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Warframe Helmet Stats Must Change Completely


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I'm going to be honest with you.

All of these are S#&$ty ideas.

Ember does not need to do more damage, she does more than enough, She needs more power because the first ability she gets costs 75, not 25

Have you ever played Ember? She's supposed to chain all of her abilities because the DOTs stack for stupid damage against herds and bosses.

Excalibur's Helmet is an improvement, but I'm opposed to reducing power efficiency in the first place because it causes number issues with energy.

Charge damage would be better than speed because Excalibur litterally has all the speed he wants because his dash is so fast and cheap it can litterally be used as a movement ability. And yet it is still lack-luster against a good number of bosses.

You've also got no idea how LITTLE the damage on frost's abilities are. His Freeze at maximum level does only 150 frost damage. While he's not supposed to be a damage dealer, rather a debuffing tank, theres a reason they didn't bring damage into the equation with the helmet, its perfect where it is. Removing his armor buff, would also be removing his tanking potential and make Rhino a guaranteed better choice.

Nyx is supposed to have a Long duration on her powers because their duration is neccessary for her potential control. Are you REALLY suggesting that the helmet blatantly reduce the effectiveness of her 3 main powers by 50% to "kinda-sorta" buff psychic daggers?

Loki has 50 armor which is more than neccesary because of how little he should be getting hit, and even more how little he should be taking health damage. Reducing his power duration for increased efficiency is like paying 75 plat for paying nothing as the power-to-duration cost of his abilities would be practically the same.

Mag: I can see this but I'm still opposed to it. Range IS litterally everything to Mag, but Increasing the cost of the powers by that much removes her intended function to spam those abilities. I would reccomend that the debuff go the loki approach and reduce armor instead giving Mag a role as a back-of-team support rather than a Mortal-Combat-Scoripon-"Get-over-here!"-Shotgun-to-the-face kind of character.

Making Ash a tank is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You do realize that, with mods, it would make Ash have sheilds somewhere in the 1500 range? And while a Stamina buff isn't the best thing, A stamina debuff on an assassin is even worse.

I don't see a difference in the Thrak helm, which is terrible, Rhino having such low speed in multi-player makes it so that he's usually at the back of a group... Not tanking like he should, purely because he can't get to the enemies in time like Volts and Lokis can. If anything the thrak should give him a Speed boost with a decrease in power range. Because He doesn't need range when He's right up on the enemies he should be next to.

Trinitiy's helm is pretty much the same, exept you've missed the fact that trinity is one of the warframes who have only 10 armor, And that 5 armor decrease would not be noticable what so ever. In fact the Duration increase as is now is unessessary as any kind of automatic-rifle/shotgun can get a person back to full health and energy in the default duration. And increasing the Duration on Invicibility is a little unessesary.

The Volt Helm is fine as it is right now. Decreasing Range only affects his ult, which is essentially what Volt is played for. You don't realize that decreasing his ult's range is counteractive torwards leveling it up. This means that if I wanted to do more damage that I'd have to resort to a tank position as a mage character who has only 10 armor compared to a Tank's 150. The stamina decrease that's in effect actually affects Volt, because his Speed ability actually burns stamina to work more efficiently.

Not trying to sound like a condesending elitist but you don't seem to understand the Warframes current statistics in relevance to their generalized role in a group. I'm backing up my opinion with gameplay mechanics and their correlations with statistical values.

Annnnnnd.... you have made-up facts and conceptualizaitons about animals to justify your points.

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I'm going to be honest with you.

All of these are S#&$ty ideas.

Not trying to sound like a condesending elitist but you don't seem to understand the Warframes current statistics in relevance to their generalized role in a group. I'm backing up my opinion with gameplay mechanics and their correlations with statistical values.

Annnnnnd.... you have made-up facts and conceptualizaitons about animals to justify your points.

Not at all, I actually like that - you being honest is good. This can help grow the ideas - I never claimed the ideas are perfect, I am waiting for people like you to come up with good ideas taht can improve upon what I said. I will address all your points one by one:

Ember does not need to do more damage, she does more than enough, She needs more power because the first ability she gets costs 75, not 25

Have you ever played Ember? She's supposed to chain all of her abilities because the DOTs stack for stupid damage against herds and bosses.

