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Sick To Death Of Rushers - Can We Have A Kick Or Block Function Please?


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I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of rushers joining online missions and completely ruining my enjoyment of Warframe.  Being well on my way to "end game" builds I am more interested in exploring maps, collecting materials and killing all of the enemies for max XP.  It is not always possible to do this solo and to be honest I really enjoy the co-op aspect of Warframe.


Is there anyway we could get a kick function or console command for the squad host or a way of blocking players who you do not want the system to allow in party.  I have experience issues of leaving squads because of rushers only to be put back into the same squad as they are following the same route.


I don't want to play with rushers plain and simple and as it stands I can see no way of preventing or avoiding these players.

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I couldn't agree more. In fact I have made a thread asking for a kick option myself, but just like every thread asking for this it got flame bombed to hell. Seems like most the community is against it even though trolls and rushers are messing up the game to the point of making older players and newbies leave.

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As every time someone posts this complaint:


1. Don't play in public games.

2. If you can't solo, find people you know to run with, such as a clan.


They already added a function where it takes at least two people to start the countdown timer; if everyone is rushing but you, you may be playing the wrong game type. Assassination is an especially notable mission type where people are trying to get blueprints, so its best not to even bother unless you're in a group and actively trying to level weapons or something.

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This is why I kinda wanted pregame and postgame lobbies.  Get a chance to talk to people about the mission..."hey are you guys going to rush" etc.


That way if you get a bad feeling you can just drop out and join another lobby.


But I think any game that is multiplayer focused there should be game lobbies.

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I couldn't agree more. In fact I have made a thread asking for a kick option myself, but just like every thread asking for this it got flame bombed to hell. Seems like most the community is against it even though trolls and rushers are messing up the game to the point of making older players and newbies leave.


It's part of why I stopped playing so often. 

Most times that I went online, I had to equip rushing mods just to keep up with the other three idiots that continuously run past every single enemy and loot container.


The co-op experience is something akin to playing fighting games online. 

You think it's going to turn out one way, and before you know it, the last 10 matches you played have all had Ryu spamming Hadoken until the timer runs out.

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Game is for ninjas... theres only 2 ways to go ... stealth or rush... and in any multiplayer party stealth is broken... so we just rush... stop to defend pod or terminals then rush again... why do i have to waste my time with low lv enemies.... thats why when i wanna rush i play solo mode and not multiplayer... rusher players shall think this way.... i mean if ur rushing u wont be needing any team8 right?

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Wish granted. Can't wait for the rage when people come here and cry oh so much when they got kicked for being slowpokes in a rusher game.


Seriously though, I don't agree. As a rusher myself I also don't enjoy having to deal with flowersniffing noobs, but I don't cry for kickbans just because of that...

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Although I don't think a kick/ban function would suit the needs, I do agree that something needs to be done. Rushers don't want to hang out with people playing at a normal speed, and those people don't want to hang out with rushers. The gameplay of both parties counter eachother to equal a much less fun mission. I myself am a person that doesn't enjoy rushing, but i also don't enjoy playing hour-long missions that are dragged out by unnecessary amount of looting and killing.


The lobby idea for example, would be a great addition, where before you get put into a mission, you first get into lobby where every single player has to click "Play Now" before the mission really begins. This way, people can communicate about how they want to play the mission and leave if the party doesn't suit their wishes.


Another thing could be a function where you have to click an option that says 'Rush' or 'Loot' before it even starts searching for players, and then the matchmaking pairs you with people who have clicked the same option.


I dunno, just throwing my 2 cents into this.


Tl;dr: Really sick and tired too, something needs to be done.

Edited by Zerathos_Dagon
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Wish granted. Can't wait for the rage when people come here and cry oh so much when they got kicked for being slowpokes in a rusher game.


Seriously though, I don't agree. As a rusher myself I also don't enjoy having to deal with flowersniffing noobs, but I don't cry for kickbans just because of that...

if you're rushing then you obviously don't need a team right? so why don't you stick to solo and stop annoying people who don't rush.

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As every time someone posts this complaint:


1. Don't play in public games.

2. If you can't solo, find people you know to run with, such as a clan.


They already added a function where it takes at least two people to start the countdown timer; if everyone is rushing but you, you may be playing the wrong game type. Assassination is an especially notable mission type where people are trying to get blueprints, so its best not to even bother unless you're in a group and actively trying to level weapons or something.


OR perhaps rushers could play solo?

If they want to leave their team behind so badly they should just not play with a team at all.

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Question for all anti-rushers: have you ever bothered to ask people to slow down? In 130 hours of play time, I've only been confronted about rushing twice: one was someone just blabbering insults when he died while the rest of the team was waiting at extraction, and the other was someone who actually asked me to slow down in the beginning. Know what I did? I actually slowed down! It irritates me how apparently people would rather complain on the forums than in the game, before the whole "being too slow and dying, not being able to see the levels that you'll see plenty of sice there's not that many." I can handle myself alone in any mission, but sometimes having a (competent) team can speed things up.

I was kinda annoyed with rushers when I started, did I just cry like a child? Hell no, I learned the map shortcuts, I learned the different maneuvers for rushing, and I'm a better player because of it. (Note, I actually kill things as I move along, and usually if I manage to be like 4 tiles ahead of my whole team, I'll wait for them.)

