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What The Last Operation Rewards Should Have Been


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Make 250points and get a Snipetron Prime

then suprisingly gives people Snipetron Vandal BP

Top 100 players get Vandal-ed Chamber Mod then make Primed Chamber mod a rare mod.


Just put it up a notch on the future operations and just Snipetron <Epic Suffix> all the way through.


Nuff' Said.

Edited by The_Markie
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The last operation was the Fomorian Sabotage event, not the Snipetron Vandal event.

More seriously, I disagree. The event gave people another Vandal weapon as a beta trophy, and made the Snipetron available to those who missed it before they randomly removed it from the market. Lastly, event rewards are whatever DE deigns as good rewards. They are rewards, not purchases. The community should not get to pick and choose what their rewards are for events, unless a selection of options are presented ahead of time with that specific intention.

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This was a joke guys, take it easy, that's why it's in the Off Topic session :/

I said the "now, say it in english" cause i didn't understood S#&amp;&#036; xD


SO technically i missed the point and was expecting an outcome so i could understand :p

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This was a joke guys, take it easy, that's why it's in the Off Topic session :/

Sarcasm doesn't do well in writing. Now if you were to put a cute kitten pic after your suggestion, we would have known it was a joke.
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