Yes, I have played all the frames - particularly ember, however your point is missing the whole purpose of the helms. Either remove all the stats, or if you put stats on it, put something they actually affect your game. Ember is supposed to stack, yes, but how about a different approach? this new stat on the helmet changes everything on how Ember should be played. Instead of spamming a single power you use your power more wisely and effectively. Also, its 50 energy, something one can easily replenish if they have the right amount of mods. The 50% in my opinion is waaay to generous.

Excalibur's Helmet is an improvement, but I'm opposed to reducing power efficiency in the first place because it causes number issues with energy.

Charge damage would be better than speed because Excalibur litterally has all the speed he wants because his dash is so fast and cheap it can litterally be used as a movement ability. And yet it is still lack-luster against a good number of bosses.

This is were my experience as Excalibur comes to place, I have played excalibur wtih 80% stack on speed boost, and everything, not matter what it was died in a flash, faster than Volt could cast his shock bolt - I was a monster on the battle field. With the right weapons - more speed would make me invincible. Its not about the skills, but how and when you use them.

You've also got no idea how LITTLE the damage on frost's abilities are. His Freeze at maximum level does only 150 frost damage. While he's not supposed to be a damage dealer, rather a debuffing tank, theres a reason they didn't bring damage into the equation with the helmet, its perfect where it is. Removing his armor buff, would also be removing his tanking potential and make Rhino a guaranteed better choice.

I am willing to agree with you on this, I have no experience with frost yet, I only took in to consideration what I saw and was told, you have a better idea? I would like to hear it.

Nyx is supposed to have a Long duration on her powers because their duration is neccessary for her potential control. Are you REALLY suggesting that the helmet blatantly reduce the effectiveness of her 3 main powers by 50% to "kinda-sorta" buff psychic daggers?

and absorb . . . absorb damage buff can make that power a superb addition in the battle field, currently the power does not kill the higher level ancients, if increased in power it can be one of the more useful powers in game. If you spam chaos as a Nyx, then you are not really playing with Nyx at all.

Loki has 50 armor which is more than neccesary because of how little he should be getting hit, and even more how little he should be taking health damage. Reducing his power duration for increased efficiency is like paying 75 plat for paying nothing as the power-to-duration cost of his abilities would be practically the same.

Emphasis on his Ulti - that would be used more often rather than a game of hide and seek he is playing. But I agree partially. What are you suggesting on this?

-- the system doesnt allow me to post more quotes. I have to split this. sorry:

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Mag: I can see this but I'm still opposed to it. Range IS litterally everything to Mag, but Increasing the cost of the powers by that much removes her intended function to spam those abilities. I would reccomend that the debuff go the loki approach and reduce armor instead giving Mag a role as a back-of-team support rather than a Mortal-Combat-Scoripon-"Get-over-here!"-Shotgun-to-the-face kind of character.

I disagree completely, I have been playing as mag since early November. Spamming powers is bad, take a look at mass effect, powers are tools rather than something for you to exploit. The more you use a power like that, the less value it will have for you. However range is everything for mag, effectiveness and efficiency together.

Making Ash a tank is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. You do realize that, with mods, it would make Ash have sheilds somewhere in the 1500 range? And while a Stamina buff isn't the best thing, A stamina debuff on an assassin is even worse.

I simply followed the logic of the helm. It says scorpion - that is what a scorpion is, unless you have a better idea that first the helm more - I dont know what to say.

I don't see a difference in the Thrak helm, which is terrible, Rhino having such low speed in multi-player makes it so that he's usually at the back of a group... Not tanking like he should, purely because he can't get to the enemies in time like Volts and Lokis can. If anything the thrak should give him a Speed boost with a decrease in power range. Because He doesn't need range when He's right up on the enemies he should be next to.

Funny how you arent using the same logic you did with other frames. Spaming charge which is by any definition more effective and faster than any teleport skill in game.

Trinitiy's helm is pretty much the same, exept you've missed the fact that trinity is one of the warframes who have only 10 armor, And that 5 armor decrease would not be noticable what so ever. In fact the Duration increase as is now is unessessary as any kind of automatic-rifle/shotgun can get a person back to full health and energy in the default duration. And increasing the Duration on Invicibility is a little unessesary.

Suggestion, I really need you to suggest something dearie.

The Volt Helm is fine as it is right now. Decreasing Range only affects his ult, which is essentially what Volt is played for. You don't realize that decreasing his ult's range is counteractive torwards leveling it up. This means that if I wanted to do more damage that I'd have to resort to a tank position as a mage character who has only 10 armor compared to a Tank's 150. The stamina decrease that's in effect actually affects Volt, because his Speed ability actually burns stamina to work more efficiently.

