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Paris Or Dread?



12 answers to this question

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Dread on lvls 1-50 after that you want the Paris Prime (or the normal Paris even).


Dread had "blade" damage that will do more damage on lower lvls.


Paris has "physical impact" dmg which is "armor ignore" and tends to be more important on higher lvls ie vs Ancients.


Also Paris prime can strike several lined up enemies with one shot.


I have both Dread and Paris Prime and so far the "Paris Prime" is winning (tho Dread looks way cooler) :)

Edited by gala72
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Paris Prime>Dread>Paris.


Generally Paris and Dread have their pros and cons depending on your use and playstyle, however paris prime generally outclasses both on all levels.


Dread > Paris (Prime) if you can aim and don't have Sonar, Paris (Prime) > Dread if you don't/can't aim or have Sonar.

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Paris Prime has more damage...


More base uncharged damage. When do you even fire uncharged shots outside of proc'ing Thunderbolt?


The Dread and Paris Prime have the same base charge, 150 damage. The Dread also has 200% base critical, which means a lot when adding the same critical mods. That's why the Dread is viable end-game.

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More base uncharged damage. When do you even fire uncharged shots outside of proc'ing Thunderbolt?


The Dread and Paris Prime have the same base charge, 150 damage. The Dread also has 200% base critical, which means a lot when adding the same critical mods. That's why the Dread is viable end-game.

This... All day. Thank you, sir!

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