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Why This Event Is Possibly The Worst Yet.


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Why is it a big deal that DE is making in game lore to support the addition of a new zone and title set? Have you guys ever had to play old game that had attunements for new raids?


Edit: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/76859-not-a-feedback-forum-for-warframe-the-game-but-warframes-their-abilities/ This is the wrong place for this topic.

Sure, plenty of games might have an event where they show off a new area. Except this event isn't showing it off at all. The tileset is just being hung over our heads as a threat, as if to say, "Play our game, or else we won't give you reasons to play our game!".

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Do you really believe they are so stupid as to not release work they've put hundreds of hours into?

No they are not that stupid.


Thats why they stated in a livestream that they would deley the content if we failed not completely not release it.

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I actually had fun doing these runs. well the void ones anyway.  While there weren't any "rewards" me and a few friends would always walk away with 7-9 mods a piece.  idk maybe im just new (I am) but I enjoyed getting the mods and running through the missions.

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This isn't just poor - it's shady. They should have released the Miter and Gremlins if and when we succeed. As it stands we now have unique items in the game (ie. not a marginally upgraded version of an already mediocre weapon (Skana Prime and Lato Prime)) that can only be purchased by Platinum - and if we fail this event (as we're supposed to if they're not bluffing) then these items are supposedly going to remain premium for at least a while longer. Very dodgy business. 


From a design perspective however, it just totally baffles me. There is no motivation for the average player to get involved in this event in any real way. The contributors for the Fomorian event that got us the success weren't the ones just dipping their feet - it was the players that grinded their way to 250 points (and beyond if they were doing it for their clan). I've dipped my foot, and that's all I'm doing for this event. They could've even been as lazy as having 1 / 3 / 5 / 10 / 20 Plat as the rewards - it doesn't really take too much to get gamers frothing at the mouth and willing to grind, but it requires something. And if there is a tiered reward that they're just not telling us about - they need to. And I mean they need to. A lot of dedicated (paying) players are going to very frustrated if they've missed out on exclusive mods or weapons because DE felt like being cryptic. 

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Sure, plenty of games might have an event where they show off a new area. Except this event isn't showing it off at all. The tileset is just being hung over our heads as a threat, as if to say, "Play our game, or else we won't give you reasons to play our game!".

I doubt we will fail and even if we do the odds are very high it would only be a week or two penalty.



This isn't just poor - it's shady. They should have released the Miter and Gremlins if and when we succeed.

It is not shady, It is giving them a few days for impulse buyers to panic buy the 2 weapons. I highly doubt the event will be failed and even if it is they are not going to hold it off that long they spent money making the title set and weapons.


The reason I doubt it will be failed is the big clan that want to be #1 as long as they care it will be fine.


DE did the same thing with the glaive BP it is to be expected that they are not always going to put the blueprinting in the MP.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I personally find this event very underwhelming. The Fomorian event had something to work for. Hate to sound greedy, but seeing that the Tenno are just simple mercenaries who work for the Lotus corporation: "What's the benefit for us?"


Another badge for simply doing 1 run and a new map that we're going to get anyway (as you spent time, money and resources on it already)? No tiered rewards or anything; just a badge and another junk statue for the Top-1 Clans?


Sorry, but I'm not going to bother with this event as there's nothing remotely interesting about it at all in my opinion. In fact it's tedious. You have to wait for 2 specific mission alerts, then BUY a blueprint, craft a consumable key and do another mission for 1-2 points. And then you can do it all over again?


I got 3 points and that's enough for me. I don't about yet another badge that anyone will get after 1 run as I can only display 2 at a time anyway. Unless you want us to look like boyscouts or something.

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when i was with my pal m4st3r_wh1t3_w0lf (also a steam freind) we were running the void mission and i got the room cleard


then i was getting shot guess what THE SCOUT HAS A SPECTRA and was shooting me WHAT A WEAK &#! AHAHAA

A top contender for most useless comment of the week.

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I doubt we will fail and even if we do the odds are very high it would only be a week or two penalty.



It is not shady, It is giving them a few days for impulse buyers to panic buy the 2 weapons. I highly doubt the event will be failed and even if it is they are not going to hold it off that long they spent money making the title set and weapons.


