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Still issues with bounties

(XBOX)Tucker D Dawg

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*Rescue the target - target rescued - extraction never appears. Have to abort.

*Rescue the target - target rescued - host migration before target to extraction - A NEW rescue the target appears (with the original still following you around - however the new one only has guards and no captive.  So after killing the guards there is no collar to hack to stop the countdown timer (the original rescue target still stands there laughing at you). Bounty Failed.

*Escort the drone - Drone can still get caught in terrain and be unable to free itself.  Particularly when passing through a grineer camp it can get caught in the triangular netting, in buildings etc and can't escape.  Have to abort.


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Another bounty - another waste of time.

Capture Their Leader - Stage One - Draw out assassination target - Killed 15 enemies, Target drops out of ship about 5 meters from me.  Kill him too - body dissapears bounty never finishes. (he didn't drop anything either)  Counter counts to zero but bounty doesn't fail. No way to progress with nobody to kill as target and his cronies were dead. Another abort.


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I've found that killing the capture target before he is marked as the capture target causes his body to "die" instead of writhe on the ground to be absorbed. This also goes for assassinate targets- bounty won't progress if they are killed before marked as assassinate targets.

Also, are you playing in Solo or in groups? I've found that in groups the bounty stops progressing on the UI for some people, but others still see the progression. I.E. Defend the vault will read "insert datamass" But in actuality you may be a minute and a half into a functioning defense. I've found the misrepresentation only happens in squads but it can affect the host or the client.

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2 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ExoSin said:

if they are killed before marked as assassinate targets

He was marked as a target.

3 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ExoSin said:

Also, are you playing in Solo or in groups?

Solo - although as noted in the original post, the rescue the target bug can and does happen in group play as well - with implications once the host rage quits due to its bugginess.



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