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Warframe community is great


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Well, i hope it wont be offtopic too much... 


What do you think about Warframe community by overall? For me, personally, it's one of the best community i ever met... Anywhere, in any game.

Since i started playing again, a lot of things changed. I played like... 2-3 years ago. Now, since im back, i was surprised when even random people in random void fissure helped me to understand some new features, send some very usefull links and things, just like that, i dont even asked for it... Honestly, i never before met with such a friendly amd helpfull people before.

Also, once on Warframe amino, i made a little vote, about nekros prime things. In comments i had a little discussion with other player, asking me why can't i use him anyway, when my first prime, nekros, will be crafted. Not goin into details, i was just about to go to hospital for a (very) long time, just before he will be crafted. I wasn't saying it at first, dont even wanted to. Just he asked, and i answered... Was very, very, very, very surprised, when he just... Gave me 100 platinum, which i know, at least for me, is a lot. I had reall hard time accepting it, but thanks to him i was able to have fun with my Nekros prime, my first prime warframe, before i will be missing. I never met someone who would help like that, a lot, a completely random and unknow person for him. Thanks a lot, my friend.

Another situation is, when i just get into mods discussion on discord, not long ago. When we were talkin about rare mods, i talked about my situation, when i spent in overall 5 hours in void survival, with nekros, just to get Berserker mod, and... Didn't get it at all. How was i surprised, when he, just like that, "throw this mod on yarr face and go to bed" - U're the best, and just proved me even more that this game has BEST community ever! :D

Also again on discord (im sitting there a lot...) we we're talking about primes. I just said that i tried 8 relics with my one, missing sibaris prime part, and all were wasted, without giving it to me. One person just give it to me, just like that again... I dont even know how should i thanks all those people, and i will surelly pay u all back, when i will be able to!

And just how helpfull this community is just by overall. When i many times asked some questions on other games discorda, or things, i was blamed and called noob, like "NOOB GO TO GOOGLE STOP WASTING OUR TIME" and things, but here... Everyone answered my questions, and gave some usefull tips.

I wont count all cool people i met on in-game chat in warframe (pink rhino!) or just like that on a mission (two, awesome harrows, fighting for attention of saryn, u're both awesome :D)

well what do YOU think of Warframe community? Maybe u also have some nice stories to tell, or little things which matters for community to mention? Feel free to share it with us. :3


Thanks again, Warframe community, u're the best community i ever saw and was a part of! :D


(Im also sorry for all my mistakes, im not perfect in english, and it's quite late, i was supposed to write in during a day, but i couldn't wait~~)


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(Bad english alert)

It is truly the best gaming community I ve ever seen in any game.However, I guess its mostly because this is a PvE focused game, where players fight against AI enemies,not against each other. Sure, we have conclave, but not so many players are playing that gamemode.I mean, people are usually toxic in PvP games but still this community is very friendly compared to others.

Of course,you ll find some exceptions, like people in trading chat that are going to put you in their ignore list for no reason or those trollers that extract at the last milisecond in Hydron, but overall, this is the nicest gaming community out there.

I was shocked when I met this community when I ve started this game in march, last year, coming from  League of Legends, a game where you are called noob everytime you do something and apparently everyone know your mom.

Edited by FumezSunca
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1 hour ago, Nomasto said:

Well, i hope it wont be offtopic too much... 


What do you think about Warframe community by overall? For me, personally, it's one of the best community i ever met... Anywhere, in any game.

Since i started playing again, a lot of things changed. I played like... 2-3 years ago. Now, since im back, i was surprised when even random people in random void fissure helped me to understand some new features, send some very usefull links and things, just like that, i dont even asked for it... Honestly, i never before met with such a friendly amd helpfull people before.