The reason I doubt it will be failed is the big clan that want to be #1 as long as they care it will be fine.


DE did the same thing with the glaive BP it is to be expected that they are not always going to put the blueprinting in the MP.


I didn't expect it to necessarily be in the MP - and I don't care that it's not. It could drop from T3 defence exclusively and only when the team isn't using a Frost or Vauban for all I care. My issue with this is that these weapons are currently premium exclusive. There is no way to obtain these weapons in-game at the moment without spending Platinum and these delay penalties could potentially go on significantly longer if they keep putting us through Arid Fear to get them. The reason the F2P business model of WF has been accepted is Plat doesn't, or at least isn't supposed to buy power - it's a substitute for time invested in the game. These weapons could very well be overpowered for all we know - and if they are then until this event has been succeeded Warframe will be P2W because no amount of effort, skill or grinding is going to get you these weapons - only Plat. 


But that's not even really the crux of the issue here. It would have been so easy for them to hold off on these weapons and only release them when we succeed, but they didn't. It sets a concerning precedent for the possibility of premium weapons or premium early access to new (and let's face it, likely unbalanced or overpowered) weapons in the future.

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My biggest issue with the events is the complete lack of lore in them. Yah we're doing it, and there is the little diorama, but nothing during game play.


You don't find any interesting things on the Corpus doing the alerts nor you don't hear any new dialog from them on their void ships. I'm dying here for some substance. Data logs you can read and collect, audio logs, just something to make it interesting while in mission giving the Corpus a really bad day.


These events just come off as hollow hoops we have to jump through cause there is so little to them otherwise. These are fantastic chances to inject some story and lore into the game, please do so DE!

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But that's not even really the crux of the issue here. It would have been so easy for them to hold off on these weapons and only release them when we succeed, but they didn't. It sets a concerning precedent for the possibility of premium weapons or premium early access to new (and let's face it, likely unbalanced or overpowered) weapons in the future.

I'll hold off any judgment on this event till after its over because it might just be the weekend early access( I can live with a small window of less than a week). I do not have strong feeling about getting early access to item to people willing to spend 190&225 platinum because they can't wait a few days to farm the boss likely to drop the item.


If there was PVP in this game and people could pay to get new weapons sooner I would be very concerned and highly annoyed with DE because that would be a terrible business model.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Just like to say, the amount of complaining is quite amazing...

Using alerts for the first part of the event allows DE to change what mission type you have to grind.

It changes every 2 hours. How is that a bad thing?


And while yes, they could do with an incentive for outstanding players, just remember, you haven't payed them a single cent to play this game.

It's actually a fantastic business model to have platinum exclusives. Since platinum is their only source of income.

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Just like to say, the amount of complaining is quite amazing...

Using alerts for the first part of the event allows DE to change what mission type you have to grind.

It changes every 2 hours. How is that a bad thing?


And while yes, they could do with an incentive for outstanding players, just remember, you haven't payed them a single cent to play this game.

It's actually a fantastic business model to have platinum exclusives. Since platinum is their only source of income.

Except if you're not in a clan, there's no incentive to do the alerts. There's no risk of not getting the tilesets, the competitive clans make sure of that. Beyond maybe getting an emblem, why should we partake in the event? Storywise there isn't even a good justification.


And don't you dare pull the "b-but it's f2p, guys!". No. f2p is good when purchaseable items are cosmetic. Palettes, slots and potatoes if you're impatient are great things to sell. Platinum exclusive weapons are pay2win, and that's just bullS#&$.

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Don't twist my words to suit your own argument. I said that "they could do with an incentive". Don't insinuate I didn't.

And no, it's not pay2win because it's entirely cooperative pve. I have no problem with them selling EARLY ACCESS to weapons. It's the exact same thing as paying to rush something on release. Would you call rushing Nova on release pay2win? I doubt it.

Edited by Holynight6
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Well really, to all the people who're complaining about the changes to animations, you've had about 2 months to complain before they were implemented. Was it livestream 8 or 9 that they showed the complete idle animation for every frame (minus nova)?


Although I'll give you some leeway on that ninja hotfix. Not even a day and they change one of the idles.

