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Warframe Alerts Informer



Warframe Alerts Informer is a standalone tool (application) for Windows XP/7/8. It will scan for alerts and inform you about new alerts which you want to know about. It's very easy to set up - for example, if you only want to be informed about Orokin Catalyst Blueprint and Orokin Reactor Blueprint alerts, just add "orokin" keyword to filter list!


This program:

  • Will inform you about alerts you want to know - flexible filter settings.
  • Easy to use and setup - Unzip & start!
  • Has nice and user-friendly interface, but can also quietly run in tray.
  • Well optimized, this tool will not use more than necessary of your CPU or RAM. Much less than a browser tab with plugins.


Languages supported:

English.png English

Russian.png Русский

Spanish.png Espanol

Taiwan.png Taiwan

30n9mw3.jpg French

German.png German

image.png Portuguese (BR)


Current version 1.6.1:


First of all, a big thanks to NTYD1S for updating filters, nodes and lang strings.

- Fixed a bug with popup windows not going away after you click it
- Now WAI only writes error to log file if same error happened at least 15 minutes ago
- Fixed a bug when settings window will go into background after executing "Open file" dialog on Windows7 and later
- Scrapped windows API sound functions, using custom function to set music volume, now it affects .wav files just fine (affected mp3, ogg and others formats but not wav before)
- Increased volume range
- Fixed popup window not updating it's picture for the first second of notification
- Fixed a lot of bugs related to Test Alert, also you are now prompted about saving the config before launching test alert
- Added new option for when game is already running:
-- Reduce notification time: default 3 seconds, This affects BOTH sound and popup window! If set to 0 then WAI will not notify anything at all while game is running
-- Do not show notification popup window: default off, this basically means "sound only" while game is running.
-- Reduce notification sound volume: default 25%, if enabled, this volume will override any event notification sound volume setting while game is running. Setting volume to 0% makes it "popup window only" while gaming is running.
- Added button to open Warframe alerts twitter "Twitter | (@WarframeAlerts)" to both alert list popup menu and tray popup menu
- Added "Close to tray" option: default off, minimizes app instead of closing it
- Program settings window is now blocked while saving settings to avoid confusion
- Program settings title is now translated
-- Translation:
- Added Portuguese (BR) translation by Kitessencial
- Added 5 new strings which need translation in first post, under "Stings which need translation" section, wrapped in spoiler tag.


Older update notes:

Version 1.1 update notes

Version 1.2 update notes

Version 1.3 update notes

Version 1.3.3 update notes

Version 1.3.4 update notes

Version 1.4 update notes

Version 1.4.1 update notes





Windows 7: thumb.pngthumb.pngthumb.png

Windows XP: thumb.png thumb.png thumb.png




To edit settings click a button with gears on it.

1) Twitter URL - don't edit this.
2) GMT - program should automatically detect your GMT. But still it better check if it detected your GMT correctly (Windows XP users notably). You can check your GMT here. Just select your region under "What's the Time in every country in the World?".
3) You can save keywords to ini file by clicking image.png or load them from ini file by clicking image.png. For example click image.png and load Keywords.ini which should be in program's directory.
4) This is keyword list. When any of these words are present as alert reward, program will inform you about the alert.
5) To add more keywords, click image.png. To delete a keyword, first select it in the list (#4) and then click image.png. To edit a keyword, first select it in the list (#4) and then click image.png.
6) If "Play sound" is checked, program will play "Music123.wav" when alert is detected. If "Flash on taskbar" is checked, program will restore itself from tray and blink on taskbar. if "Show alert info notification" is checked, program will show balloon-popup info about alert (see screenshots above).
7) The notifications above (#6) can be repeated set amount of times or until program's window gets focus.


Language strings in "Lang" folder which need an update:


EditKeyword2 (hint when you hover over "edit filter" button)
ActionType (actions to take when informing about alert/invansion/infestation - in other words notification settings for selected filter)
Restore (Restore application from tray icon to normal mode)
CompactMode (Switch to compact mode)
StandardMode (Switch to full mode)
OpenSoundFile (Title for open sound file dialog)
ErrorConnection (This message is logged in error.log on connection error to any URL, not just twitter now)
ErrorNoLib1 (This message will popup if libeay32.dll is missing)
ErrorNoLib2 (This message will popup if ssleay32.dll is missing)
SelectFilterFirst (This message will popup if you try to activate test alert but didn't select filter from which notification settings will be used)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application




NotificationArea (Small always-on-top notification window settings)
NotificationPosition (position of said window)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application


NotificationArea (Small always-on-top notification window settings)
NotificationPosition (position of said window)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application

Portuguese (BR): 

Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application


Version 1.6.1:
Steam thread


Found a bug?
Have idea for a new feature?
Want to add translation?
Contact me here!

