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Melee-Weapon Specific Abilities


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What if each melee weapon had its own ability that works like how you would use your Warframe's abilities? Maybe press 5 to use, and it'd cost stamina to execute or maybe even energy. Perhaps this would add some diversity to melee combat, and potentially bring the underpowered melees up to par with the rest.


I guess I'll post a few examples. Please take note that I am not really suggesting these concepts, just providing them as reference.



Weapon: Heat Sword

User impales the Heat Sword into the ground, unleashing a light radial fire nova(without lingering DoT damage).


Tiger Knuckle

Weapon: Ankyros

User throws a flurry of 5 accelerated punches, each dealing double critical damage.


Void Breaker

Weapon: Dark Sword

The user swings the weapon outward, releasing a slash of dark matter that travels for about 8m and dealing damage.


Hurricane Blow

Weapon: Bo

The Bo is swung around in a whirlwind, dealing light damage and sending all enemies around the user flying through the air.


Acid Burn

Weapon: Mire

A slow cut with the Mire sword that burns away at the armour of the target, doubling the damage of the next attack to hit it.


Flame Launcher

Weapon: Heat Dagger, Heat Sword

The user lunges forward and stabs the Heat Dagger/Sword into the target, knocking him down and dealing fire damage.


Reverse Incision

Weapon: Ceramic Dagger

A lunging attack with the Ceramic Dagger that does 300% damage



Weapon: Amphis, Prova

After charging the weapon, the user swings the weapon in a half moon in front of him, dealing bonus electrical damage. Affected enemies will fly backwards from the impact. A successful attack with Electrokinesis will charge the weapon's dynamos, storing a powerful current in the weapon. The next charge attack will then unleash this energy as a lightning ball that does Electrical and Fire element damage.


Focused Cut

Weapon: Skana, Cronus, Jaw Sword

An easily-chained and comboable slash that deals double damage.


Blade Discipline

Weapon: Pangolin Sword, Plasma Sword, Ether Sword, Skana Prime, Dual Skana

The user holds his sword(s) in front of him and stands still for 2sec. If (s)he receives a melee attack during that time, the Tenno will parry the strike and punish his opponent with a counterattack, dealing triple critical damage. This skill can also be used to fully deflect all bullet and laser attacks and scatter them in a 180° cone in front of the Tenno. Any enemies within melee range of the Tenno will be staggered by his/her swordplay.


High Jump Kick

Weapon: Kogake

The user springs forward with a high-damage soaring kick. A stronger version of the slide attack with long travel distance.


Wheel of Pain

Weapon: Glaive

The user flexes the Glaive and spins it around to charge it. The next throw of the Glaive will deal increased damage and will pierce through soft targets instead of bouncing.(may be irrelevant now with the introduction of Power Throw)


Inverted Scissor

Weapon: Ether Daggers, Dual Ether, Fang, Fang Prime

The user thrusts both blades forward into an enemy, then slashes outward in an eviscerating cut. If the victim survives, he will suffer bleeding damage over time.


Running Cutter

Weapon: Machete

The user runs forward a short distance with the Machete held out in front of him/her, sawing through his enemies.

(cheap knockoff of Slash Dash)


Mass Accelerator

Weapon: Fragor, Hate

Briefly flourishes the weapon. The next groundslam attack will not suffer from damage falloff, and has its AoE range and damage increased while continuing to knockdown enemies. Basically amplifies the crowd control ability of the weapon's jump attack.



Weapon: Gram, Scindo

Boosted charge attack. The user anchors himself into the ground(immune to stagger), then swings his weapon around in a massive cleaving strike. This attack has doubled range of a standard charge attack and deals double charge damage but empties the user's stamina. Can hit multiple enemies.


Spear Suplex

Weapon: Orthos, Orthos Prime

Following a brief charging animation, the Tenno impales his target with the Orthos and swings him over his head, smashing him into the ground. The target receives damage upon hitting the ground, and the impact unleashes a shockwave attack that hits all enemies in a small radius.


Zen Fist

Weapon: Furax

Requires the user to aim at a target. The user hops forward a short distance in front of his enemy, and delivers a high powered charge attack jab or uppercut. Drains all stamina on execution, and damage is amplified based on the amount of stamina expended. While it is theoretically a powerful burst damage move, it is limited by its single-target nature and long cooldown period before this ability can be used again.


Massive Strike

Weapon: Kestrel

A high-powered smash with the Kestrel that immediately floors any victim in front of the Tenno.