So you suggest decreasing stamina instead? resonable.

I would like you to suggest what you want them to be, you mentioned all the reasons why you think this is a bad thing, but you did not at all suggest explicitly what it should be. Give me numbers, what you want it to be and I will change it - you seem like a mildly reasonable person with mild knowledge of the lore. that is good - suggest and I will change.

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But more energy would be OP - making infinite energy for everyone, specially in case of bosses.

A % ammount of 100 is not that much increase

durration is crappy and actualy a DeBuff concidering her skills the way her helm is now the energy buff stayss way to long 3 lex shotss and you grab all the energy possible

power efficiancy woul be nice i guess but honestly that woul be more op then just power strength

power strength 10% increase woul only be 110 energy back from well

150 energy is still not as strong as 25% energy efficiancy and power max is fairly usless for her

so the only one out of the 4 is power strength so more energy given back to you and your team mates is the less OP but still not usless buff

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I was surprised when they added helmets that change stats, I though they will be pure cosmetic items. Also I wouldnt give them the normal stat boosts that you guys propose. I would actualy make them remove one of your four skill in exchange of new one, that would give a bit customization in powers instead of what mods already give anyway. It could change 1 or even 2 powers, though it require more work from developer, but IMO is much more cooler.

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I was surprised when they added helmets that change stats, I though they will be pure cosmetic items. Also I wouldnt give them the normal stat boosts that you guys propose. I would actualy make them remove one of your four skill in exchange of new one, that would give a bit customization in powers instead of what mods already give anyway. It could change 1 or even 2 powers, though it require more work from developer, but IMO is much more cooler.

but what if skill A is worse then skill B that hat gives

Like what if excaliburs superjump became a great attack like an aoe or something that hurtss everyone

then its an even bigger direct upgrade and you have no reason to not wear the hat you then become stupid not to wear it

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but what if skill A is worse then skill B that hat gives

Like what if excaliburs superjump became a great attack like an aoe or something that hurtss everyone

then its an even bigger direct upgrade and you have no reason to not wear the hat you then become stupid not to wear it

Balance is not problem of concept, balance is problem of developers. No skill customization is as bad as having poorly balanced one.

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Balance is not problem of concept, balance is problem of developers. No skill customization is as bad as having poorly balanced one.

I am all for customizable skills but if not done right someskills will suck and never be used just like right now even with 4 skills we all only use the good oness since the other ones are just aa waste of energy adding more skills that arnt as good as the rest of them will not solve this

Its sorta like addding in more weapons people will try it out but if it isnt a comfertable upgrade or side grade noone is going to use it over their current weapons

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the thing is, all the stats while wearing these helmets are so little that it doesnt much make a difference, lik eloki's helm, every tim ei use a skill i get -3 to it, so its not that big of a deal, its jsut cosmetic and no we dont need to take it away or make it not be a drop because they need to make money which they should not be pinned for at all, and they give you a chance to skill get it

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the thing is, all the stats while wearing these helmets are so little that it doesnt much make a difference, lik eloki's helm, every tim ei use a skill i get -3 to it, so its not that big of a deal, its jsut cosmetic and no we dont need to take it away or make it not be a drop because they need to make money which they should not be pinned for at all, and they give you a chance to skill get it

Yeah i dont want the helms to become something needed for specific builds, just something that adds a little bonus and it's mostly for show.

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Yeah i dont want the helms to become something needed for specific builds, just something that adds a little bonus and it's mostly for show.

I agree with you too. I like it to have none, but if they are . . . then I would rather it be something big.

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I am all for customizable skills but if not done right someskills will suck and never be used just like right now even with 4 skills we all only use the good oness since the other ones are just aa waste of energy adding more skills that arnt as good as the rest of them will not solve this

Its sorta like addding in more weapons people will try it out but if it isnt a comfertable upgrade or side grade noone is going to use it over their current weapons

Ah, I know what you mean. Its not flaw of the skills, its flaw of the energy system. I played many games, and games that give skills without cooldowns and shared resource always tend to pick one skill and spam it. If you would remove energy and give cooldown to each skill, people would use ALL skills, since why not? Each of them increase your combat ability, while they are for free, just need cooldown managment.

Also good thing in skill sets is to give them different role, not 4x DMG skill. Its good to have something like, Debuff + moblity+ CC+ dmg or buff +debuff +dmg + escape.

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