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Wyrm, Deathcube Or Shade?



i know all sentinels have their own secialties like shade for stealth missions, but when it comes to versatility what sentinel stands out the most? in short what sentinel is the most useful? sepcially when grinding or farming?

any help woulb be greatly appreciated! ^^

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Shade because Deth Cube loses its power in higher level maps and with that box actively shooting, it aggro itself, make it very damage prone.

Wyrm is decent if you put Crowd disruption before Warrior.


So it will be a mini-stun bot or so to speak.

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in short what sentinel is the most useful? sepcially when grinding or farming?


Shade, no doubt. You won't have as many enemies engaging you, you'll be able to open lockers, hack security etc without being shot/meleed at. In case you get stun-locked and are put to the ground, shade will save your butt by cloaking you. Cube is great for defense and solo runs where you want to kill everything in sight, but if you just want to breeze through looting and choosing what/when/how you want to kill, Shade is the best option imho.

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Shade = Rushing, survivability, Nightmare, farming.


DethCube = Everything else.


Wyrm = If you want to troll enemies and have an annoying sounding laser.


My opinions, take from them as you will

sir kindly ellaborate on the everything else of the death cube? everything else that shade cant do? or including what shade can do?

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Shade because Deth Cube loses its power in higher level maps and with that box actively shooting, it aggro itself, make it very damage prone.

Wyrm is decent if you put Crowd disruption before Warrior.


So it will be a mini-stun bot or so to speak.

so it would be be better to invest on the frame's DPS then investing on the sentinel's support on the frame?

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Definitely Shade for general purpose. I play a Rhino, and some cloak is invaluable. Especially when I don't have energy to re-do an Iron Skin immediately.


Wyrm I don't use because it's not that useful to me, personally. Dethcube is entirely out, as the freakin' *constant* noise from its weapon drives me nuts. When the other 3 players have them, the primary emotional input I get from my game experience can be summed as 'The Screaming Heeby Jeebies'.

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sir kindly ellaborate on the everything else of the death cube? everything else that shade cant do? or including what shade can do?

Dethcube is meant for general attacking of enemies. Shade can attack enemies, but not nearly as well and it's recommended to not include its attack ability due to enemy agro. Shade is best for high levels due to the fact that pure damage doesn't scale well.

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It really depends on the types of maps in general.


Shade is very useful for hiding yourself when enemies get close, buying some breathing space. Realistically, it does no damage.


Dethcube is fun on the lower levels by being a "second gun". It's exceptionally useful with stun. And it takes out Grineer rollers.


Wyrm is a hybrid of the two. While it can't cloak you, the Crowd Dispersion farts a nice1.5 second stun on anything near you. And the laser rifle fires fast enough to switch targets and apply elemental effect like cold/slow.


So if I'm a frame that's build to go invisible (Ash/Loki) Shade comes in handy. It's also useful for lower armored frames like Banshee.


For tanky frames, I prefer Dethcube.


For anything in between, or when dealing with infested melee mobs, Wyrm is very good and keeping them away.


They each have their specialty, and it depends how you like to play.

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Depends on the level of the missions and the type of warframe you will be using.

If i'm using a squishy warframe like Nova, going up against lv70+ Corpus, my best bet for survivability would be Shade


If i'm going agianst mob lv20+ like Kappa, Dethcube would be awesome taking out those grineer roller balls. Or Wyrm for the crowd control skill. (Not sure if the stun works now, haven't used it in a very long time) 


Conclusion, If you're able to take some hit and still survive, nothing wrong with going a little more offensive (Dethcube, Wyrm), if not, stick to Shade! 

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Vaporise is a ks'er when trying to main melee. So I use Shade when I want to level melee weapons.
Ghost has also saved my butt time and time again while rezzing, hacking or simply bumrushing when I realised I brought the wrong stuff. 
Dethcube is fun when you want to go in and kill everything, and so for Mobile Defense it's pretty good. However, Ghost scales excellently because it is a utility ability while Dethcube's damage doesn't.

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Shade: I don't have it yet, but it's worth it if you want the invisibility and not more dakka


Dethcube: If you want a second hand in dealing damage, use this. Not as useful as Shade in higher levels, but still worth using in all levels


Wyrm: No, just no. From my experience Wyrm is like Dethcube without Vaporize and the damage

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