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Creation Of A Public Void Area


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With the sea of LFs in the recruitment chat and well the surge of complaints on Void setup connected to the Arid Fear event.



Perhaps it would be time to consider a way of making the Void public to cut down on the rather clunky way its done.


I understand partial why the void is pretty much Invite only but that only goes so far for people with small clans, time zones and horrid luck.



I propose, the creation of a Void hub map, which would allow the ability of hosts to create Void missions that are open to public joining... in that area.



It would separate the missions by Tiers and types. IE T1 Raids here, T2 Raids there etc etc.



Keys would still have to be bought/obtained.

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I'm in a clan with a large chunk of people who are on when I'm on have the first set of void items and I'm sitting on this mountain of void keys for those two mission types, and I in a wild hair decide I want to get rid of them



Instead trying to figure out which people I can host and which I can't. I just go to the Tier 2 Exterminate, Open a lobby and then sit and wait for people looking for t2 exterminate instead of trying to hunt them down in a sea of chat text.

Edited by FrostWolf
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Yes! Please may we have an area where we can open void quests and allow people to randomly join.

Does not even need to be a full on map. Can just be a menu window that you open and can click to host mission type X or you can click to join mission type Z.

Also would be very nice if someone could offer a key in the same system, that way someone with a slow computer/ slow internet could still buy keys. But the host would be chosen by DE's servers. Maybe develop some type of test packet that could be sent to all machines and the one that meshes best at the moment would be host.

Edited by Synxt
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I've been wanting to have this for quite some time. I really don't get why we have go through the trouble to invite people when there already is a matchmaking system. Void keys also doesn't get used up if you die so you can just retry it as many times as you want.


If the Developers want to put some limit, just make it so that a person can only join 5 Voids before having to host one himself. But each time you host you can join 5 more and it should stack. So if someone have hosted 10 Void games he'd be able to join 50 Void missions before having to host again to be able to join.


This would make so that more void keys are being used because it's less of a hassle to host them and possible even more void keys being sold. 


Why are they not doing this? :/

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  • 5 weeks later...

It is rather convoluted of an invite system... Hell the clan invite system still doesn't work most of the time.


Granted they've now made a new area just like with the Orokin Derelict areas. 


So it be the creation of two zones for public access.

Edited by FrostWolf
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I thought of just this, came to the forums, and was delighted to find other supporters of the idea already with an ongoing thread. +1.


I have many keys that I don't need anything from, I wouldn't mind using, but would much rather not because of how troublesome it is to manually sift through the sea of Region/Recruiting.


Making things worse are the NAT issues that temperamentally appear at the most inconvenient of times. If port forwarding is the problem, why does simply relobbying clear it up? But it can take over a dozen tries of relobbying before it finally clicks, and after that the connection is smooth as silk. And not everyone is willing to recreate lobbies. Port forwarding is all properly set up, WF is the only game/program I use with such issues, settings' "Analyze network" says 'All systems nominal'.

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Also would be very nice if someone could offer a key in the same system, that way someone with a slow computer/ slow internet could still buy keys. But the host would be chosen by DE's servers. Maybe develop some type of test packet that could be sent to all machines and the one that meshes best at the moment would be host.


This would be a godsend to one of my clan mates who is sitting on a buttload of t3 keys but due to his connection can't really host three other people without it crashing.

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Best thing about the invite system, only 1 person needs a key.

This would use up everyone's keys.

Perhaps that's the price you must pay.


I think you missed the key points or just brushed over them



It be you use a key to create an open lobby for people, Not everybody uses a key to get in.



People would still need keys to create lobbies but the guess work and trying to work with the peer to peer would be reduced

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