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:(Xbox One): NEW Void Riot Clan Created to Appease Cthulhu!


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:poop: Seems like a good way to start this. I, soon to be "we", have created clan Void Riot just for YOU! That is, of course, if you are an adult that is mentally/emotionally stable (for the most part) or pre-adult that will not pester or otherwise annoy your clanmates, either internationally or otherwise. Moon clan Void Riot is working on making available to those who seek it a fairly mild mannered not-completely narcissistic in-game network of capable players willing and eager to assist anyone and everyone, from clueless newbies to seasoned professionals. Because really, strip away everything else, and the one thing that leaves the biggest impression on most people is receiving adequate assistance from a selfless individual who expects nothing in return, other than maybe not to be yelled at for it. 


I'm pretty new too, but being of above average intelligence, and having over two decades of gaming experience, I learn quickly. So, if you want to help or get help, or if you just want to regularly run missions with a full squad of people you know can be counted on, and if you don't find any better options, feel free to embrace the Void Riot. Might be useful to know how I can be contacted, huh? Riot and Revolt - is the gamertag, and I should mention that while I want this clan to be laid back and helpful, it shouldbe known that trolling or any type of abuse or disrespect to ANY member will earn you a kick. 


That's pretty much it. Stay focused, have a good time, be patient, and don't ruin the experience for others. Think that sums it up. Just gonna be another steady casual grind with a small-ish number of dedicated players trying to get the most out of Warframe.

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