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Suggestion for the Orokin Derelict


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I know at some point they've said they'll be taking away the key requirement from the Derelict. Fully behind that. But how about this as a new role for it.

Since the introduction of the Kuva Fortress, we've had a mobile spawn point for Kuva missions wandering about the system. How about we have two such wandering spawners?

What I mean by that is, much as the Kuva Fortress wanders the system, how about the Orokin Derelict (you could even rename it to a specific Orokin ship and give it a history. Maybe it's even the now infested remnants of the Zariman) also become a wandering point on the system map. As it drifts around, it can spawn the Infested invasions on the planets it's nearby. This would fit the Invasions both thematically and mechanically.

Also, please rework Phorid for said Invasions.

Edited by KokoroWish
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so A) this thread is more about infestations than the derelict.

and B) You want the need for keys to access the derelict removed

I agree with both points. I think removing the key access to the derelict makes sense as then we can do pubs instead of solo or pre-mades all the time.


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vor 19 Minuten schrieb Kalvorax:

so A) this thread is more about infestations than the derelict.

and B) You want the need for keys to access the derelict removed

I agree with both points. I think removing the key access to the derelict makes sense as then we can do pubs instead of solo or pre-mades all the time.


And it would maybe finally stop the talking about Hema research.

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