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“Finished” the game, now what?


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14 hours ago, bad4youLT said:

you aint finished untill you do everything :

- get all weapons/frames/companions/archwings

- solo every boss ( yes this includes token / key bosses , J3 , Eidolon )

- reach mr 24

- fully unlock your Codex ( get to scaning )

- do the raids ( aka trails ) get all arcane enchantments

- fully unlock focus school

- get every mod ( common , uncommon , rare , legendary , corupted , nightmare , riven , event , augments , exilus )

- farm Kuva to get your broken riven mods

- fashion frame ( the real end-game )

- get everything from Baro Ki'Teer

- get everything from Stalker / Shadow Stalker , Gustrag 3 , Zanuka Hunter

- max out and get everything from Cetus

- max out and get everything from Quills

- get all landing crafts

- solo Stalker / Shadow Stalker , Gustrag 3 , Zanuka Hunter

- get captured by Gustrag 3 and Zanuka Hunter

- finish maxing your syndicates ( and get everything from each one of whem )

- solo build dojo and research

- unlock every achivement

- become OP ( time to forma , power up with potatoes and tomatoes )

- reach 60 mins in survival / 40 waves in defense / 20 rounds in interception on the void highest levels

- 150 hours mean very litle , reach atleast 500 and when you can talk

- study , unlock and learn lore of this game ( kuria / cephalon fragments / 1000 year old fish / etc )

- conclave ( its here , you dont want ? to bad you gota do it to get everything )

- ( optional )  get the legendary ( and meme deserving ) primed chamber mod

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Il eddit this in case I forgot something to add


I strongly agree, scanning is fun!

Edited by Yyvern
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