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New to the game? Returning players? Looking for a home? We, The Anthem, shall bring you to that place you called home~.


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Name: BzyQ96
Mastery Rank: 8
Country of residence: Poland
About yourself: Hi! Started playing like 2 years ago but I didn't play much, I had to come back when I saw this elemental dragon Chroma warframe and I would like to be in your clan! Thanks :D

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Name: Zephyrade
Mastery Rank: 1
Country of residence: America
About yourself: Me and a friend have decided to play the game again after a long time coming from PS4 and have started on PC not that long ago. We're looking for a clan to help us out and to hang with

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Name: Hiraethsu

Mastery: 1

Country: America

About: I was on PS4 for a long time, was mastery rank 8 and had a good amount of prime frames like nova, ember, ash, rhino, mag, trinity, and frost. Decided to move to PC since it seemed a lot better but its strange to have to restart but I soon I'm pretty sure ill get used to it. So far I love it here on PC and i hope to be able to level up more and help out the clan as best as I can with my past experience.

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An abandoned tenno looking for a place to call home.

Name: DarkGamer0206
Mastery Rank: 6
Country of residence: Australia
About yourself: Plays warframe here and there. I can help those who require assistance especially those who are new to the game. I used to be part of a clan until they kicked everyone out. I'm now looking for a permanent clan to represent and help. Favorite warframe: Ash and Nidus

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Name: Philharmonica
Mastery Rank: 13
Country of residence: USA
About yourself: Took a fairly long break from the game after grinding it for too long. I'm back for the new Eidelon update, but probably just going to play more casually. I primarily run an ev trinity so hopefully I'd be helpful in squads.

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Name: MatthewAndSky (Real name's matt of course)

MR: 3

Country: United States (California baby!!!)

About me: I started playing warframe when it came out on xbox one, I used to have a clan with friends but no one plays with me anymore :(. I switched to pc a while ago and im loving it right now, Im currently a sophmore in high school and am working on that sweet frost/lenz build. I currently have a fresh account with the twitch bundle but i play alot so ill catch up to my old account too. (If I can finally get dread to drop :) )

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Name: MishaXG

Mastery Rank 5 (soon 6)

Country of Residence: France (origin: LU)

About me: Returned to the game a couple of days ago. Playing alone in random public server is fun, joining a clan would be even better! Better to play and have fun with people more than once isn't it?

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Name: potatonuggets
Mastery Rank: 4
Country of residence: SG
About yourself: Been playing warframe for a year or so now, stopped for a period of time due to school. I am into these kind of games so I enjoy playing this game and will invest time into it. I play with 3 of my other friends from SG too, so we make a full team and we always play together.

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Name: LieutenantMeower 

Mastery Rank: 5

Country of residence: Canada (Maritimes)

About yourself: Previously played on Xbox One and was at Mastery Rank 7 and particularly fancied Chroma. Stopped playing for a little bit after a clan fallout. Now I'm full in on the PC version with the new updates and all! Currently working my way to Chroma once again ;). Don't talk to much but I'm up for helping out wherever I can!

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Name: Toucans
Mastery Rank: 7
Country of residence: USA
About yourself: I started with Loki but took a long break. Still feel like a noob. Looking for a clan to hang with and do bigger missions/ grind some relics. I can only jump around the solar system with rhino so much. 

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