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Gara’s Mass Vitrify change?


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I haven’t seen any threads on reactions to Gara’s changes in this recent patch. I didn’t farm her until after the vitrify nerf, and only leveled her to 30 and shelved her for the time being.

That said, is she worth the forma investment at this point? Was the change enough of a move in the right direction? 

Hoping to get a little feedback from people who have played her more.




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Gara's Mass Vitrify Wall now gets stronger the more enemies are claimed by its spreading phase. I suggest the following strategy with her, where appropriate:
0: Build Gara with Rage and Rejuvenation and maximum hp/power strength/energy capacity/duration.
0A (optional): Select Zenurik for costless energy pizza.
1: Activate Gara's ult on or around objective, but only enough to encompass the objective.
2: When enemies have gathered, reactivate Gara's 1 while in mid-air (Vitrify wall then becoming impassible for enemies).
3: Repeat phases 1 and 2 when the wall is shattered.

Aside from that, Gara is a strong frame.

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