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Volt Systems Bug!



Hey, Me and my friend have been searching for the ******* Systems for 2 days now. ABOUT 50 ROUNDS OF THE OTHER BP'S!

And we always get chassis or helmet!

Today I got all Rhino parts in 1 hour and that wasn't hard at all.

So i wonder... Why the **** can't we find the ******* Systems?????

Edited by Times22
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7 answers to this question

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RNG will troll, I'm sure your attitude towards it however will not get anything done.


The Rhino parts are easy if you were doing the assassination alerts, its a heavily increased drop rate in alerts. 


Perhaps acquire a Rabbits foot or 4-leaf clover?

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Well I remember doing 70+ missions for ember systems in around 1 week but I got it in the end. the secret is not to let the RNG rule over you.

Just accept it and do 5-10 runs daily, smile if you fail and quit for the day if you see it not going anywhere.

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Right now certain boss drops seem to be bugged.

My friend has gotten 20 Nova Chassis's in a row so far, and that streak only seems to be getting bigger.


I checked the bug report forums and there's a thread in there as well, which further confirms my suspicions that Warframe blueprint drop-rates are currently bugged.

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Right now certain boss drops seem to be bugged.

My friend has gotten 20 Nova Chassis's in a row so far, and that streak only seems to be getting bigger.


I checked the bug report forums and there's a thread in there as well, which further confirms my suspicions that Warframe blueprint drop-rates are currently bugged.

Nothing is bugged, stop saying that, people! Obviously, Developers want to earn money, so they made the systems hard to get! I did 60+ runs to get Saryn, and finally got it. So keep doing it

Got 3 excalibut chassis in a row, theres really wrong with the drop rates and it was the samething with the corpus cipher with hyena, only rhino chassis in 10 runs.

Dude. You got 3 chassis in a row and you are complaining here?! I got 45 in a row, and in the end i finally got my systems. As I stated above, if all the parts were easy to get in 10-15 runs, there would be only few people buying warframes for platinum
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You don't seem to understand.


The extremely high Chassis+low everything else droprates are not SUPPOSED to be like this.

If it was, it would have been like that to begin with.


The droprates are currently bugged, which means they aren't working as intended, which is the reason for these complaints.


Bugs need to be fixed, and that's what this forum, and these posts are for, since DE is usually pretty good at fixing bugs.

Edited by Haif
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