Also, once on Warframe amino, i made a little vote, about nekros prime things. In comments i had a little discussion with other player, asking me why can't i use him anyway, when my first prime, nekros, will be crafted. Not goin into details, i was just about to go to hospital for a (very) long time, just before he will be crafted. I wasn't saying it at first, dont even wanted to. Just he asked, and i answered... Was very, very, very, very surprised, when he just... Gave me 100 platinum, which i know, at least for me, is a lot. I had reall hard time accepting it, but thanks to him i was able to have fun with my Nekros prime, my first prime warframe, before i will be missing. I never met someone who would help like that, a lot, a completely random and unknow person for him. Thanks a lot, my friend.

Another situation is, when i just get into mods discussion on discord, not long ago. When we were talkin about rare mods, i talked about my situation, when i spent in overall 5 hours in void survival, with nekros, just to get Berserker mod, and... Didn't get it at all. How was i surprised, when he, just like that, "throw this mod on yarr face and go to bed" - U're the best, and just proved me even more that this game has BEST community ever! :D

Also again on discord (im sitting there a lot...) we we're talking about primes. I just said that i tried 8 relics with my one, missing sibaris prime part, and all were wasted, without giving it to me. One person just give it to me, just like that again... I dont even know how should i thanks all those people, and i will surelly pay u all back, when i will be able to!

And just how helpfull this community is just by overall. When i many times asked some questions on other games discorda, or things, i was blamed and called noob, like "NOOB GO TO GOOGLE STOP WASTING OUR TIME" and things, but here... Everyone answered my questions, and gave some usefull tips.

I wont count all cool people i met on in-game chat in warframe (pink rhino!) or just like that on a mission (two, awesome harrows, fighting for attention of saryn, u're both awesome :D)

well what do YOU think of Warframe community? Maybe u also have some nice stories to tell, or little things which matters for community to mention? Feel free to share it with us. :3


Thanks again, Warframe community, u're the best community i ever saw and was a part of! :D


(Im also sorry for all my mistakes, im not perfect in english, and it's quite late, i was supposed to write in during a day, but i couldn't wait~~)




My one & only PvE game to chill out ever since I joined the game. Well, I miss old hysterical co-op game random players when I joined, It was quite fun back then to enjoy the content. Even raids were crazy, when it got introduced & enjoying it. But the element kind of faded for me now since I play solo most of the time & at times with randoms. 

My best moment was with my one & only clanmate. Classic duo combination of Rhino & Frost Prime completing the last node on the solar express as a newbie. This was an epic memory. He left me 3 years back permanently as he moved on to Warface entirely, however, we are close in real life even as gamers. :cool:

I've plenty of stories to share but for another time & also I met many random good players alongside sidelines, sadly, I never saw them log in from past 2 years or so too.  :highfive:

Well, I already move on from that part, I'm heading for retirement very soon from the game as real life takes away most of my time these days & age factors, it's only a matter time to move on. :smile:

Like they say, to every ending, there is a new beginning, however, memories always last forever which I carry till the end. GG!. :satisfied:


Edited by IIWingSaberII
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I think the reason that Warframe has a community that is for the most part interested in helping people is, we were all there once.

It has so many complex mechanics and until the last couple of years no in-game help to explain any of it.  Even now there's much that is obscure.

So we help each other, explain things and gifting mods (or more even) is pretty normal for many long standing players.

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52 minutes ago, Sabreracer said:

I think the reason that Warframe has a community that is for the most part interested in helping people is, we were all there once.

It has so many complex mechanics and until the last couple of years no in-game help to explain any of it.  Even now there's much that is obscure.

So we help each other, explain things and gifting mods (or more even) is pretty normal for many long standing players.

Yeah, that's the way I feel about it. I spent most of the early game being frustrated by the lack of energy and health drops and regen in-mission, so now I hand out Energy Siphons and Rejuvenation auras to anyone I meet who doesn't have any auras equipped, just to make it a little easier for them to get to the point in the game where they find a reason to stick with it.

Like one of the earlier posters, I came (back) here from League of Legends, and I don't regret it one bit. League's community was the main reason I would never recommend the game to my friends, but Warframe's community is a big part of why I recommend it to others.

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