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De Please Take Into Consideration Players From Different Timezones


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Most events are launched at 5pm EDT on Friday. This allows for DE to deploy hot fixes right before the weekend and I understand and agree why it is done.


If DE intention was to allow for the event to end early consider this:


Some Players on the other side of the world experienced the Sling-Stone event starting at 5am on Satuday and could have potentially played until 12 midnight on Monday(which would have been fine). But with the event ending early around 10 am Monday, competitive players had less optimal/normal awake time to take part in the event (event started when they were sleeping for the 1st day and ended shortly after they woke up 3rd day).


NA players had friday night, all day Saturday and all day Sunday up until around 10 pm.

Some competive players on the other side of the world ONLY had Saturday and Sunday to play.


So when you allow events to end early, some players from Regions other than NA will have a disadvantage. So I disagree with allowing this event to end early. I feel as though not enough thought has been put into the fairness of the entire player base.


Please understand and take this into consideration for future events. 


That being said. I really enjoyed this event and I got plenty of points and my clan did very well.


EDIT: This tread is not about qq or having enough time to farm 250. Its about the flawed system of ALLOWING the event to end early and how its a disadvantage to players on the other side of the world. If the event didn't end early, the disadvantage would be less. The two previous events did not end early. 



I'm just bringing to light the flaws of having an event being ALLOWED TO END EARLY.


In theory as an extreme example that would never happen: what if the event finished in the first day? Or even 12 hours? Or even 4 hours? How many players would complain then about not having enough time?


The point is with allowing the event to end early some players are at a disadvantage due to time zones. If you don't understand the point I'm trying to make, then I can't help you. 



Edited by NeoDarkSider
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This event didn't end early because they made the event finish early; this event ended early because us players beat it too fast.


OMG alot of you ppl dont understand do you ? !


DE didn't end the event ! WE DID ! DE didn't destroy the ships ! WE DID !

Their right. It ended so early because DE didn't expect hackers and no lifers.
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It really sucks playing games like this in Australia because times for the events are catered to other time zones. I went up to my dads for the weekend (no Internet) and came back to find out there was this event on, I then grinded until it was 11pm and got 229 points then the next day I have school and I get home to find out that all the ships have been destroyed with 9 hours left on the count down. I think longer events are a better idea because it allows players to catch up because most people normally do things on the weekend.

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The event only started at 01:30am the Saturday morning for me in South Africa, two hours later at 03:30 I had 250 points and went off to bed.

This even could have gone two ways, finish early (which it did) or not finish at all and we would have been penalized.

Seems you did not understand the event, it was bound to finish early as we did not want to be penalized...

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I'm just bringing to light the flaws of having an event being ALLOWED TO END EARLY.


In theory as an extreme example that would never happen: what if the event finished in the first day? Or even 12 hours? Or even 4 hours? How many players would complain then about not having enough time?


The point is with allowing the event to end early some players are at a disadvantage due to time zones. If you don't understand the point I'm trying to make, then I can't help you. 

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OMG alot of you ppl dont understand do you ? !


DE didn't end the event ! WE DID ! DE didn't destroy the ships ! WE DID !

The thread talks about different countries being disadvantaged not the event ending early.
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No servers = No timezones


They started the event 20 pm canadian time which is like 2 am in europe (germany gmt+1).

Nevertheless everyone had the chance to participate whole the whole saturday.


What went wrong is that they announced the event to last to the 29th.
Everyone who comes online now to get his last 20, 30 points will be disappointed.

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Most events are launched at 5pm EDT on Friday. This allows for DE to deploy hot fixes right before the weekend and I understand and agree why it is done.


If DE intention was to allow for the event to end early consider this:


Some Players on the other side of the world experienced the Sling-Stone event starting at 5am on Satuday and could have potentially played until 12 midnight on Monday(which would have been fine). But with the event ending early around 10 am Monday, competitive players had less optimal/normal awake time to take part in the event (event started when they were sleeping for the 1st day and ended shortly after they woke up 3rd day).


