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Well Of Life Redundant - Potential Overhaul


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This has been bothering me for awhile now... I love my trinity to death (several times now, oops =P ), but the #1 ability, Well of Life, is kinda pointless in most cases. Yes, it's 25 energy so it's not supposed to be worth a lot, but it should still have some sort of use.


Here's the problem:


1: Casting Well of Life isn't particularly cost efficient compared to Blessing once you have a large amount of health, unless you seriously invest fully in upgrading Well of Life.


2: The actual cast animation for Well of Life involves having to stand up, in the open, for several seconds while targeting and channeling the spell. This is a high risk maneuver which makes it very unappetizing when you need it most (ie in a room swarming with enough enemies to actually bring your health low).


3: Blessing heals anyway, and does a better job of it, from the safety of cover, has infinite range, doesn't wear off if a low health enemy dies in 1 shot, and is just generically better in almost all situations.


4: Mana efficiency is almost a moot point when using Trinity in general, due to Energy Vampire.


5: About the only times that Well of Life has any value, is when you're on a low level mission, with a low level suit, and take a few hits of damage to health but don't have enough enemies to worry about losing more.


6: It's honestly kind of boring and is just too close of a mimic to Energy Vampire, which is universally more useful throughout various mission types, gear level ranges, and in many situations, while Well of Life is just kinda bleh.





What would be needed in a replacement?


There's a few things that would have to be considered to make the ability generally more fun and nice to have around.


1: Don't copy any other spell already on the Trinity warframe for basic casting method or functionality.


2: Something which is generically useful on a regular basis and can be used fairly often. A cheap, 25 energy spell should be able to be put to use as a workhorse ability, something core to the design.


3: Adds something interesting to the game that hasn't really been done before.






What are a few example replacement spells?


1: A long-range revive spell which can target an allied player who is down and get them back up again after a 5/4/3/2 second channel or so. This would be just generically helpful at all levels, and still fits nicely with the purpose of the Trinity suit.


2: A health funnel type spell; activate to drain health from a nearby enemy rapidly over a few seconds, or cast upon an ally to transfer Trinity's health to them over time. This still overlaps with her Blessing a bit unfortunately, but does distinctively put this into a position where it's good for healing one weakened ally, instead of having to be in combat and blow your whole load just on one person who's at half health.


3: A linked health spell where Trinity takes 50% of the damage and her target takes 50% of the damage; unlike her other spell actually called Link, this would be targeted upon a single ally, instead of whichever enemy is nearest as an aura. This would let her reduce the rate at which players are dying, giving her more time to cast her Blessing when needed if used appropriately.


4: An offensive AoE spell of some sort which can be spammed repeatedly; Trinity is totally lacking for any offensive options, which can really make her problematic to deal with on situations like defense missions, where having someone who can replenish life and energy would supposedly be awesome... and instead ends up feeling more like dead weight most of the time. I could see this working similar to Banshee's Sound Quake, but a smaller radius and acts as a toggle; while toggled on, it drains 25 energy per second to pulse for damage, or can be cast again to turn it off. Potential problems with overcasting, however.


5: Teleports a target next to you, either an ally who's in danger or is bleeding out, or an enemy who could be fought seperate from it's friends with the whole divide and conquor style approach. I'm hesitant towards this one; too many options for trolling allies much like the Vauban. Probably not the best decision =P


6: Temporarily disables one enemy from moving or attacking, making Trinity even more useful when fighting a boss or other large enemy. This emphasizes what she's already good at though, rather than fixing up some glaring holes such as simply not being desirable in some mission types.


7: Straight up damage reduction for a targeted ally; probably % based.


8: Physical cover; Trinity creates a small section of wall that can be used for cover, or to block off an entrance to an area. She can only have one piece of cover active at a time.


9: Targeting amplification - Trinity targets an enemy and marks the weak points on their anatomy, while also amplifying all damage the target takes in general.


10: An actual Well of Life style ability which creates a physical object on the ground, such as a fountain or well, which heals nearby allies who are standing nearby it, and doesn't despawn until she creates a new one, making it more effective in longer battles taking place in a singular area than Blessing is able to. This way Blessing is used for big heals in an emergency situation, while Well of Life is used more so for gradual gain over time so long as players are hanging nearby the well to fight.





I could keep giving suggestions for ages, but you get the idea. She has three main options though, regardless of the specific details:

1: She enhances what she's already good at (single, large targets, survivability, healing).


2: She makes up for an area she's remarkably weak in (complete lack of AoE damage output options)


3: She gains further utility, allowing her to vary her role a bit more than she currently does.



No matter which is chosen, the point is to try to get Trinity's #1 spell to be a bit more unique and interesting, rather than just a mixture of #2 and #4. It's kinda bland at the moment to use, and mostly a wasted ability slot as it doesn't really do anything that blessing can't already do better for the most part.


Even so, I still love my Trinity, it'd just be nice if she had a "real" #1 ability, instead of something that kind of feels more like a placeholder.

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Well of Life as a concept is fine, but it does nothing to sell itself otherwise. A buff to damage done to a Welled target would make the skill work excellent as presented, needing health or not, and would combo great with Energy Vampire.

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