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New to the game? Returning players? Looking for a home? We, The Anthem, shall bring you to that place you called home~.


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Name: G5XR7S0
Mastery Rank: 6
Country of residence: Canada
About yourself:

Interested in joining an active, friendly, massive community. What I have to offer is a strong analytical mind (software developer irl) along with a genuine urge to help others.

Outside of gaming I'm extremely athletic + race motorcycles. So if anyone has any fitness or motorcycle questions, I can help them out with that as well. 

Thank you for taking your time to consider my application.

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Name: Billbo86
Mastery Rank: 1
Country of residence: USA
About yourself:  Hello! I'm new to the game (played a few times before but really getting into after talking to friends who have been playing for years). Hoping to find a clan to learn more about the game, figure out all the nitty gritty of clan workings in Warframe, and to just have fun when I'm not hanging out with my kids (one of which I just got into Warframe too!) I'd love to join if you're still recruiting. Thank you very much!

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Name: Narfeater
Mastery Rank: 5
Country of residence: USA
About yourself:  Played about a year ago and had to stop due to family issues but Im back now and ready to kick &#!.  Just looking for a clan to learn and go through the game with.  Hopefully yall are still recruiting.  Thank you 

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Name: excrement_

Mastery Rank: 5

Country of residence: Australia

About yourself: I've come back to this glorious game after my faith in Bungie (and AAA titles in general) was completely destroyed. 'Nuff said.

I've been pretty active and I'm excited to try everything Warframe has to offer. I look most forward to the raids, and grinding defense with new friends!

The game has come so far.At this point it's basically a do-what-you-want simulator. My pistol turns people into ghosts who fight for me. The customization, depth, and beautiful design is like nothing else. Loki is the MVP so far for the true space ninja experience, and I've maxed Mag, Hydroid Prime and Frost Prime

Edited by excrement_
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Name: Breece1019

Mastery Rank: 1 about to be 2 in an hour

Country: United States

About: Played this game on my Xbox in 2014 for a week, was super confused and quit.  Heard about the improvements in the game, and decided to give it another shot.  Just got the game yesterday, currently waiting to be able to get to the next rank, would love to join your clan

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On 10/25/2017 at 8:14 PM, Chaay said:

Hello everyone! We are
The Anthem
And thank you for checking out our clan of awesomeness and pure fun!!!


Originally, The Anthem is a 2-man clan created by SoulKTMM and Darrenation since mid-April this year. And it has been opened for recruits since June. We wanted to create an environment that is safe and enriching for everyone and anyone. No prejudices or sorts whatever.

  "We created this clan to be able to give each and everyone the chance to become the best of what they can do as a Tenno."


We are a casual clan, raids pretty often, having fun in the Discord chat, and there will be fun shenanigans everywhere from all of us.
Our goal is to be the most comfy, casual, heartwarming, and welcoming clan. And at the same time, be a clan that produces leaderboard and end-game quality players.


100% Research, Dueling rooms, Big Dojo, Aliance, and Observatory(If you feel lonely) 


Friendly and heartwarming Discord chat
Saturday Night Live! event every Saturday 8.00PM (GMT+8)
Guides of the Anthem which helps you and your Tenno journey


Expanding from only SEA-OCEANIA towards Full Global
Our own website
Events for Plains of Eidolon
...and many more!

The rule is pretty simple, you just have to log into the game at least once every 10 days, or the Warlord will remove you. (If you have any reasons to be unable to play the game within the time, you can tell the Warlords or any Clan Moderators/Officers.) Other than that, don't bully, discriminate other people, and don't be leeching.

Lists of Warlords; SoulKTMM , Darrenation
Lists of Moderators; KizunaYui , KizunaAi, AlienSliferX
Lists of Officers; NiGhtZ95, Chaay, Kurolegion97, Rejection 2.0, 524Gunslinger


The recruiting form is pretty simple, please fill in the form below;

Mastery Rank:
Country of residence:
About yourself:

We also have our own discord channel, as I will send you the link through message, so please come join us after you're invited to the clan!

