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Is It Just Me Or Mods Ain't Working Right?





So, I've got my Frost to level 30 yesterday, and according to Wiki, he has 450 base shield and 300 base health at level 30. Now I have both Redirection and Vitality leveled up so both give +200% of shield/health. Let's do some math.


base_shield = 450;

base_health = 300;

redirection = 200% of 450 = 2 x 450 = 900;

vitality = 200% of 300 = 2 x 300 = 600;


total_shield = 450 + redirection = 450 + 900 = 1350 total shield

total_health = 300 + vitality = 300 + 600 = 900 total shield


And what I have is 750 shield and 500 health. What the...?


Can someone explain how it gets calculated, please?

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5 answers to this question

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Redirection and Vitality add their % from the base stat, not the total, you'll get the same extra shields from redirection whether your warframe is level 1 or 30.

Taken from wiki: The equation for shields is: [Mod %] of [base Stat] + [Current Stat]. This means for example using a rank 6 Redirection on a level 30 Frost = 280% of 150 + 450 = 870 so the Frost now has 870 shields. The same equation is used for armour and health.

I stand corrected.

Edited by Infinite-FX
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The math DE uses goes like this:


For example I'll use Nyx;


Nyx has 100 base shield and 100 base health. Once she reaches rank 30 she has 300 health and 300 shield.

Rank 30 Nyx with maxed redirection and vitality (both at 440%):


Redirection: 300 shield + 100 shield (base) * 4.4 = 740

Vitality: 300 health + 100 health (base) * 4.4 = 740

Edited by _Sokol_
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