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Gara build


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So I've been working on Gara for the last couple of days and honestly I wasn't enjoying her. I was working on dur, range, and just enough str for splinter storm reduction. Well I find her very boring as a straight tank. Yes I know she can stack dmg on her storm. 

So I got to thinking. What if I did an offensive build focused on shattering lash. Would it be viable? Well the build I came up with was able to do a 1 hour solo Mot run. Only left, because I was tired. 


OK, so I will say that this doesn't have the range that some lash builds would have, but it will still annihilate groups. Let me know what y'all think.

Duration: 194%

Efficiency: 155%

Range: 94%

Strength: 193%



Cunning Drift





Primed Continuity

Narrow minded

Blind rage - R6 (min/maxing)

Fleeting expertise

*Using melee weapon with dmg mods and blast.....blast is funny

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I am using...

Corrosive Projection (A)
Power Drift (E)
Transient Fortitude, Augur Message, Stretch, Vitelity
Primed Continuity, Intensify, Streamline, Augur Secrets

Her 1 and 4 is depending massively on the mods of the equipped weapon.
Therefore I am using the Volnus (since it is based on the same stats)


Edited by DarkRuler2500
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I basicaly use a max duration (Augur Message, Constitution, Primed Continuity and Narrow Minded) + Intensify build, so I have just enough strenght to get the maximum damage reduction (90%) from the 2 and it last for over a minute, so having 100-130% efficiency isn't such a problem even without Zenurik or any specil energy regen. The ult is still usefull even tho I have to use it at maxed charge to get a good area under control, but the 1 and 3 get unusable unfortunately, but since I'm not really using them at all, it's not such a problem. 

The thing is that range is not usefull against Corpus and Grineer units that can get on top (Dargyns, Scavengers, Hellions, etc.), so having less isn't such an issue, especialy if you want to avoid nullifiers.

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I see so many ppl just dive into duration, but I just don't see why. When I say dive I mean 200+. Then they get just enough strength for 90% reduction. Why "just enough"? And then some pour some into range as well. I think this is a mistake.

Now, here me out. Having over 60 seconds on your Storm is great and all, but it's unneeded. With 194% duration I still have a 42 sec Storm, which isn't bad. You just don't need more due to your ult being able to refresh it. Lash still has a 9.4m range with 94% range, not life changing but still reaches out and touches things. 193% str gives you around 1500 base dmg on lash, and 482 on Storm. And 155% efficiency allows you to get away from using primed Flow easily.

I see many play Gara like a tank. But, I don't see her as a tank. She's more of a dmg/cc frame that is tanky. I think she was meant to be played aggressively. 


Your Storm is going to run out soon. So you jump into the biggest group of enemies you see and hit your ult. This does a few things:

(1) your Storm gets refreshed

(2) your shields regenerate while casting

(3) the enemies get slowed

(4) cut off your ult and hit your lash. If you have nice strength. You will more than likely kill the enemies with a sweep, especially since they'll be crystalized. So they die, your wall shatters, and you add dmg to your Storm from shattering the wall.

Now i know her dmg will drop off eventually, since DE didn't give her dmg the ability to scale. BUT, her cc is not going to stop. Lash still CC's with blast on it, and her ult is self explanatory. And of course if things get really bad you can still turtle up.

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