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How To Make Everyone Happy About Nova


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Ok under almost every cry of nerf nova I hear it seems to be because she gets all the kills from Mprime


I personally don't think she needs a buff or nerf (well antimatter drop could use some looking at but that is beside the point) Anyway just make it so whoever sets off the Mprime chain reaction gets the kill credit. Boom Nova is still awesome but if you want kills stand next to nova and while she is still running the animation you are getting the kills if you really care about it that is. 

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BALANCE or Mastery Req. of 7+



Nova is meant for higher levels if anyone with a brain noticed.



Mastery requirement for Nova 2013


"she gets all the kills from Mprime"


What is this? CoD? I hate when people coplain about how many kills is "stolen" from then. That's like TF2 and CoD talk.


If you are in the higher levels, you want to just be getting loot and what you need, not complain about kills.

Edited by 123Olympian
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Only difference between your kill vs teammate's kill is that:

Your kill contributes directly to the weapon used. Shot that guy with a Latron you're levelling up? Get 72 XP JUST for the Latron. Slash Dash'd  three Grineer in a row? Have these tasty Warframe XPs, just for your badass Excal.


Teammate kills contributes to all of your gear. "Killstealing" Nova blew up the room for a total of 1000xp? Congrats, you get 250 XP for your Warframe, Primary, Secondary, and Melee. What does room-wiping, killstealing Nova get? One rifle kill XP, and a whole lot of Warframe XP. Which does nothing once maxed.


"But dudebro, XP isn't the issue here. Killstealing is!"? Why would you be so worried about killstealing if it doesn't hinder any of your progression?




The Nova is like a massive crutch for its players, kinda like Drake Sword in Dark Souls. It can dish out serious explosions, at the risk of stagnating weapon ranking progress.

And progression in Warframe' is linked directly to levelling up all your gear.

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Did any of you actually read my suggestion, because from the comments it doesn't seem like it lol


my point is that to make it so the people who care about kills won't complain about nova is to make whoever sets off Mprime get the kills. I think this would get rid of a lot of complaints about her because now Mprime has a more support type thing.

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Ok under almost every cry of nerf nova I hear it seems to be because she gets all the kills from Mprime


I personally don't think she needs a buff or nerf (well antimatter drop could use some looking at but that is beside the point) Anyway just make it so whoever sets off the Mprime chain reaction gets the kill credit. Boom Nova is still awesome but if you want kills stand next to nova and while she is still running the animation you are getting the kills if you really care about it that is. 

It's not a matter of kills.  I don't particularly care about the kill counts, but I do care about not getting a chance to shoot anything.  I like contributing to my team and if everything has been vaporized already, I can't do that.


Also, I don't think it should count as their kill, but it should at least give them the assist on all of the destroyed enemies.

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This is so stupid.


If this is about not having the chance of shooting at something, then please remove:


- M. prime

- Miasma

- Overload

- Spundquake

- Radial javelin

- Ogris (lol)

- Thunderbolt (lol)


cuz the people who knows how to use all these abilities is taking all the kills.


I have a better solution for all of you who "wants the kills" or "wants the chance to shoot something" and it is called SOLO MODE.


P.S. i don't mean to be offensive to anybody.

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Nova only needs a reduction in armor, which equates to less effective health. Her survivability is really the only problem I can see here, which enables her to run into a large group and use molecular prime.


I'm in ur gaem, eatin' ur killz

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In my opinion, Nova just needs a range and eye rape reduction. I really don't think Nova should have both massive range and massive damage. It really should be one or the other. I honestly feel as if she ruins team play. It is really no fun standing around in a defense mission while Nova players spam Mprime every 10 seconds to wipe out an entire wave in under 30 seconds. It's not fun and makes leveling weapons impossible. She definitely needs to be tweaked. Currently she has a relatively decent armor, decent health and sheild, massive damage, and massive range. Currently she has everything. I have yet to see a downside to using her. I have not used her myself but many of my friends have and face it, you cannot go 2 public matches without seeing at least 1 Nova user, so I've learned quite a bit about her.


She really only needs an armor reduction as well as power range reduction. Mprime has a much higher range then sound quake which is absolutely ridiculous considering how much damage is dealth. This is the biggest issue I find with her. She is the ultimate nuker, no point in using any other nuke frame. Nova has everything.

Edited by ikillyou1990
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BALANCE or Mastery Req. of 7+



Nova is meant for higher levels if anyone with a brain noticed.



Mastery requirement for Nova 2013


"she gets all the kills from Mprime"


What is this? CoD? I hate when people coplain about how many kills is "stolen" from then. That's like TF2 and CoD talk.


If you are in the higher levels, you want to just be getting loot and what you need, not complain about kills.

AMEN. No nerfs. shut it.

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This is so stupid.


If this is about not having the chance of shooting at something, then please remove:


- M. prime

- Miasma

- Overload

- Spundquake

- Radial javelin

- Ogris (lol)

- Thunderbolt (lol)


cuz the people who knows how to use all these abilities is taking all the kills.


I have a better solution for all of you who "wants the kills" or "wants the chance to shoot something" and it is called SOLO MODE.


P.S. i don't mean to be offensive to anybody.

Because Radial Javelin = Molecular Prime. Come on now...

I hate the ppl who want their OP for the sake of having OP.

Its like you haven't grown out of wanting cheat codes to make the games you play easier. Nova isn't OP because she's "god mode" in Unreal, she's OP because she's "easy mode" in Warframe.

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Teammate kills contributes to all of your gear. "Killstealing" Nova blew up the room for a total of 1000xp? Congrats, you get 250 XP for your Warframe, Primary, Secondary, and Melee. What does room-wiping, killstealing Nova get? One rifle kill XP, and a whole lot of Warframe XP. Which does nothing once maxed.




This is incorrect. You would still get 1000xp for your frame. And you get 333xp for your primary, secondary and melee

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Hint, you don't want a Nova wiping out all the mobs with her ult in your missions? Play higher level missions. Because odds are if wasn't Nova you'd be griping about Ember's World on Fire, Saryn's Miasma (which ends up doing more damage at higher levels since M Prime has to deal with Armor Scaling), or some other ability.


I've said it before in threads like this; I could care less who gets credit for kills, I care about the mission succeeding, particularly during high level defense. Hell, I primarily play a Frost, a frame which really has only one decent ability for high level defense and hint, it doesn't do a whole lot of damage but people are generally glad it's there - I'm fine with that too. God forbid, it's like the frames were meant to do different things.

Edited by Taranis49
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BALANCE or Mastery Req. of 7+



Nova is meant for higher levels if anyone with a brain noticed.



Mastery requirement for Nova 2013


"she gets all the kills from Mprime"


What is this? CoD? I hate when people coplain about how many kills is "stolen" from then. That's like TF2 and CoD talk.


If you are in the higher levels, you want to just be getting loot and what you need, not complain about kills.


No but it makes everyone else feel useless thus not having fun.

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This is incorrect. You would still get 1000xp for your frame. And you get 333xp for your primary, secondary and melee


So teammates get 1k for their Warframe, and then ANOTHER 1k spread to all their gear? Or is this about the Nova that wipes whole rooms? I'm pretty sure MolPrime's chain explosions are all attributed to Nova's ability, rather than the weapon that was used to trigger it.


Because I played a whole Defense mission with just MolPrime and Null Star for fun, and the Burston I sometime used to trigger explosions didn't get much XP on it at the end. Compared to when I usually go on weapon-levelling missions.

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