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Quill Armor or can someone explain me this gamedesign descision?


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4 hours ago, Gamma745 said:

I think I heard someone said that the Landing crafts are basically just Fashion for your ship at the moment.

That's not entirely correct.

Each kind of Landing Craft has a specific Air Support ability that you can activate via Air Support Charges.
Depending if someone incorporates it into their playstyle, you can find a good bit of them to be very helpful in day-to-day missions; when applicable.

The two more popular choices are the default Liset's Air Support, which overrides any and all alarms immediately (you probably have seen people use them especially in missions such as Rescue or Spy), and Mantis' Med Tower, which you'll more likely run into players using those in higher level Survival and Defense missions.


Personally, I use Xiphos' Sentry Gun (which creates an automatic Corpus-esque turret for you), specifically for Interceptions and Excavations. I find them to be helpful to put them on a higher-elevated spot, adjacent to the objective points. Mostly for the obvious attacking enemies, but also for when I need to run off to grab a power cell for an Excavator or capture another Interception point, if I hear the Sentry Gun go off from a distance, than I know to run back when I can to take care of the enemies nearby it.

Hope that clarifies it a bit!~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Why not option is there and should remain there (this is how warframe survived all these years) BEST free to play model out there.

I lke the options (example is PVP even tho i love how some skins look i hate pvp) ergo i wont playe it so i just buyed all the crap with plat that i grinded in game easy both universes win 

And this will be a future of gaming once big companys like blizzard understand the data behind it (but digital extremes proved the concept along side with team fortress and dota 2)

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17 hours ago, HalfDarkShadow said:

That's not entirely correct.

Each kind of Landing Craft has a specific Air Support ability that you can activate via Air Support Charges.
Depending if someone incorporates it into their playstyle, you can find a good bit of them to be very helpful in day-to-day missions; when applicable.

Well, I know each of the Landing craft has some utility, but I just heard someone says that it's benefit are not that worth it.

Don't get me wrong, I understand what you're saying. I find some use out of Xiphos turret myself (extra guns can't hurt). I'm just stating what I heard somewhere.

Hardly saw anyone using the Mantis med-tower, though. Maybe it's due to the lack of long endless runs on my part.

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