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Why not make every Warframe non-specific gender.


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"standard suits" are an idiotic half-assed idea. it's clear that warframes are very body conforming suits. only an idiot would want to make a one size fits all suit. the entire idea smacks of weekend feminism. this game is not a platform for your ideological drivel. thanks.

Edited by johncage
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And look at it this way - does it really cost you if the devs add a feature into the game that you never use? More features is inherently better.

Considering how much development time would be used just to please some people that have too strong a connection to their character yes it does.
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*cough Nyx cough*

Then play Mag.

I still don't understand how this topic will not die. Alas.

One reason it won't die is obviously that people care and that players that doesn't care keep posting that there isn't anything to care about. So some is obviously wrong and I wonder why they think so many are telling lies.

"standard suits" are an idiotic half-assed idea. it's clear that warframes are very body conforming suits. only an idiot would want to make a one size fits all suit. the entire idea smacks of weekend feminism. this game is not a platform for your ideological drivel. thanks.

Hello young man. Perhaps you're into something, but I rather think you've not quite thought that through.

Easy example: "Three Excaliburs walks into a bar...."

The more thoughtful example: If you make a suit as for example a tailor do you follow some standards to make it easier for you. Equal sized legs, holes so you can put it on, usually some symetry so it would fit the human body. It is obvious that also the warframes are designed some way.

First situation is that there are multiples of the same skill-sets and visual looks. Let us imagine how this came into being. Like with tailoring, for instance when tailoring uniforms for army-personnel in our physical world, some uniformity is made, but also some distinctions. Are those distinctions optional? Perhaps some are, perhaps some are not. For instance some will have a green béret, some will have a black to indicate "role" and typical "skill-set", but are in themselves optional for the actually having the practical "skill-sets". Some might have dessert camo, some might have some white outer layer for the use in arctic, regions and periods with snow. The last one can be considered a part of their "skill-set" to function better in their given tasks.

Pretty simple and logical, right?

Still, both those things can come tailored to the size of the person wearing them, gender and even changed if ruined or dirty.

Not a very controversial way of outfitting soldiers, or people at large, yes?

Or in Warframe can Trinity even get a warframe from barely alive to full health in an eyeblink, don't you think they also would have the ability to make cosmetic or practical changes to the frames? Of course they do since it can have different colours, mods, abilities even much of it without even changing any visual aspects of the frame. Even completely new helmets.

Okay, so we have Warframes that since they are molded (or whatever argument you want to use) simply can't be fit to a female human frame. Or a male frame. Or a too muscular human frame. Or... No, that doesn't make sense.

That doesn't make sense since it obviously do get fitted (as you state), and yes, it probably does. Something that really defies the logic that it can't be fitted and molded for and to fit another gender. Since if it got to be molded to someone, then why not a woman, a smaller man, a bigger man or even something else? Still following this, young man?

Isn't it also reasonable, when the fitting is occuring, that it is based upon some basic guidelines so the frames are in fact the same at the very beginning? Be it biomechanical and/or virus, synthetic or something else?

Anyways, it was just an idea to save work and in effect giving everyone more choices.

You are right, though. Feminism and masculinism, even worker-rights, social and economic politics is about choices, so you can see this as related and probably learn quite a bit if you put effort into learning about such things.

Good luck, young man.

Edited by NinaV
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I want to be a special snowflake, and I am worried that making them either NOT andogynous, or making them suprandogynous, would make me a sad panda, and make me have to choose sex. also making Frames less personified, and more personal. Unique in a way that I would not fancy, and less of a "famous person" unique. It's set frames, not TES5:Skyrim Character Creation.

EDIT: I usually space out with long posts, but the message I'm trying to make usually makes it, if you read it as a entirety.


If you actually quoted and answered the whole post, you would see this^

I want to be androgynous, at least in this game. >.> If not, I'll leave.

But the other suggestion you had, was having frames have both sexes. And that could still affect me, and my experience, negatively.

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Modelling isnt the only thing. The model needs to fit a skeleton for animations and you got to make sure the animations work, then the weapon placement, etc, etc.