"The Initiation" by Meridiem

  Reveal hidden contents


The Anthem's Dojo


The Raids


...and some shenanigans from it!A52987877204462FCC733D93598798283002C4CCWarframe0316.jpgWarframe0019.jpgLOR_NM.jpg



We, The Anthem, thanks to you all for visiting this page and joining our clan! Have a nice day!



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Name: MrSoris

Mastery Rank: 8

Country of Residence: Germany

About yourself: Like many i came back not too long ago but since then more than doubled my playtime already.

I played solo for a while but now i'm looking for a community i can join again.

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Name: Lyriell

Mastery Rank: 5

Country of Residence: Brazil

About yourself: I'm a new player who loves to conect with people from all over the world. It's been an adventure to learn more and more about how this game works, and I think a clan would be great to explore Warframe's amazing universe even further. I'm mostly a casual player, so a clan that offers a "comfy" and "home-like" enviroment seems the best option

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On 25-10-2017 at 5:14 PM, Chaay said:

Hello everyone! We are
The Anthem
And thank you for checking out our clan of awesomeness and pure fun!!!


Originally, The Anthem is a 2-man clan created by SoulKTMM and Darrenation since mid-April this year. And it has been opened for recruits since June. We wanted to create an environment that is safe and enriching for everyone and anyone. No prejudices or sorts whatever.

  "We created this clan to be able to give each and everyone the chance to become the best of what they can do as a Tenno."


We are a casual clan, raids pretty often, having fun in the Discord chat, and there will be fun shenanigans everywhere from all of us.
Our goal is to be the most comfy, casual, heartwarming, and welcoming clan. And at the same time, be a clan that produces leaderboard and end-game quality players.


100% Research, Dueling rooms, Big Dojo, Aliance, and Observatory(If you feel lonely) 


Friendly and heartwarming Discord chat
Saturday Night Live! event every Saturday 8.00PM (GMT+8)
Guides of the Anthem which helps you and your Tenno journey


Expanding from only SEA-OCEANIA towards Full Global
Our own website
Events for Plains of Eidolon
...and many more!

The rule is pretty simple, you just have to log into the game at least once every 10 days, or the Warlord will remove you. (If you have any reasons to be unable to play the game within the time, you can tell the Warlords or any Clan Moderators/Officers.) Other than that, don't bully, discriminate other people, and don't be leeching.

Lists of Warlords; SoulKTMM , Darrenation
Lists of Moderators; KizunaYui , KizunaAi, AlienSliferX
Lists of Officers; NiGhtZ95, Chaay, Kurolegion97, Rejection 2.0, 524Gunslinger


The recruiting form is pretty simple, please fill in the form below;

Mastery Rank:
Country of residence:
About yourself:

We also have our own discord channel, as I will send you the link through message, so please come join us after you're invited to the clan!

"The Initiation" by Meridiem

  Reveal hidden contents


The Anthem's Dojo


The Raids


...and some shenanigans from it!A52987877204462FCC733D93598798283002C4CCWarframe0316.jpgWarframe0019.jpgLOR_NM.jpg



We, The Anthem, thanks to you all for visiting this page and joining our clan! Have a nice day!


Hey there,

Centurias here

Mastery Rank 8

Country of residence: Ze Netherlands

About myself:

Im a semi experienced player , not so much with Warframe but with did my share of MMO's looking for a good home where hopefully both the clan and myself can advance, im still learning the game but im a quick study and good company.

Hope to hear from you guys seems like a good community

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Name: DealinDoug
Mastery Rank: MR4
Country of residence: United States
About yourself: Returning player, MR13 on PS4 "argonianra" wanted to switch to PC. Loved playing as Saryn Prime, Vauban Prime, and using my trusty Ignis Wraith. Used to be in Destroy All Monsters clan on console. Looking for another clan as fun and supportive as my old clan. I'm a student that plays everyday to every other day usually. Would be honored to be a part of The Anthem. Thank you for your consideration.

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