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Rushing is generally looked down upon in the community; rushers that come into these threads and counter-complain only make themselves look more of a jackass because they are trying to justify ruining the gameplay experience of other people on the premise of:


"I can rush if I want to, and no one can stop me. If you don't like it, go play with slow people."


...Without realizing the irony that everything that has been said from rushers to normal people can be easily reversed. 


1. Don't play in public games.

2. If you can't solo, find people you know to run with, such as a clan.

>Join clan

>Play with rushers


>No more QQ


But, you know, just keep telling the non-rushing people to go somewhere else. No double-standards or anything.


I usually play nothing but solo now, unless I'm playing Defense, because of the large amount of games I've gotten into where people have conflicting interests; rushing or otherwise.

Edited by Kielix7
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I am absolutely sick to the back teeth of rushers joining online missions and completely ruining my enjoyment of Warframe.  

I agree, but, dont blame the rushers, you need to blame the game designers.


The game is designed to be fast paced (intentional or not, thats the way it functions).

I honestly expected Mass effect/Rainbow six style gameplay when i first installed. I was a little disappointed.


A simple case of better AI, better spawns, better maps, better balance and gameplay (designed around team play) would fix the issue. You can solo everything in this game. You can rush any mission easily.

I prefer to play T3 with 2 players, taking our time. But it can be achieved by rushing. The game allows you to do either.

Edited by Fourdee
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I agree, but, dont blame the rushers, you need to blame the game designers.


The game is designed to be fast paced (intentional or not, thats the way it functions).

I honestly expected Mass effect/Rainbow six style gameplay when i first installed. I was a little disappointed.


A simple case of better AI, better spawns, better maps, better balance and gameplay (designed around team play) would fix the issue. You can solo everything in this game. You can rush any mission easily.

I prefer to play T3 with 2 players, taking our time. But it can be achieved by rushing. The game allows you to do either.


^This is spot on on every level.



Have to agree with the expected gameplay too.  While i'm not disappointed with Warframes unique style, I don't think it's working the way the developers intended with people just using it as a method to power grind and leave teammates in the dust.

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Do you see threads about rushers complaining about people who go slow?

No, because the people who go slow miss out on the endgame rewards while the rushers get at most a 1 minute inconvenience.

I also dislike the attitudes of most rushers. I was in a game once as Volt with a Thrak Rhino, a Nova, and a Loki. The Nova and Loki rushed the whole level, and got to the exit while Rhino and me were a good distance away. I got to the exit with 40 seconds left, then went back to use Speed on the Rhino so he could make it to the exit and get the endgame reward. When there was 10 seconds left, the player playing Nova said something insulting to the two of us for slowing them down. Instead of, ya know, going back a bit and using Worm Hole to speed us up. Heck, even the Loki could have run back a bit and used Switch Teleport to help the Rhino player out.

I get wanting to finish quickly. But not every player has a mod setup that is good for rushing.

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NO ! 


(this again?  *facepalm)


No. Don't feed the trolls.

No kick, no vote kick.


Go play with like minded players. That's what the contacts list is for. (and clans) An ignore list would be nice though.


Every MMO that has a kick sees it getting abused in a variety of different scenarios by people who kick for reasons of extreme prejudice.


Here is how to not play with trolls. (for now)


Contact list

1) Play with random people.

2) Add people whose play style you agree with to your contacts list.

3) Do not add people to your contacts list that you disagree with for any reason. (any reason at all it's up to you)

4) After some time you will have a list of players personally approved by you. Play with them.

5) Maintain your list. If you need to boot someone or if someone stops playing you may have to play some more randoms to refill your list.


NO KICK of any kind. Blacklist, sure. Way less potential to be used by the trolls. Do you not understand that the people you are complaining about will have the ability to kick other players too? Why give the trolls any player that power? With a blacklist yes, you have to play with the troll rusher / turtle once, but only once! And no one gets kicked just because they happen to be on a Loki frame, or because they're new and they got lost, or because they broke a window for the third time with the miter.





Edited by Carcharias
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But, you know, just keep telling the non-rushing people to go somewhere else. No double-standards or anything.


I usually play nothing but solo now, unless I'm playing Defense, because of the large amount of games I've gotten into where people have conflicting interests; rushing or otherwise.

That's sort of the point of my post. If someone complains and there is a solution, they can solve it themselves. If the person with the problem can easily circumvent the things they dislike, they should perhaps consider it. It is definitely a two-way street, that much is for sure! I would post the exact same thing if a rusher complained about people lagging behind and exploring areas. The status quo has not changed, people just need to start doing things a little differently to achieve their intended goals.


I personally mostly play Solo as well, because I really don't need help on missions when I am doing a mission for a specific reason.

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DE is a game company, not a day-care center.  They can enforce EULA rules, but they can't stop people from being @$$hats - which in this situation is defined as anyone who employs a style of gameplay that is incongruous with your own.


Even now, there is another player out there who is composing a thread about slow-motion grinders screwing up the timing of their completion reward drop rates for rare items by opening every locker & kicking over every rock for every last credit chit on a map.


Glass houses.  Thrown objects.  Look into it.

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