Edited by SonicSonedit
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Version 1.3 available
- Settings window UI redesigned.
- Now settings and keywords are saved when you click "Ok" in settings window (previously only on program shutdown). Clicking "Cancel" will roll changes back. You can still see how your changes will affect program as you edit them.
- You can now copy alert as text by selecting it in alerts list and pressing Ctrl+C or by clicking 2nd mouse button (right mouse button) on alerts list and selecting "Copy as text" in popup menu.
- You can now remove alert from alerts list by selecting it and pressing Delete key or by clicking "Delete" in popup menu. Clicking "Show deleted" will show all manually deleted alerts again. You can hold "Delete" button to clear the alerts list from timed out alerts. If you attempt to delete alert that is not timed out yet, you will be promted to confirm your decision.
- Alert detailed information (the one with the planet picture) update/redraw code optimization.
- Added new option "Display alerts countdown timer in alerts list" - on by default. Affected by "Don't update alert countdown timer when running in background".
- Added new option "Notify when credit reward is <amount> cr or higher" - off by default.
- Added new option "Hide timed out alerts" - off by default.
- Added new option "Hide credits-only alerts" - off by default.


Full archieve (9.3 mb) http://www.mediafire...o7kw87776crnrgt
Exe only (2.7 mb) http://www.mediafire...gz5k4smv7ek7t26

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Downloaded version 1.3. Program doesn`t save "Hide" option.

And still want planet translation

Damn it, forgot about it. Another hotfix incoming in a few minutes.



Done. Full translation incoming in 1.4.

Edited by SonicSonedit
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Thank you for sharing this program! It has been a great help.


For future versions, can you make it so that each keyword can be set to a different sound of our choosing and also set a different priority for each keyword? Like say being able to set "Blueprint" (lower priority) to play Sound A, but if it is an "Orokin Catalyst" (higher priority) then play Sound B instead. This is a feature which I really liked from the other alert program that is no longer being updated on forums.


Thanks again!

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Thank you for sharing this program! It has been a great help.


For future versions, can you make it so that each keyword can be set to a different sound of our choosing and also set a different priority for each keyword? Like say being able to set "Blueprint" (lower priority) to play Sound A, but if it is an "Orokin Catalyst" (higher priority) then play Sound B instead. This is a feature which I really liked from the other alert program that is no longer being updated on forums.


Thanks again!

Yes, I have plans for this. About priority - you will be able to move keywords up/down in list, the first ones are checked first.


will it work for windows 8 ??


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Version 1.3.3 is available

- Version info added
- Not-annoying auto-check-for-updates feature added
- Phobos.png is added
- Fixed a bug when alert list didn't update visually when program window is not focused
- Fixed a bug when Ctrl+C didn't copy alert text when alerts list is not focused

- Some interface tweaks


Full archieve (10 mb) http://www.mediafire...o7kw87776crnrgt
Exe + Phobos.png only (3.3 mb) http://www.mediafire...gz5k4smv7ek7t26



SonicSonedit can you add option: "Start program minimized" ?

And phobos.png


Ok. My current to-do list:



- "Start program minimized" option

- Slider for the planets' picture opacity
- Alerts info mission text out of screen bugfix
- Custom notification sounds for each keyword, keywords "priorities"
- Lang files
- Update manual, description, feedback


Overlay popup window

Edited by SonicSonedit
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Could you add an exclusion list to the notification settings?


i.e. I don't want to manually add in every blueprint and whatnot that CAN drop, but I'm okay with adding in the ones I no longer need to find manually. That way you're not forced to create a new version every time new content is added.

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Everyone, thanks for your feedback. I'm currently work on another project so Alerts Informer's updates are coming slow, have no worries, I will add everything I plan for 1.4 eventually.

Version 1.3.4 is availble

- Fixed a bug if planet image was missing, old planet image is not removed from buffer, resulting in graphical artifacts
- Changed Ctrl+C and Delete key pressing behaviour once again
- "(Mod)" added to default keywords
- Added new option "Start Warframe Alerts Informer when Windows starts" - off by default.
- Added new option "Start Warframe Alerts Informer minimized" - off by default.
- Overhauled startup logic (should do this long ago)


Full archive (10 mb) http://www.mediafire...o7kw87776crnrgt
Exe only (2.7 mb) http://www.mediafire...gz5k4smv7ek7t26



Could you add an exclusion list to the notification settings?


i.e. I don't want to manually add in every blueprint and whatnot that CAN drop, but I'm okay with adding in the ones I no longer need to find manually. That way you're not forced to create a new version every time new content is added.

Is this really needed? You don't have to add full string you know, for example you only need to add "aurora", not "Aurora Frost Helmet". In the end, you will waste more of your time adding exclusion, rather than just adding a few regular expressions.

Edited by SonicSonedit
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Well, if you know what all the possible drops are ahead of time then sure you can just add them all in. And, yeah, you can look them up to compile a list.


The thing is that as more content gets added to the game, it puts a greater burden onto the user to actively add in an alert message vs (if they want to) removing notifcations for the ones they already have.


Ultimately I respect that it's your decision what you want to do in regards to it though and this is a remarkably useful tool to have even without an exclusion filter.

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Well, if you know what all the possible drops are ahead of time then sure you can just add them all in. And, yeah, you can look them up to compile a list.


The thing is that as more content gets added to the game, it puts a greater burden onto the user to actively add in an alert message vs (if they want to) removing notifcations for the ones they already have.


Ultimately I respect that it's your decision what you want to do in regards to it though and this is a remarkably useful tool to have even without an exclusion filter.

I'm going to overhaul notification list anyway in 1.5, so I can add exclusion list as well. But this is not going to happen soon.



Oh also! If you could make it so that we could click&drag to resize the window that could be a pretty thing to change

Yeah, I'm going to completely overhaul UI. Currently I'm testing what can I do with my other app.

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