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Enter: The Rollerboss!


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Alright, nostalgia time, remember MDK 2? There was one of the first bosses that was kind of a glowing ball of light with armor plates (played with Max the Dog) *searchin pics* better yet, video (I give up trying to insert the video)


It would be neat to make the roller have similar mechanics to this, break the armor parts to pieces then go in for the core.

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I´d lvoe it as a boss,here´s my suggestion for taking it down.

It would come out at you from a giant Garage/Fortress,wich is inaccesible.

In the middle of the Roller would be a "command center" of sorts,where Elite Arid Lancer and Troopers would be located,keeping the Roller´s controls up and running.

Your goal would be too lure the Roller into hitting a wall or rock or whatever,to make it stop,then parkour into the command center,kill the Grineer and start smashing apart the devices that are keeping it rolling.

After you did enough damage,you need to GTFO as the command center will blow up,killing you.

As you jump out and it´s controls blow up,the Roller,thou with great difficulty,makes it back to the Garage,where they PARTIALLY repair him,while sending some troops at you.

Bassicaly you´d need to do this 3 times.

Support he would have:-Arid Ballistas on some towers guarding the Garage

-The Lancers and Troopers in the command center could shoot at you

-Helions flying around him.

Sound good?

*EDIT*:How about make him have THREE of those Command Centers placed around in the middle?

Edited by SniffYoBunnies
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Hi guys,


After reading the posts in this thread - Link

And also giving my take on the rollerboss idea, I thought I'd create a thread for it.


Rollers are generally considered to be annoying "enemies", who are just there to stun you.

But, I honestly think a rollerboss would be awesome if done right.




(From the game Bulletstorm)


I think a rollerboss would be awesome if it was on a huge scale like that.

It would be on the new grineer settlements. Taking place in a huge, open area. (maybe with some buildings, boulders, structures etc.)

When the roller connects with a structure, it would tear through it. (could be hard on the systems, though)


I'll post this thread now, and think of some other mechanics and edit the post.



What do you think would be some cool ideas for a boss like this?


*Edit 1*

1. I think this boss should definitely have some special way of taking it down. Not just shooting it non-stop until it's dead.

Post some ideas about what you think would be an interesting way to do this.

2. Deckers brought up an interesting point.

Powers. How would powers affect it?

IMO, this should be kind of like an endgame type boss, where you need to play skillfully, and smart, to win.

This means that Snowglobe and Bastille shouldn't be used as 'I win' buttons.


Maybe Snowglobe protects you from 1 impact, that's it.

Bastille could slow it down by a small amount, rather than raising it into the air.


*Edit 2*

I think it should have some weapons as well, instead of just rolling around.

Perhaps some missiles or projectiles that fires upon you while it's rolling. (not cheap, 1 shotting projectiles. I.E Raptor)

But, something that will keep you on your toes, while still keeping the boss fight feeling fair.


*Edit 3*

After reading over the replies, the issue of what should happen if it rolls over you arises.

Honestly, I think, like has been said, you should be downed.


I'm all for having 1 hit kill bosses, as long as they are kept fair.

1 hit kills would work, as long as this boss can't zip around back to you and roll over your face again in the space of 2 seconds.

That's Raptor's issue. He has high damaging attacks, but it never feels fair when you fight him/it.


Challenging, but fair. That's the way Dark Souls does things, and that's the way boss fights should be.





Rollers are already scary enough. it's worse having undead ones. AND YOU WANT A GIANT ROLLER for us to fight!? i'm sorry, but if that happens, i'm going to Nopeville.

Edited by Dexaldem
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I´d lvoe it as a boss,here´s my suggestion for taking it down.

It would come out at you from a giant Garage/Fortress,wich is inaccesible.

In the middle of the Roller would be a "command center" of sorts,where Elite Arid Lancer and Troopers would be located,keeping the Roller´s controls up and running.

Your goal would be too lure the Roller into hitting a wall or rock or whatever,to make it stop,then parkour into the command center,kill the Grineer and start smashing apart the devices that are keeping it rolling.

After you did enough damage,you need to GTFO as the command center will blow up,killing you.

As you jump out and it´s controls blow up,the Roller,thou with great difficulty,makes it back to the Garage,where they PARTIALLY repair him,while sending some troops at you.

Bassicaly you´d need to do this 3 times.

Support he would have:-Arid Ballistas on some towers guarding the Garage

-The Lancers and Troopers in the command center could shoot at you

-Helions flying around him.

Sound good?

*EDIT*:How about make him have THREE of those Command Centers placed around in the middle?

this is interesting and this could be an awesome exspansion to the idea of Rollerboss


maybe it could summon minirollers with dropods being fired from tubes/cannons from the boss

Edited by Zero2200
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