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Paris Prime Vs Dread



I recently have a paris prime ready to make and a dread ready to make. I only have one slot left in my inventory so I was wondering if I could help you. I think that paris prime may be better but I would like your opinions. Aldo I really really really hate the look of the paris prime. but I would just like to know about stats and performance. Could someone help me please

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Armour Ignore>Everything else


Stick with that fugly Paris Prime, unfortunately.


The Dread has significantly more critical damage (200% base, can be raised to 560% with Vital Sense and Hammer Shot) compared to the Paris Prime (150% base, can be raised to 420%). Up to a certain point (armor scaling eventually affects weak points), the Dread is straight out better than  Paris Prime as long as you aim for those weak points and do not have Sonar.

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-The big differences between the two bows i'd say is that the dread has no armor ignore while the Paris Prime does


-Paris Prime has about 5 more base damage


-The dread has two "V" polarity slots while the Paris prime has one "V" and one "--"polarity slot.


-The dread does 200 charge crit damage while the paris prime does 150 charge crit damage.


So overall, The Dread is better with a crit build, while the Paris Prime is better with it's armor ignore.


If you really dislike how the Paris Prime looks, you can build around the dread's non-exsistant armor ignore and put armor piercing damage on if you'd rather have a dread.






Look at the wikia if you want to see all the stats and info for yourself.


Edit: weak spots are like head shots.

Edited by FoxSouls
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Ehhrm yes and no.


"Head" is the weak spot on ancients (if you can call that a head), it's just that its armored much like Corpus crewman heads.


Ancient legs aren't exaclty weakspots, just unprotected (unarmored if you will).


i.e. if you have armor ignoring damage aim for the head, if not then the leg.


EDIT: oh and on the topic. The Paris P. is pretty much better than the Dread in most every aspect (aside from crit damage?). Also, lack of armor ignore hurts a lot in the long run.

Edited by Lers
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EDIT: oh and on the topic. The Paris P. is pretty much better than the Dread in most every aspect (aside from crit damage?). Also, lack of armor ignore hurts a lot in the long run.

This, the only reason to use the Dread instead of a Paris Prime is a higher critical damage, but it's more than offset by the armor ignoring and the higher base damage that will also scale with elemental mods.

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Ehhrm yes and no.


"Head" is the weak spot on ancients (if you can call that a head), it's just that its armored much like Corpus crewman heads.


Ancient legs aren't exaclty weakspots, just unprotected (unarmored if you will).


i.e. if you have armor ignoring damage aim for the head, if not then the leg.


EDIT: oh and on the topic. The Paris P. is pretty much better than the Dread in most every aspect (aside from crit damage?). Also, lack of armor ignore hurts a lot in the long run.

Ancient heads are protected like Crewmen heads = only armor pierce damage.


Ancient legs are unprotected, but take x2 damage from fire.

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...just went to the game and observed a MOA.


Dang it, you're right. ;_;


Oh, the Ancients have weakspots on their legs (apparently?), but the hitbox is way too weird to try hitting them there.


They have two weakspots


Their head (which is annoying because when you hit them there they bend over backwards making subsequent hits impossible).


Their upper legs/thighs.


Personally I've just stopped going for the head and going for the legs - aiming at the crotch seems to do the trick with Hek/Gorgon.



This, the only reason to use the Dread instead of a Paris Prime is a higher critical damage, but it's more than offset by the armor ignoring and the higher base damage that will also scale with elemental mods.


The Paris Prime looks stupid. Dread doesn't. So there is that, too.

Edited by Brimir
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The Dread has significantly more critical damage (200% base, can be raised to 560% with Vital Sense and Hammer Shot) compared to the Paris Prime (150% base, can be raised to 420%). Up to a certain point (armor scaling eventually affects weak points), the Dread is straight out better than  Paris Prime as long as you aim for those weak points and do not have Sonar.



Paris prime has almost the same dps as the dread.

dps calculated with full mods fit best for both weapons. To calculate dps you get the total damage + crit damage / cycle time. (cycle is reload and clip spending time.)


Since its dps is the same and it has armor ignore... it is now 2x as good as the dread.


if i missed something do tell ^.^

TIP: all bows generally do the lowest dps in the game so i suggest using a lanka.

Edited by MonsTheLord
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Paris prime has almost the same dps as the dread.

dps calculated with full mods fit best for both weapons. To calculate dps you get the total damage + crit damage / cycle time. (cycle is reload and clip spending time.)


Since its dps is the same and it has armor ignore... it is now 2x as good as the dread.


if i missed something do tell ^.^

TIP: all bows generally do the lowest dps in the game so i suggest using a lanka.

The Dread deals more DPS than the Paris Prime in most cases, assuming you hit weak points and don't have Sonar. The two bows have the "same stats", except the Paris Prime deals Physics Impact damage and the Dread deals Blade damage while having high base critical damage. 


Can you show the numbers of how the Paris Prime is now "2x as good as the dread"? Why are you calculating DPS on sniping weapons? They are supposed to be one hit kill wonders, which means DPH is more important.


P.S. I would claim the Vulkar deals the lowest DPS and DPH in the game due to the long reload, small clip, and 125 Bullet damage. Additionally, the Lanka requires many resources and a high Mastery rank.

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