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The Key BP/Crafting is to prevent credit bloat, that much should have been obvious. The Void/Alerts give about 4000~ each, around the amount needed to build a key. I remember farming well over a million credits during Sling-stone, and I ended up unable to spend all of them.


The event does suck though. The time between Alerts isn't enough to sleep, but too long to get a good rhythm going. The lack of reward for the top 100 during Sling-stone should have been a sign for things to come, and not nobody gets a damn thing, including those outside the top 100.


Quite a few people would have been content with Primed chamber, seeing as they said it would be event exclusive, but may show up later. Then it didn't. To rationalize the Grineer encampments being the reward is S#&$, because by going this path the player-base could elect to not do the event, and essentially stall the games content. I'm not going to say we shouldn't have to do boring content to get to the good content, but knowing they'll give it to us anyway or be forced to stop the game for awhile will just kill the player-base.


Not a lot of clans are happy about it either. Motivation is just for $&*^waving rights at the moment. Japan pretty much tagged out, and I can understand why.


Also, F*** Defense and Mobile Defense for Cypher/Datamass missions, that's just @(*()$ stupid time sucking.

Edited by DecoyCode
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The true induvidual rewards are materials you gain from mobile defense mission, not as dandy as it sound i know, but i hope i get alert with plastid location, 

That's not a reward, as you can get those outside the event. The event does not give you more.

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I like to think i am not mistaken. They said they would put the new tileset on a que to release at a later time so those "money/resources" will not go to waste.


Yes you do need to know how they code the alerts to confirm your assumptions. Do you not think that they would have a seperate code running for the event alerts?


Heres my assumption, they have the event alerts pop up at set ammounts of times so that they will never show up too far away from the last event alert. It will not affect the normal alerts because they will run on a different code that uses their RNG alert system.


Either way none of us can prove our points so i can agree to disagree.


You like to think you are not mistaken so you completely avoid anything I say and just stick to your previous points. I already said that they probably "manually input" the event alerts separately. You can call it a different "code" if that makes you feel more like a hacker, but I already said it. It still doesn't eliminate the problem of how bad it is, because the problem is that it's IN the alert system.


While you try to argue on assuming how they plan minute details, everyone else is talking about why the event is bad. So...ok, I guess?

Unless you have some proof you are just to throwing unsubstantiated accusations - and this, sir, it's trolling. DE clearly stated that Grineer outpost will be delayed if we fail to complete event.


Unless you know exact way event alerts are implemented you have absolutely no right to form similar implications. Credits alerts and rare rewards alerts are spawned separately - it's shouldn't be tough to expand this system with another component for event.




You can post all the memes you want (this one's quite lame though) and accuse me of trolling while obviously either not knowing what it means or feeling in the mood to insult me, but it doesn't change the fact that everyone here is talking about the multitude of reasons why this event is absolutely BAD. And you're here talking about whether or not they're manually putting in the event alerts. Well guess what? As I've said to the above user, (in a previous post you chose to ignore) even if they are it doesn't change the fact that it's BAD, as well as incredibly annoying. So feel free to join the user above and pat yourselves on the back for how your assumptions = this event is great.


My biggest issue with the events is the complete lack of lore in them. Yah we're doing it, and there is the little diorama, but nothing during game play.


You don't find any interesting things on the Corpus doing the alerts nor you don't hear any new dialog from them on their void ships. I'm dying here for some substance. Data logs you can read and collect, audio logs, just something to make it interesting while in mission giving the Corpus a really bad day.


These events just come off as hollow hoops we have to jump through cause there is so little to them otherwise. These are fantastic chances to inject some story and lore into the game, please do so DE!


This is just really the dead horse in the road so to speak. When they released the "Mercury Update" they touted it as the "Mercury Lore update". Yet so far we've only had lore that firstly, we already knew about, and secondly which was nowhere in game, rather hidden in the profile tab of all places (lol wtf).


While I wasn't expecting them to actually implement lore in this event,(and grow increasingly convinced they never will in game at least, probably just more of the same profile tab stuff) at the same time as you mention, I wasn't expecting them to make an event where the lore starts and finishes at the little video posted in the forums and then the event in the game absolutely destroys any kind of lore or immersion you can have simply by having the most ridiculous and tedious processes they have ever introduced yet.

