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Frost: a Thorough evaluation


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well about avalanche in xini is overpower but so it is mags last skill cause is infestation so i dont think that theres a need to nerf the dmg cause its kinda weak against greener, i went to exta i coudnt kill any mobs there, and the range maybe needs some nerf but in the new maps that r enormous i will kinda suck :P

i feel the range is op on any map, the dmg is really just strong vs infested, mabye the dmg should be a % not a number? (his stock range is not op, just how well it scales with range mods)
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No one comments on your thread hammer because clearly no one cares for your opinion on the matter. Catch the drift? No one thinks the ultimates of certain warframes are the problem. We've told you already where the problem lies yet you insist that it's ok for certain warframes (probably the ones he likes to play) to have large power range but not others. You've come off as biased in saying that. You've also bumped your own damn thread in hopes of sparking some revolution where everyone says ya hammer you're right nerf those ultimates and add a cool down while you're at it. On top of this you've now twisted this topic into talking about ultimates in general and since it's clearly going nowhere should be locked by rebecca or someone...

please read all the posts, before you respond, all 2 pages worth.

bumped my own thread? i never double posted, i just responded to people, we cant all stay up all night and then not go to work the next day to post on the forums all day.

other people brought up other warframes, and mods, i only responded to them with either ideas, or other form of response.

I am not biased towards any warfame that i have played, if i were to pull up my play time, most of it would be rhino and frost, and im calling to balance Frost, and never mentioned rhino other then that i played him, oh and Volt about how pre nerf i felt he was overpowered.....

I have continued to try and keep this topic about frost his ultimate, and how mods effect it.

If your going to claim I said something at least quote me on it.

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please read all the posts, before you respond, all 2 pages worth.

bumped my own thread? i never double posted, i just responded to people, we cant all stay up all night and then not go to work the next day to post on the forums all day.

other people brought up other warframes, and mods, i only responded to them with either ideas, or other form of response.

I am not biased towards any warfame that i have played, if i were to pull up my play time, most of it would be rhino and frost, and im calling to balance Frost, and never mentioned rhino other then that i played him, oh and Volt about how pre nerf i felt he was overpowered.....


I have continued to try and keep this topic about frost his ultimate, and how mods effect it.

If your going to claim I said something at least quote me on it.

How mods affect it? Now you acknowledge that mods are what helping your frost do do much? You stated prior to this page about putting 120% power range mods and 2 efficiency mods as if everyone had these. Why must you twist the topic around when you were discussing that frost ult is OP now you say it's the mods too? Make up your mind and understand that everyone doesn't agree with you. Why?

Becuase there is already a lot of methods to one hit your enemies with no issue such as multishot with any gun. Scindo and it's free one hitting AOE. Hell you can do the same effect as frost with Mag If you give the same mods. This isn't volt whose base ult had a crazy damage and range. Frost doesn't have the range and you supplemented with the nessccary mods and now you say it OP? Wtf do you think would happen

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Lol hammer, please tell me English isn't your first language. That way I can forgive how naive you are. You started the topic to talk about frost and his Avalanche move having too much range. While stating this you mention that you put 120% MORE range on him with mods. Others here have stated that the mods are what made frost reach out so far and gave examples of other warframes doing the same thing. You then took that as an excuse to twist your topic into some kind of rant about how you don't like that a player can one shot every enemy in a defense room using their ultimate. You went off on a tangent and talking about "fixes" for ultimates in general and have yet to prove that Frost WITHOUT MODS is somehow more powerful than another DPS warframe.

Don't continue to talk about mods or ultimates on this thread though. Your topic has nothing to do with those. If you don't like ultimates, then make a thread that says: "I don't llike Ultimates, come hear me cry". There you can talk about all the ultimates and mods you want.

Get your information straight before coming on here and acting as if you know what the problem is. People like you are the reason Volt's been nerfed into nothingness.

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