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Paris Vs Dread



just got my dread blueprints and thinking of replacing my paris with it.

but when i checked out the wiki page, dread is remarkable in all stats compared to paris but the thing is dread does blade damage which does not ignores armor compared to the physics damage of paris which does ignores armor...

can you give me some pointers in which to pick?

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Paris can make body shots and deal good damage, but with snipers or bows, you ought to be aiming for the weak spot. Dread's base damage is higher, so it scales with mods much better. Also, it's crit damage and crit chance are much higher, so it's for shooting weak spots and getting critical hits on said weak spots, while the Paris is for those who are less accurate.


EDIT: Arrow drop on the Dread is barely there, but it's clear and painful on the Paris.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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Dread is AP and its stats are way better than Paris. You can go, replace your Paris !

Umm, it's Slashing damage. x3 damage to Infested, affected by armor. (This doesn't mean Dread is good for Infested and Paris for everything else. Light Infested take the x3 damage, Ancients don't. There's way too many light Infested to even consider sniping. Just melee them or spray the crowd with a shotgun or anything similar.)

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Well Dread base damage is higher than the Paris and you would notice the difference after the mods have been applied; also, it has better polarities, it's faster and with a piercing mod the armor problem is less relevant.

From the Wiki:


  • The Dread's higher base damage makes up for the lack of innate armor ignore compared to the Paris when both are modded up with more than one elemental type damage, making it superior to the Paris in nearly all situations. The exception is non-weakspot hits against infested ancients, where Paris wins. Against most other enemies, and on weakspot hits against ancients, the Dread beats the Paris by a wide margin. This is because the elemental mods don't get the benefit of Paris armor ignoring physics impact damage type, and scales from the base damage which is much higher on Dread than on Paris.

Anyway, if you have to use a bow, go and get the Paris Prime!:P

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Paris is much better at high levels because it ignores armor, and Paris Prime is even better.

What are you. Dread + weak spot + critical hit. Deals much, much more damage than a Paris. Even then, yeah, Paris Prime is more well-rounded, so it's decent at both accurate and lazy shots. Crit damage isn't as high, unfortunately.

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Well Dread base damage is higher than the Paris and you would notice the difference after the mods have been applied; also, it has better polarities, it's faster and with a piercing mod the armor problem is less relevant.

From the Wiki:


  • The Dread's higher base damage makes up for the lack of innate armor ignore compared to the Paris when both are modded up with more than one elemental type damage, making it superior to the Paris in nearly all situations. The exception is non-weakspot hits against infested ancients, where Paris wins. Against most other enemies, and on weakspot hits against ancients, the Dread beats the Paris by a wide margin. This is because the elemental mods don't get the benefit of Paris armor ignoring physics impact damage type, and scales from the base damage which is much higher on Dread than on Paris.

Anyway, if you have to use a bow, go and get the Paris Prime!:P

so wait a minute...

to clarify the elemental damages like fire , freeze etc are multiplied from the base damage or the innate damage of the weapon, not the damage dealt?

meaning lets say i have 80% fire damage, its gonna be multiplied to the 60 raw/base damage of the dread... not 80% of whatever is left of the damage negated by armor right?

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so wait a minute...

to clarify the elemental damages like fire , freeze etc are multiplied from the base damage or the innate damage of the weapon, not the damage dealt?

meaning lets say i have 80% fire damage, its gonna be multiplied to the 60 raw/base damage of the dread... not 80% of whatever is left of the damage negated by armor right?



Base damage+extra damage from mods such as Serration, Hornet Strike and Pressure Point/Killing Blow.

Edited by Brimir
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Elemental mods (with exception to Armor Piercing) are susceptible to enemy armor. They become nearly useless in T3 Void Def. 


Damage on weakpoints are still susceptible to armor. Weakpoints are simply multipliers for the intersection of certain damage types and body parts.


In the end of the day, the sad truth is that serrated bladed, physics impact, poison and armor-piercing are the only damage properties that are remotely effective endgame. It doesn't matter what higher damage Dread has over Paris, since its non-armor-ignoring damage, along with Fire/Freeze/Electric mods, are affected by armor. 

Edited by Xuande
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Well Dread base damage is higher than the Paris and you would notice the difference after the mods have been applied; also, it has better polarities, it's faster and with a piercing mod the armor problem is less relevant.

From the Wiki:


  • The Dread's higher base damage makes up for the lack of innate armor ignore compared to the Paris when both are modded up with more than one elemental type damage, making it superior to the Paris in nearly all situations. The exception is non-weakspot hits against infested ancients, where Paris wins. Against most other enemies, and on weakspot hits against ancients, the Dread beats the Paris by a wide margin. This is because the elemental mods don't get the benefit of Paris armor ignoring physics impact damage type, and scales from the base damage which is much higher on Dread than on Paris.

Anyway, if you have to use a bow, go and get the Paris Prime!:P


Never depend on the wiki. The wiki can be edited by anyone, and it's often prone to hearsay and rumors. It's because of the wiki that the myth of Dread having faster arrow speed and less arcing lasted for so long. In truth, all the bows in-game have identical max speeds and gravity drops, as proven by the datamined info on the /r/warframe subreddit.

Edited by Xuande
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Never depend on the wiki. The wiki can be edited by anyone, and it's often prone to hearsay and rumors. It's because of the wiki that the myth of Dread having faster arrow speed and less arcing lasted for so long. In truth, all the bows in-game have identical max speeds and gravity drops, as proven by the datamined info on the /r/warframe subreddit.


I ranked both the Paris and the Dread to Level 30, and the Dread, at least, had significantly less arrow drop compared to the Paris. However, such an observation was made just before Update 9.

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