Edited by LuxAngel7
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I agree that the execution of this event is a bit lacklustre, and a bit of a letdown following the awesomeness which embodied the Fomorian Sabotage event. However, it's not that the event lacks quantifiable rewards, or even that it functions through the alert system. The market is an interesting twist, though I have to agree that it is a bit immersion breaking. So I'd suggest making the market itself more immersive. Create a Tenno Black Market Dealer who hosts forays into the market. Create a separate subsection for event-related content. Stuff like that.

If I were running the event, it would go a little more like this:

1. Tenno must embark on alert missions that give access to Corpus Solar Rail satellite stations, and perform a series of successive, increasingly difficult hacking sequences to trigger a system scan with the satellite's sensors. The scan temporarily reveals a fixed set of 'Void Ruptures' and allows the Tenno to access them for a limited amount of time. The idea is that while the Corpus are ahead of other factions in terms of accessing the Void, they are still leagues behind where the Orokin were before they went extinct, and Corpus ships leave trace signatures when they enter the Void. When I say fixed set, I mean that it is pre-decided which of the ruptures leads to a ship with a Corpus scout.

2. The Tenno must select one of the ruptures to venture into in search of the Corpus ships. If they pick the wrong rupture, they get sucked into a derelict ship adrift in the void, which features a new 'Void Storm' hazard. The conditions of this hazard randomly warp corrputed enemies onto the ship, cause lightning storms that ravage tiles of the ship and dynamically alter levels of gravity. The Tenno must make their way through the ship, re-enable its shielding systems, and then escape the ship as its reactor struggles to keep the shields running against the aforementioned storm. I know, I know, timer this, timer that. But it's immersive, and as a result of the ship being in such critical condtion, its security lockdown functions aren't in working order. Upon completion of the mission, the ship goes *boom* and the rupture closes permanently after the Tenno escape. (This is on an individual basis.)

3. Upon selecting the correct rupture, the Tenno are transported onto a Corpus ship tasked with capturing the resident scout(s). However, these capture missions function a bit differently. The numbers of scouts on board scale with the number of party members (if they don't already...). If the Tenno break stealth (e.g. trigger an alarm) before reaching the scouts, instead of the scouts just sitting there and waiting for the inevitable, a timer will trigger and the scouts will begin moving with an escort squad to the nearest escape shuttle. The Tenno must then work quickly to intercept the escaping scouts or fail the mission if all scouts escape. Failing the mission results in the scouts relocating, and the Corpus being the shrewd pragmatists that they are will open new decoy ruptures in the system in case the Tenno try sniffing around for their scouts again.


4. Upon successfully capturing all remaining scouts, there is a 33% chance of a secondary objective where the Tenno must plant a datacore into the ship's communications system for the Lotus. She uses the interface to raise false communications with other Scout ships supposedly relaying information about Tenno movements in the system. If done successfully, the next time Tenno scan for ruptures in a different system, the Corpus will relay a short message to their comrades, identifying their location.

My suggestion for the event is a bit convoluted, yes... and it makes use of an alarming number of timers. However, I feel like it would be a lot more immersive, and the Tenno would have the opportunity to really feel the 'danger' Alad mentioned of being drawn into the Void storms. It would certainly be much better than the current system of "Do these generic standard missions under specific conditions."

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Be smart and think about how they will use failure at events as an excuse to delay adding new content. There is just too many wrongs with this event that one might think DE is trying to make us fail. Now I am not sure why are they trying so hard to make their player base hate them but it is beyond my understanding of game development.

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Be smart and think about how they will use failure at events as an excuse to delay adding new content. There is just too many wrongs with this event that one might think DE is trying to make us fail. Now I am not sure why are they trying so hard to make their player base hate them but it is beyond my understanding of game development.


Uhm, they really tried hard when they added slide-cooldown but low and behold they changed that back. That's when they actually tried making us hate them.


I wouldn't even bother too much with content being/or not being added because of an event. Basicly if it's completed content it's gonna be implemented sooner or later anyways or it would be wasted money for DE.

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