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Change Entry From PoE to Cetus Instance Selection System


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So, this has been bugging me for a while. When we enter Cetus from Orbiter, we choose an instance of our preference. Works well for people with slightly older hardware like myself who avoid busy instances to not tax the system too much. However, when entering (or re-entering) from the Plains of Eidolon, we get no such choice, and it seems to force us into the first non-full instance, which as of the Unvaulting today actually triggered the game crash memory dump game erasure glitch for me, on returning to Cetus from my first bounty. Holy hell is this transition in need of an improvement. So, I have some practical suggestions to address the system as it currently stands.

Suggestion #1: Change the Cetus Instance Auto-Selection System (C.I.A.S.S) to default to the instance a person came from when entering the Plains, if applicable.

Suggestion #2: Change the transition from Plains to Cetus by including an Instance Selection Screen (I.S.S.) before transitioning players.

Suggestion #3: Do both, utilizing the C.I.A.S.S. for people who entered the Plains from Cetus, and the I.S.S for people who entered from Orbiter.

Suggestion #4: Enable a setting option for the C.I.A.S.S. that players can choose their preferred population density when re-entering Cetus.

All of these are also extremely useful alterations to implement before adding more Open World Zones to the game.

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