Do not make up numbers please. It does not add to your argument. If things were that easy, not just this game but many others would have a lot more content by now.


I'm in the progress of completing a Bachelor in Interactive Entertainment, majoring in 3D animation. I know how long it takes to alter a model in Maya.

Trust me, it dosn't take that long to remodel an existing mesh, and transfer across some animations. True, each frame seems to have it's own skeleton, but again, this wouldn't be a big hassel to make, as all that's been suggested is that gender varients be added to all exisiting frames. Which means existing assets simply need to be adjusted.

And weapon posing? Really? Have you looked closley at any of the Aklato animations? They're very much off. This is still a beta though, so it's understandable. But to argue that there's a load of work involved in this because DE has a high standard of quality to maintain (yet) - is absurd.

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Because it takes resources that DE can't afford for the moment. So better make half the frames male and half of them female to catter to all audiences.

PS: Be thankfull that there are no furry-skin tail-swinging bunny-ear'ing frames.

Furry skin maybe, but what's wrong with tails and bunny ears? D:

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I personally would prefer androgynous frames. Only thing gender is good for is sex, and we're space ninjas, we don't have time for sex. When we do have time for it, the amount of flipping and sliding and wall running would tear the space station apart.

I've read a lot of "post first think later" posts in this thread, but I think your post right here took the cake.

I mean.. good lord.

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Im not really sure there can be more ideas other than 'do it'.

I would like female options for all frames. Ideally you would pick your gender at the start and all frames would be either male or female depending. They could then add a cash shop item to switch if you want, and since they dont plan on resetting everyone perhaps sell them for credits for the first week or something.

Its more work for every new skin they come out with, but they need to consider that people are more likly to want to dress up their frame if its a frame they like the general look of to start with. Doubling the work could easily result in double the people buying skins. Id never buy a skin for a frame i would never play.

You could of course go the path of having each frame just have male or female skins you can buy, some people may preffer that, the ability to keep some frames male and some frames female. The main problem i have with this is that the initial tutorial seems to indicate that the frames are not actually 'different characters', but just different suits you, the singular tenno, can wear.

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Since this was revived, unfortunally, I must add:

I want to BE Androgynus, not have androgynus frames, geez.


And talking about Sexes, Genders are not only good for sexes, but Sexes are a component to make out genders, most often. While I am not too masculine, which might have been noticed, I like my partners to menstruate and have boobs. And I'm not going to make this a rage-on-me-I'm-anti-feminism, because some terms are unfair, but that is what one has to trade to be part of the society we currently live in. A lot of social terms for men are unfair as well! Disregarding the off-topic, a gender can make a character, sometimes. Like my ember. If she was a dude, "he" would be more like "FLAME ON" than what she is now. Wait, no, I think I mean the opposite way. If big hips are feminine, that is, which they, biologically, are.(That's the price women pays to spew out childs out of their genitals.) Any way, that's what I think.


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Since this was revived, unfortunally, I must add:

I want to BE Androgynus, not have androgynus frames, geez........................ Wait, no, I think I mean the opposite way. If big hips are feminine, that is, which they, biologically, are.(That's the price women pays to spew out childs out of their genitals.) Any way, that's what I think.


Labcat, I think you and I had better PM about the philosophpical/sociological conundrums of gender, and leave the thread to those who want to express their support or disgust at multi gender options.

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Alright, I can see people are taking my post way too seriously. I was hoping the line about wall running, flipping, and sliding sex would prevent that. Yes, I know gender affects more then "Insert Y into X". I just liked the idea of androgynous battleframes and couldn't come up with a reason other then "Because I think that would be neat".

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Alright, I can see people are taking my post way too seriously. I was hoping the line about wall running, flipping, and sliding sex would prevent that. Yes, I know gender affects more then "Insert Y into X". I just liked the idea of androgynous battleframes and couldn't come up with a reason other then "Because I think that would be neat".

That's cool :) I personally would like to see at least one andro frame as well. I'm always up for gender/physical sex confused/transgressive characters.

Edited by 11.11.11
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