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Is This Game Only Fun In Bursts?


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So I started playing the game not long after open beta started. I played all the way until the Frost Prime BP event, pretty much maxed everything that interested me, then stopped. About a month or so ago, I came back and started catching up. Now, I'm just about maxed out again.


I have every mod that I'd ever need for any situation, most max-rank. I have every weapon in the game that currently interests me, most maxed and multi-Forma'd. I have 4 multi-Forma'd frames, all maxed. I don't really have much to play for anymore. Just running around killing stuff with nothing to gain, gets old fast.


I think I might end up taking another few-month break again, until the game gets a bit more meat on it's bones. It's like Warframe is only fun in 1-month bursts, then I run out of content and stop playing again. I hope this is only a beta thing, and not how the game is going to remain.

Mostly based on your opinion. I usually take a break for like 3 or 4 days and the game usually called me back after that 4th day.

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Missions with Corpus/Grinner?

That would give a game big revolution,fun,a lot hours of playing..

Should probably specify that what I was suggesting wasn't directly being buddies with them, it was having them function as 'employers' buying our services as 'mercs', and the entire game system would function on the idea of the Lotus sorting threw the requests and shipping us out on the ones THEY approve off, essentially meaning we still serve the Lotus. It's a revolution in a large number of ways and kind of indirectly deals with the easiness of nightmare mode, which isn't really harder, it's just like having a bad itch, it's annoying but it doesn't make your life harder.




That's why this idea needs love bro. Tell anyone with an account to give that a read, if even half manage to get through the daunting wall of super text, then we may have enough upvotes to pretty much petition DE to get it into the game. My clan's too small to start a petition really, but I'm trying to get them on board. This idea is specifically to combat people like the OP in this topic getting bored too quickly as a result of content not difficult enough/meaningful enough to provide a reason to stick with the game. Korean grindfests are only interesting until you've killed everything comprehensively several times, and Warframe is dangerously close to that at the moment, as several of the key indicators of the Korean Grindfest are already present (if not all of them).


That's the quick overview of the insanity I have unleashed upon the forums. Without your support, Tenno readers, which is as simple as clicking the upvote button, DE will likely overlook what has so far been viewed as a good idea (mostly going on the idea that no one has said they don't like it)  because it's going to take time to implement and allocation of project monkeys, which are in short supply from what was said previously. The more people that read and upvote it, the closer it is to getting their attention for implementation. Consider it like democrasy without campaign promises, no votes and it doesn't seem meaningful to them, a million votes and their wondering where the extra Tenno spawned in from not to mention how it's going to get into the game. Read it, make a suggestion, tell me what you liked, anything.

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