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Bottleneck in Warframe


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OK I played the game in a loot of computers: AMD FX, Phenom II, Ryzen and  a various generations of I3 I5 and I7 and the problems is the same on all this hardware, in the endless missions  especially (but I see this in other missions): The game lost a loot of performance without saturate any core. Please DE fix this is very strange and frustrating.

Updated: I tested warframe without the multi-threaded option and I discover something strange in my Ryzen and my I7: The minium fps are better but the average and the maxium is worst, by the other hand I surprised when I see that the main thread dont uses the 100% of the core in the case of ryzen the utilization on the main thread is 86% and in the case the of I7 is 82%.
This shows a real bad optimization on the game, all the games I have saturates the cores if the game needs (basically disabling v-sinc).  

PD: Sorry for my bad english and my GPU´s are a 1070 on the ryzen and 970 in the I7.

Edited by LordOfWar666
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18 hours ago, LordOfWar666 said:

OK, more probs about the real optimization problem of Warframe:
Watch the 4 thread, is not saturated and the v-sync is disabled.

There's more to a system than just the "cores" (which is what all system monitors report). The core reference is just an indicator of how much work is being done, not how "optimised" something is.

A core doesn't need to be saturated to be an indicator of good performance. In this day and age I'd say if you are saturating a single core you have room to improve, as you have no real excuse to run all your code on a single core (even more so with C++ as your programming language).

The busses that connect all the parts together, the RAM timings, RAM type, choice of HDD etc. etc. can all have an effect on your performance. As an example you can use the GTX 970 and its 512mb of slower onboard VRAM. In 9/10 cases you wont notice that 512mb, unless you run your game in such a way as to exacerbate its shortcomings.

Additionally, in the case of the AMD FX chips, each "core" is comprised of two int units, which share a single FPU, and a single front-end. System monitors only measure relative work of the int cores, how hard the FPU is being loaded is not known, but the FPU is quite important for game performance.

If you are unable to saturate the cores on an intel CPU(which is generally the design target for PC's), i'd wager there is a bottleneck elsewhere. If you only observe this during long missions, then either there is a memory leak, or a general issue with memory access times (timings, and RAM speed).

A note:


That CPU profile in your screenshot is pretty much the expected profile of a DX11 title:


Keep in mind also that Warframe isn't a native DX11 titles and also supports DX9.

Warframe plays more like something from Bethesda; Fallout and TES. Though probably not to the same degree as seen here: https://www.techspot.com/review/1089-fallout-4-benchmarks/page6.html

If you can isolate what is causing the issue, you can submit an EE.log (not here on forum!) in a support ticket and DE can look and see if something is wrong.

Edited by MillbrookWest
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My english its soo bad, I cannot answer all your questions in english. But its very simple, when a game is in a cpu bounded situation at least one core is saturated, when the situation is a GPU bounded situation the GPU its working on 100%, when anithing is saturated this is only a probe of bad core / gpu optimization. In this case Warframe never saturates any core on my Ryzen or I7. And yes, same situation in Bathesda games (por optimized games), but in the good optimized games like: The Division, Rise of The Tomb Raider, Dark Souls III etc you can see the gpu/cpu bounded situations easyly why the games have a good optimization.

If the problem in warframe is the CPU and the content of the photo is real:
100f.jpg Warframe is very bad optimized, at leats the first core needs to be saturated and this never happends.

Edited by LordOfWar666
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