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Ugliest Weapon : Dread


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Ugliest Weapon : Dread


Plz change this ugly and annoying weapon's look . specially it's arrows . very very bad and ugly!

Looks are opinions.


I'm going to give you a really bad example.


Someone may think a rotting corpse is the most beautiful thing they've ever seen in their life, and someone else will say "That's @(*()$ disguisting!"


And it's arrows are designed like that because it's a slashing weapon, it slices people in half.

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Really?  That sounds like a good method to you?  That's why assassins throughout the ages have utilized decapitating arrows to kill their targets right?


Again, Dread's arrow is in the same tier as boxing-glove arrows.

You can decapitate someone with just a normal arrow and I never said that arrows like this one existed. Why so hostile anyway?

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I have to agree that the dread's arrows are pretty atrocious looking.  It almost looks like someone strapped a pizza cutter to the end of the arrow.  What is this, some Green Arrow shenanigans?  What am I going to pull out of the quiver next?  An arrow with a boxing glove?

it shouldt be pointy... or it would hurt the enemy i guess 

i love dread and bows i think that its more fun to play with than 70% for the rifles

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I have to agree that the dread's arrows are pretty atrocious looking.  It almost looks like someone strapped a pizza cutter to the end of the arrow.  What is this, some Green Arrow shenanigans?  What am I going to pull out of the quiver next?  An arrow with a boxing glove?

i much rather have red shiny pointy arrows than red shiny pizza cutters. have a 1+

Edited by lautalocos
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i much rather have red shiny pointy arrows than red shiny pizza cutters. have a 1+

I wouldn't.  Tiny points do very little trauma to a target.  You want to put something down hard and fast, hit it with a wider surface.  Causes more shock and damage and will put your enemy down, instead of punching right through them and doing almost nothing.  And given the supposed speeds the basic Paris is supposed to throw an arrow at full draw, you could put a boxing glove at the tip and it will still rip someone's head clean off.

Edited by Nagisawa
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I wouldn't.  Tiny points do very little trauma to a target.  You want to put something down hard and fast, hit it with a wider surface.  Causes more shock and damage and will put your enemy down, instead of punching right through them and doing almost nothing.  And given the supposed speeds the basic Paris is supposed to throw an arrow at full draw, you could put a boxing glove at the tip and it will still rip someone's head clean off.

Do you know how much fast and how forceful said arrow would have to be going at to take someones head clean off? Break there neck yeah, make em fly backwards yeah, chances of it taking there head off though? Hell no. And honestly, if we're gonna compare the speeds of the Paris and a Real Bow a real bow will generally have a flight speed that feels much faster then the bows ingame.

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