Prime Superiority

Weapon: Reaper Prime

The Tenno channels his Warframe's energy into the Reaper Prime, which acts as a conductor and amplifier. He then releases a powerful fissure by cleaving the ground with the weapon, dealing high critical damage to enemies in a straight path.


Hack & Slash

Weapon: Dual Cleavers, Dual Zoren, Dual Ichor

Upon activation of this ability, each melee attack has a bonus 10% chance and has its critical damage multiplier increased by 15%


Soul Harvest

Weapon: Ether Reaper

Twirling the scythe to symbolize the cycle of life, the user guides the Ether Reaper into a horizontal sweep to show that his victim's life has reached its end. Drains a small amount of the damage done as Energy.



Weapon: Kama

The user lunges forward a fair distance and sinks the Kama into a weak point of his target, dealing a powerful critical hit while forcing the user to roll to regain his balance. Ranged attacks graze the Tenno while he is in the movement phase of this attack, dealing reduced damage.


Heart Break

Weapon: Dakka Prime

The Dakka Prime is thrust into the heart of its opponent, impaling him with deadly piercing damage. Counts as a critical hit.


Seismic Collision

Weapon: Galatine

A quick stomp immobilizes any enemies within melee range of the Tenno. The Tenno then gathers all his strength for a few moments, before swinging the sword in a crude, bowling bash attack in front of him. All enemies that are struck are ragdolled and sent flying, receiving high damage. Any enemies that their flailing bodies collide with will receive additional damage. A slow but extremely powerful crowd clearing attack. Drains all stamina on execution, and the Tenno cannot be staggered while the ability is being used. Long cooldown period.



Spammability and Cooldown

I believe this would be an interesting part of the Melee Weapon Ability system that could help to further balance these abilities. Some powerful abilities could have a long cooldown or drain large amounts of stamina(maybe consider Quick Rest now?), while others may need the user to fill a 'combo' meter that builds up with increasing amounts of melee damage dealt by the player? 

Edited by Amistyrja
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What if each melee weapon had its own ability that works like how you would use your Warframe's abilities? Maybe press 5 to use, and it'd cost stamina to execute or maybe even energy. Perhaps this would add some diversity to melee combat, and potentially bring the underpowered melees up to par with the rest.


I guess I'll post a few examples. Please take note that I am not really suggesting these concepts, just providing them as examples.

An indirect buff to longswords?


Hell yes?


Addendum: Bonus points to putting Getsuga Tensho on Dark Sword.

Edited by Jugganatha
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I like it this idea because not bad and really needs make a balance in melee but at every weapon at least giving new abilities coz nobody or few people use these weapons. Like the Skana which is a beginner weapon with 3x effect on infesteds but the whole beginner map is grineer. Slow weapon and not given enough damage to be worth to keep it.

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What about Dual hatchets and zorens? What about passives?



Weapon: Dual hatchets, dual zorens

After succesfull kill, use 5 seconds interval to taunt your enemies, making them tremble (10% chance of interruption of every action + 1 sec initial daze)


Neverending rage

Weapon: Dual hatchets, dual zorens

Grants stackable 5% damage resistance and 5% attack speed for 5 seconds up to 5 stacks. Each stack expires independetely.

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What about Dual hatchets and zorens? What about passives?



Weapon: Dual hatchets, dual zorens

After succesfull kill, use 5 seconds interval to taunt your enemies, making them tremble (10% chance of interruption of every action + 1 sec initial daze)


Neverending rage

Weapon: Dual hatchets, dual zorens

Grants stackable 5% damage resistance and 5% attack speed for 5 seconds up to 5 stacks. Each stack expires independetely.

Your second idea sounds interesting

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OMG I can't +1 this hard enough. Make some of these interchangeable between em, like, a special slot like we got for auras, on each weapon.


Another suggestion is that if these were mods that could be awarded by mastering the weapon at 30 instead of being random loot drops. (and get an extra copy for every time you hit 30 if you forma just for the sake of having spare ones)


Keep the melee love flowing! :D

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Dual zoren, fang, fang prime.

+50% melee attack speed for 5 seconds. Extended by 2 seconds for every enemy killed with melee weapons while flurry is active.

I mostly use volt's speed for super slide attack movement.

Can't go wrong with even more attack speed

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I'm not 100% sure with all the effects but this:

Oh don't mind my ideas, they're just some fan concepts I came up with and I'm not suggesting for them. I'm just providing them as examples if anyone has any trouble imagining how these suggested 'melee abilities' would look like ^___^

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