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The Samurai (With Concept Art)


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Disclaimer! I did not draw these, they were done by getakobu on deviantArt
He has allowed me to post them here.

First we have Irif, a heavily armored frame who's quick on his feet. Irif's strikes are powerful and very deadly, but very clean.warframe_irif_concept_by_getakobu-d63x1a

Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)
Shield capacity:75 (225 at rank 30)
Armor: 120
Sprint speed: 1.3
Power: 100 (150 at rank 30)
Polarities: x1 Defense/D, x1 Attack/V
Aura: Defense/D

Power 1: Sever, cost 25 energy.
Irif opens his hand, holding his fingers tight together and slams it into the ground. A blade, about the size of Irif himself, emerges from where he hit and flies forward in the direction he's facing. Splitting foes in half and knocking down those it doesn't kill. Irif stands up when the attack is finished.
Rank 1: Blade moves 10 in-game meters, deals 200 damage
Rank 2: Blade moves 15 in-game meters, deals 300 damage
Rank 3: Blade moves 20 in-game meters, deals 400 damage
Rank 4: Blade moves 25 in-game meters, deals 500 damage
Affected by Focus and Stretch/increasing damage dealt and range traveled
Deals extra damage to light infested, and deals Serrated blade damage

Power 2: Channel, cost 50 energy.
Irif see's his enemies weaknesses, and exploits them. Using his blade to eradicate any foe in his path. Melee weapons deal critical damage on every strike, and swing speed is doubled (not affected by fury) depending on the faction of enemies the melee weapon takes on an element, elemental damage is equivalent to the melee weapon's normal damage, if an element of the same type is already on the weapon, damages are added together. (Corpus, electricity/Infested, fire/Grineer adds extra armor piercing) This ability takes excessive concentration, and ranged weapons take away from this. Allies also receive increased melee damage (however they can still use ranged weapons) if they are inside the casting radius (10 in-game meters) (THIS IS MEANT FOR MELEE ONLY) Irif holsters his guns and draws his blade in a samurai looking manner (this is the casting animation)
Rank 1: lasts for 3 seconds
Rank 2: lasts for 6 seconds
Rank 3: lasts for 9 seconds
Rank 4: lasts for 12 seconds
Affected by Continuity/increasing duration

Power 3: Kage, cost 75 energy
Irif takes on a more ninja like approach, fading into darkness becoming nearly invisible and completely intangible. However as Irif cannot be hit and cannot attack either. On top of this, Kage has a severe energy output that enemies can detect. This puts them in an alerted status, increasing their awareness to the point where they can see Irif if he is in close proximity. The benefit to Kage is that it lasts for an enormous amount of time unless Irif attacks or is seen.
Rank 1: Lasts for 10 seconds
Rank 2: Lasts for 15 seconds
Rank 3: Lasts for 20 seconds
Rank 4: Lasts for 25 seconds
Affected by Continuity, increasing duration

Power 4: Kenjutsu, cost 100 energy.
Irif draws his blade, posing in a ready fighting stance. He then violently swings the blade around himself, the build up of power and force is so great that while he swings enemies in its radius are mutilated. Upon finishing his attack Irif performs a butterfly kick and slams his blade into the ground sending any enemies that are still alive flying back.
Rank 1: Radius is 10 in-game meters, deals 175 damage per strike
Rank 2: Radius is 15 in-game meters, deals 200 damage per strike
Rank 3: Radius is 20 in-game meters, deals 225 damage per strike
Rank 4: Radius is 25 in-game meters, deals 250 damage per strike
Affected by Stretch and Focus/increasing radius and damage, damage is amplified by melee weapon (base damage is added, not affected by any mods accept elemental mods)

Irif's sword (in the picture)
Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, Kusanagi, or the Grass-cutter. Based off of an ancient, legendary Japanese sword Irif wields this blade with the utmost respect. Grass-cutter is a two handed sword that swings just as fast as any single handed weapon. The blade is so sharp it slices through armor like grass. (see the connection)
Mastery level: 5
Type: heavy/great sword

Impact: 15

Puncture: 10

Slash: 30

Attack rate: 1.2
Polarities: none

Irif's pistol (in the picture)
Shrike, based off predaceous birds this pistol has incredible accuracy and range, and excellent damage. It uses unique rounds that upon entering unravel with multiple blades. Tearing the insides of its targets apart. The Shrike's modified handle, powered by kinetic energy boosters, allows for fast reload speed. The only area Shrike seems to lack in is that cannot pierce armor.
Mastery level: 3
Type: Semi-automatic pistol
Impact: 10

Puncture: 20

Slash: 15
Firing rate: 6
Accuracy: 7
Clip size: 15
Reload speed: 1.0s

Revamped 3rd power completely, tell me if it seems to powerful (Redid weapons for damage 2.0)

And before one more person hates on the heels, Loki, and Volt have heels. The combative benefit to heels is that they keep one on the balls of their feet, allowing them to move quicker and easier. Hint: most Parcours is done on the balls of your feet.

Be sure to go onto my profile and check out The Destroyer

Edited by Vaaliion
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If balance isn't an issue (through training, gyroscopics, mag-lev, whatever) then heels would keep you on the balls of your feet and would let you respond and act/react more quickly.  Being flat-foot slows down reaction time.  Someone who's a combat expert who kills small armies alone for a living probably wouldn't worry about it.  


I like this picture, I wonder if the artist takes commissions.  

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If balance isn't an issue (through training, gyroscopics, mag-lev, whatever) then heels would keep you on the balls of your feet and would let you respond and act/react more quickly.  Being flat-foot slows down reaction time.  Someone who's a combat expert who kills small armies alone for a living probably wouldn't worry about it.  


I like this picture, I wonder if the artist takes commissions.  

If you want to find out go onto dA and search getakobu. Thanks for justifying the heels.

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So you're saying that I could play as Tron in space ninja form?


If I could hug you, I would. Then I would give you a cookie. Two cookies. And a medal. But I guess I'll just have to settle for a +1 for now.

Haha you can be my best friend now :D

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