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Mining and colour blindness.


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As harsh as it may sound, I feel that your previous changes for colourblind people have been nothing more than a token effort. A ''please stop moaning at us we'll do whatever you want we just can't take the criticism anymore'' sorta thing. 

If it's a simple case of not fully understanding how colurblindness works then I hope I can clear a few things up.

Even mild colourblindness is quite serious. From what I remember, regardless of the type of colourblindness (monochromancy excluded), a 'mild' condition means you can only see about 15% of the colours in the world. What this means is that even though I have a form of protanomaly Red isn't the only colour I will have trouble with, I will never immediately class something as 'Turquoise' or 'Aqua' or 'Burgundy'. Whilst this doesn't pertain to my current issue, I hope it explains that colourblindness isn't as black and white (haha!) as people may think it is, there aren't simply colours you can see, and colours that you can't, it can really mess with your brain.

Onto my point though, mining is potentially the least fun thing I have ever done in Warframe. I can be standing there, with the laser telling me I'm 1m away from the resource and the beeping more consistent than a censored tourettes sufferer and still be unable to see the ore. 

I struggle to see how you could remove the red lights from locked doors knowing that people were having trouble distinguishing them, but then make arguably the most important mining resource tiny little red dots on a rock. I'll even go so far as to class this as physically painful due to eye strain.

My solution would be to simply have the cut out line appear when you get close enough regardless of whether you're aiming or not. I may not be able to see the ore itself, but circle it in a bright white light and everything's dandy.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Warframe really needs colourblind settings.

Edited by DeMonkey
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