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Who are the most powerful warframe?


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What frames would u consider powerful and why?(in order from 1-10) whether its from gameplay,lore or cuz of how their power works

1)limbo: can control time, space, reality, existence, n open gates..honestlt if it was a comic book this guy would b brokenly OP cuz if how much ability he possess.

2)Nova:controls matter on a molecular lvl(id say).

3)Inaros,nidus,wukong n harrow: immortal(can restore health at will)

4)nyx: that mind control tho.

5)nekros) he's pretty much the god of death.

6)saryn: from her lore..she was able to deal with the infested all by herself..tht says a lot if u ask me.

7)valkyr: immortal.

8)mag: she can pretty much control gravity.

9)chroma: well other than the fact tht lotus actually said it herself tht he's pretty damn strong..he's a dang dragon.

10)rhino, volt n frost: well rhino cuz he's stomp is strong enough to actually affect gravity,frost cuz i mean who can escape absolute zero? N volt cuz pretty much every living being has electricity within them 


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The objectively most powerful isn't even listed, Banshee outclasses all others when it comes to damage-enabling. Sonar is able to multiply damage output but an easily obtainable 1900% On top of that, banshee is currently the only frame to actively obtain damage cap in Warframe (a hefty 2.3 Billion damage), while there are other cases that have been able to, almost all of them were a dagger with covert lethality on a high level enemy. Banshee can be objectively viewed as one of the most "God Tier" and powerful frames in the game, despite her stature and constitution. While I love all frames and all weapons, as well as theorycrafting. Banshee would be my pick as the most needed and most appreciated of any frame. A true underdog story.

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6 minutes ago, DarkDullahan-Prime said:

The objectively most powerful isn't even listed, Banshee outclasses all others when it comes to damage-enabling. Sonar is able to multiply damage output but an easily obtainable 1900% On top of that, banshee is currently the only frame to actively obtain damage cap in Warframe (a hefty 2.3 Billion damage), while there are other cases that have been able to, almost all of them were a dagger with covert lethality on a high level enemy. Banshee can be objectively viewed as one of the most "God Tier" and powerful frames in the game, despite her stature and constitution. While I love all frames and all weapons, as well as theorycrafting. Banshee would be my pick as the most needed and most appreciated of any frame. A true underdog story.

Really? Huh i rarely actually see people use em tho(lik limbo, ash, n/or volt)

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1 minute ago, (Xbox One)ItsMast3rking said:

Really? Huh i rarely actually see people use em tho(lik limbo, ash, n/or volt)

As is the case. Most Banshee's I see in public matches run Resonating Quake, which is a fine mod, and fine ability, just not for banshee. It doesn't quite fit her kit and theme. Sonar and Silence are a lot of veteran banshee player's go-to's. You may not see a lot of people playing her, and there aren't usually, but her community is faithful to just how powerful she is, and objectively there's no frame as useful as her in a late-game setting.

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My top 3 strongest frames are Ivara, Nidus and Limbo. 

Ivara has perma stealth, double loot, headshot bonus, opens up everything to finisher damage, can cloak allies and has endlessly scaling damage. Survival endless run queen! She doesn't care if something is lvl20 or lvl2000.

Nidus's skills synergize so amazingly well! He tanks like a maniac, can come back form the dead without having to interrupt gameplay, has great CC and scaling damage. You have to use ALL his abilities to make him turn into a monster. 

Limbo is untouchable! He has the best "tank" in game with rift walk, he can stop time and has the best CC in game (imo), status procs never end as long as stasis is up, he gets a 300-3000%+ melee damage bonus with his augment, and he can spam Cataclysm at line of sight which rocks in POE. Amazing melee frame with the strongest CC in game. 

There are frames that do some of what the above do, maybe even in a way where an ability is a bit better...but the above offer me the strongest package. All of them can do long endgame runs up to stupid levels. 

Wukong gets an honorable mention because he's such a hilarious run & run frame in that you never have to worry about dying ever...easiest "don't die" mechanic on the planet. Hydroid Prime gets a high five for his amazing armor stripping, fast 2nd ability giving you Volt-like speeds, and scaling damage.

Edited by (PS4)Radehx
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