


the issue is not knowing WHERE to farm them, the wiki is outdated and needs to be updated allowing us to know the location to farm whater item we need... 


i also dont like the drop numbers.... ive noticed nanospores i am almost ALWAYS over 100 per drop.. where are ferrite im averaging about 85... if there the same rarity then why are the amounts dropped so much different

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That is what I always hear when I see people complaining about resource, part, or BP drops. Stop complaining about something determined by RNG. Most people blow this way out of proportion, HUR HUR IT'S 20 RUN PER CONTROL MODULE, NOW LOOK AT MY MATH, 2000 RUNS FOR WHAT I NEED!


I'm almost Mastery Rank 8 now, I know that isn't saying much, but my point is getting there has required me to farm and build a lot of equipment, and never have I once sat there and thought "damnit this isn't dropping fast enough, they should give it to me on a silver platter". I was recently trying to farm Nyx and had the worst RNG I've had ever. 20+ runs not even one BP, then a helmet drops, then another long dry spell, then another helmet BP dropped. Repeat this for days until I'm pretty sure Phorid doesn't even want to look me in the face anymore.


Maybe if you all had spent more time actually farming than complaining you'd have less of a problem. Stop trying to DEMAND the game tailor everything to your every whim, core game mechanics included.


Been trying to farm Frost for awhile now Currently have 9 Helmets and 3 Chassis just need 1 systems. Now before you go saying that's only 12 runs you don't actually get a drop every run. To be honest i've probably done 40+ Runs. It's starting to feel hopeless that'll i'll ever get his systems. Now i understand that it's determined by RNG but how unlucky do i have to be to have 9 helmets and not a single systems. The RNG just seems a little screwed up in this game compared to others I've played. 

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The game really needs a failsafe mechanic as described here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/56985-failsafe-mechanic-for-rng-an-alternative-to-token-the-great-wall-of-text/


At the very least it would provide a much better risk vs reward for higher level gameplay, since the vast majority of it right now has the problem that the current rewards don't really scale high enough to make fighting bullet sponges worth it.

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My bad I wasn't in this game as long as you were, Sir. When I began around June, it was already farming. Fact.


I couldn't care less, honestly, about some guys dumping 1 or 300 hours a week into this game, I play when a) there is spare time and b) I don't play other games. A value for you to compare: nearly 2 months in, only mastery rank 7 and 200ish hours of play. 


Yet I can plan what I want before and go play where the things I need have a chance to drop.


If you're not, and I quote you, "an entitled millennial brat[,,,]" then just go ahead and buy ressources in the market. What's holding you? Time is not the only component, you know. And only killing bosses is not how you get the materials the fastest way, really not. Every sane second dude here can tell you about the +2 or +3 orokin cells he claimed from a helpless, weaponless container (Edit: not while the insane U9 weekend, to clarify).


Where does your attitude come from, exactly, if I may ask? Want something, do something. Either play (and use the brains) or pay :)

Problem is, this game isn't using my brains, at all. I'm walking over to the yellow dots and breaking containers until I run out of free time. Meanwhile, there's a voice in the back of my head: "Dude, you could have spent that time playing XCOM. You would even have had fun."

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