NA players had friday night, all day Saturday and all day Sunday up until around 10 pm.

Some competive players on the other side of the world ONLY had Saturday and Sunday to play.


So when you allow events to end early, some players from Regions other than NA will have a disadvantage. So I disagree with allowing this event to end early. I feel as though not enough thought has been put into the fairness of the entire player base.


Please understand and take this into consideration for future events. 


That being said. I really enjoyed this event and I got plenty of points and my clan did very well.


I think DE forgot one thing for this event so it ended at the expected time. If a timer was set up so each ship(s) would be distributed at a certain time so the event would have ended on time. Also this would keep hardcore players from being burnt out. I mean I live in the US however 1.) my clanmates are in alot of countries 2.) I have more consideration for everyone over myself which means MORE than just the western section of the world and 3.) It's just more efficient that way in my opinion. I know there are some elitists who don't really care for other players outside the western party of the world. I could never understand why but whatever. The point is when a time is set for the game to end certain things do need  to be taken to account. Again this is my opinion :3

Edited by Dragonblade_901
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No servers = No timezones


They started the event 20 pm canadian time which is like 2 am in europe (germany gmt+1).

Nevertheless everyone had the chance to participate whole the whole saturday.


What went wrong is that they announced the event to last to the 29th.

Everyone who comes online now to get his last 20, 30 points will be disappointed.

DE said "You have until July 29th to complete your missionSo you have until then to complete it. And we completed it before then. So deal with it because they didn't say that it ends at that time. They said that you have until that day to destroy all of those ships.

Edit: How do you remove the black highlighting?

Edited by Jaren-117
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I dont see the point in this thread. Everyone had 2 days to finish this event, period. No one had less time, so stop complaining. Community finished event earier so be happy about it. I am sure that posters of this "butthurt" threads would complain and blame community if we didnt finished the event, while they only did 10 runs overall.

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Honestly, all random alerts such as Vauban etc are more easily doable by Western players than Asian players.


That's just the way the whole system works right now.

Funny, being in DE's time zone I wake up most mornings look on zee Twitter and I usually see at least one alert I needed from the middle of the night.

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I dont see the point in this thread. Everyone had 2 days to finish this event, period. No one had less time, so stop complaining. Community finished event earier so be happy about it. I am sure that posters of this "butthurt" threads would complain and blame community if we didnt finished the event, while they only did 10 runs overall.

Exactly, on top of that, you only needed about 2 hours to get over 300

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You do realize DE headquarters is in EST? How would DE be able to implement an event when its 2:00 in the morning? DE isn't going to hire people to work 24/7 just to please everybody. Anyway, 2 days was PLENTY of time to get 250 points. It took most people 2 hours to get all 250, so if you couldn't spend 2 hours on the event over 2 days, then you don't deserve the full reward.

Edited by Duelshock
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It's the problem with global servers :( I understand having less non-business days to play.  Perhaps earmark people by TZ and make alerts timezone specific (vauban helm goes up for EST, then an hour later it goes up for the next TZ, and so on)  of course that would also splinter the playerbase.....there really isn't an easy solution.  If they switched events to work on Asian time then we'd be getting the short end of the stick out west. 

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You guys forget this is an NA game, that happens to be available to the whole world...

If that's the case then why is it region selectable in the options? Please enlighten me :3 tell me that makes is strictly an NA game. I can give you the true definition of an NA game :)


Also again. Like I stated before. If DE would have implemented a timer for the ships itself then this would have went smoothly. I'm sure they may have and it glitched. We wont know right away.

Edited by Dragonblade_901
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If that's the case then why is it region selectable in the options? Please enlighten me :3 tell me that makes is strictly an NA game. I can give you the true definition of an NA game :)

You can select region, but as far as i know there is not regional servers to make this happen.

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